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Everything posted by Holien

  1. A question for PT. I am confused as to how I have missed some missions and ended up with the bonus mission which is not listed on the list? "La Mancelliere" Just started it and I think the campaign is effectively over but I got no summary screen or some such confirmation the campaign was over. It could be that this is just the way BF have coded campaigns but for me it would be nice to see a summary at the end? Maybe I get that after this bonus mission? So far excellent work and really gave me a tough challenge, although I have so far won all scenarios but the last game. (SPOILER the last scenario was me defending the Church against 5 Panthers with just one 17pdr and a couple of 6pdrs and 7 Churchill's. This I managed to get a draw which I was happy with considering the power of those damned Panthers. I lost 5 Churchills and took out 2 Panthers and immobilised the other three Panthers with one having no main gun or MG's.) The German infantry were decimated but I lost control of a 50pt area and could not mount an attack on the further most VP zone which I conceded to the AI rather than lose men in a futile attack.) If I get time I might try and review myself the end games of each scenario but I need to replay a bit and grab some screen shots.... Excellent work and I am just into my second turn of La Mancelliere so no spoilers on that please!!!
  2. I think there is a bug, in that when an on board mortar runs out of HE this rule stops happening and smoke can then not be dropped where once you could drop HE and Smoke as the unit had smoke and HE rounds. I did not get a chance to play last night and hope to be able to have a double check tonight. Pretty certain that a mortar unit that runs out of HE can no longer drop it's smoke rounds where it could have done if it still had HE. Hope those sentences make sense?
  3. TheBlackHand your teams have to be from same unit to share if I remember correctly...
  4. I think I have found a buy that when a mortar has smoke and HE rounds it can drop smoke in corn fields despite LOS issues, yet when it just has smoke it can not... I need to double check tonight if I get chance but I throw it out there if anyone else has noticed this?
  5. Yes can be confusing and not too clear. Not being able to area fire from tank to a spot in a wheat field does not seem right but I can live with it... (good job really as I am not sure if it is on radar to fix...)
  6. I had a Sherman take out two German Half Tracks with one shot... Sweet to watch.... Not so good if they are yours....
  7. While I agree it is a bit of a pain and I can live without it I think I am having problems using smoke to area fire locations that you would be allowed to area fire with HE but No go for smoke as you can not see the ground. Not sure if it is a bug or a known feature...
  8. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=103460 See the thread above it is a known issue and there is a work around of not saving during set up and just pressing go.
  9. FYI = John Salt IRL has had a tough few years... he is still around but not playing CMBN yet. I hope he might be prodded into that direction and when I next have a beer with him, and Kip and I will encourage him and extol what he is missing....
  10. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/03/15/wot-i-think-combat-mission-commonwealth-forces/ This was flagged by Paper Tiger in a thread elsewhere and might be of interest to those looking at buying the game?
  11. Just seen this and Skim read bits as still playing the campaign. Just wanted to drop in and say EXCELLENT WORK!! I usually play HtH and this is my first Campaign. The level of detail and work is great and the AI Challenge better than I thought it would be. I am just about to start the 4th mission and I have won the first three games. The third one with the Germans attacking was nail biting and nearly as good as playing vs a human for fun and excitement. A bit too easy at the end but I was desperate for the last 2 lots of reserves and if I did not have them it would have been even closer, as it was those allowed for a fairly easy victory. IMO these are not too difficult and the group of games have blown me away with how good AI play can be. I have never rated AI play and while it still has weaknesses I can now see why people are enjoying games vs the AI. Thanks for the work PT (and beta test team) and I will look out for more of your scenarios. Cheers H
  12. I saw Sergei post this in another thread so cross posted here to try and use this as a good central place to keep track of HtH scenario reviews.... He says http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1349876&postcount=6 CW scenarios that I have played PBEM: In the Shadow of the Hill 5-6 AM (might slightly favour the attacker, but the defender has his chances) In the Shadow of the Hill 6-7 AM (just starting) Buron: Sticking It Out (was a bit one sided as you note, although as the defender I did manage to wreck a few StuGs before it went irreversably downhill) Keep Calm And Carry On (went fairly even, in the end the attacker won) Linking Up & Breaking Out (Germans might be the underdogs, although both sides have a shot at victory) There are also a bunch of scenarios that I think are reasonably balanced, but as I haven't played them H2H myself I cannot attest.
