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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. New thread started, unless you are a PENGuin. If so, please continue to drivel here.
  2. Hey, Axe I particularly liked the 'splodie Sherman thing just before the game ended! Bwahaahaaaaaaa. I will send a new setup if you wish. What good it will do you I don't know!
  3. Geez, ban all of these grabastic maggots. To all a good turn, and bugger all else. Or somefink like that. Bump.
  4. Bumping anger billows thru me like the non-TNT chucking of my opponents and my imaginary friends. Bumping is sad to have to do in a festivly chucking thread like this one. Bumping is not nearly as good as real or fictional turns. Angry out lout.
  5. Dave. That plane shore can fly, cain't it? Bwahaaahaaaaaaaaaa. And you thought I was a treadhead.
  6. Beat Dave, count me in! Drink up. Help the economy.
  7. Bugger all sodding REMF's. Bah, I hate you all.
  8. Bah. BDLRM sounds good to me. Axe: You pathetic excuse for Yankeedom. 1)Your 105 stuff has mostly missed, and I will NOT give you feedback, and 2) My stuff is killing you softly. Bwahaahaa Aces: Shot out. Boggs: After some initial poopoo have you right where you want me now. Robohn: 97-3? Bwahaahaaaa. Pseudo: I'll send you a setup in a day or two. Mike: good game, maggot. Rematch? Smopium: You suck, I win. Rematch? GGRRAAARRGGHHHHHHHH! PBEFM is so much better than the AI. I'll drink to that!
  9. Me hate maf. She do maf. Me hate Maggots. She hate Maggots. Me like Beer. what the hell else do you want? Maggots. Taxes (on my computer) come first. Irritating ya'll (on crapola computer) comes second and is easy. Remember. Chucked TNT is not your friend.
  10. ...poke.. ...poke... ...bump. MMMAAAAGGGOOOTTTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSS! When my wifely bits finishes the taxes you are in for such a pasting for letting this slip. I hate Maf.
  11. Geez, talk about delusions of grandeur. To all PBEMaggots, I have a delay of game right now, as the computer I got to play games on is being used by my wifely unit to do our taxes on. I am not going to ask her to shove off right now because a) I do not want to sleep downstairs, sex every now and then is better than not at all, c) I don't want to do the taxes myself, and d) because it is a nice way to torment some of you. When she gets mad and leaves in a couple of hours should be good enough for most of you. GGRRAAARRGGGHHH, Angry out lout.
  12. Axe, you only rule as being a cruel whipping-boy puppet for AT guns, incoming Arty, and Molten TNT. Dave's not here, man.
  13. I'm Back! Turns out to all disgusting, maggoty scum-sucking, sheep-snarking, MAGGOTS. May you all burn in the deepest pits of hell for the TNT you want to, but cannot chuck! Send it, Boo.
  14. Regrets to all Maggots to whom I owe turns, I have to go out of town tonight, and I don't have enough time to run the turns in my inbox. I shall return.
  15. I don't see what is funny about kilts. As a Scottish-'Merican whose family was kicked out fair and square, I find the use of aggregious assphotos annoying. Bagpipes are much more annoying. GGRRAARRGGHH. Don't make me play at your funeral. (Truthfully, funerals suck. Weddings are ok, and parades are pretty cool). Oh, yeah. Axe and Acesneights both SUCK at CMAK.
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