  13. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99376 I have tried to keep a thread going in which the best HtH games are mentioned without Spoilers if possible. This should help and I will update with the CW ones as I play them. Fredrocker is excellent and I will see if I can dig out link to where you can download them. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/home/?p=286 The above link is to Freds Work....
  14. Perhaps it was an oversight? Anyway if it could be changed in future that would be good as I think it will have an effect on the use of British AT guns...
  15. NP for me.... My oppo was none too happy but I have offered to play it back the other way so he can kick me.... I recognise it is really tough to test for H2H play and it takes longer. I don't want to sound negative as I do appreciate the level of effort that goes into these scenarios. It was good that you mentioned it was good for HtH play / AI not all the scenarios mentioned this in the new module and I think having such text really helps the players choose what to have a crack at with their limited time. So thanks for the work and I hope to play some more of your designs... Cheers H
  16. And I mentioned this on another thread but the use of bocage in the town is perhaps not realistic but it is maybe needed for the defender? The scenario is a rough gem with a bit more polish (if you feel so inclined) it would shine.... As you say better for playing vs AI. Not sure if playing as Allied vs AI would still not be too great a challenge as I rarely play vs AI so do not know how the German Ai would handle the attack?
  17. Hmmm Pity this was not noted as I have just played it H2H and I as the Germans the Allies were woefully outclassed and we did not get very far through before my oppo surrendered. This is with the Germans Counter attacking. I would give the Canadians to the stronger player with the understanding that it is going to be very very tough!! There needs to be some tweaks on the VP levels but the overall idea and challenge for the German player is an interesting one.... Just a tad imbalanced IMO.
  18. Yes a pity that on the scenarios I have played some do not have any designer named, again really should be standard to note who did all the work....
  19. It does seem odd but the Brits seem to have fewer Binos altogether and this makes playing with them quite a bit different. I try and keep them in C2 to help minimise the issue of not having Binos...
  20. Please read my post(s) more carefully. All I politely asked was for designers / battlefront to say if the scenario was H2H or AI play. Dead easy to do and not a massive problem if not done. Just means people will aim for scenarios that have specifically said AI or H2H. I said nothing about "Unbalanced" you seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick and are being IMO a tad aggressive and belittling in your response. "Trembling with Fear" "just wasting our time speculating and pontificating" (the irony) If Designers don't want to put that info in then that is up to them but it would be helpful and then players can make informed choices. As for giving feed back on scenarios I have done that and there are some really good ones out there and I have given my view on ones that have been good to play and I hope others will do the same so we can focus our game time on what we personally enjoy, be that vs AI or H2H. Anyway I have made my point and there are others that have come up with good suggestions who feel the same, so I hope it might get adopted by some of the designers if not all.
  21. Hi Chris69 if there could be some changes to the screen then fine, but I realise there is issues with coding resource. In the meantime Battlefront could just ensure before a module is released that this is covered off by issuing simple guidelines to the designers. I am hoping by raising this again we can get some consistency to help the players. Thanks for the link as I had missed that thread.
  22. Dave85 sounds like there might be an issue? I guess some testing might show if this is a big problem, especially if you were not able to take it out with the Churchill.
  23. Hensworth I am confused re the control of the objective as I managed to get the Germans to surrender but maybe that was because I had loads left? Not sure what triggers German surrender, has happened in both the first two scenarios. I am looking forward to setting up my defense on the third game... Excellent Campaign and my first so getting used to the idea that the Computer can provide a decent challenge as I usually play H2H double blind
  24. OK so I have yet to complete any CW scenarios but I have completed quite a few of Fredrockers excellent Sie Kommen II scenarios. The comment earlier in the thread that says you can't go wrong in playing any of these H2H is spot on. Excellent work!!! Some of the highlight scenarios: - All in a Mornings work (could be tough as Allied if strong German Player) Canal Bridges (wow some great action and some good design on VP locations, I won't say more to spoil it) Highway Song - another excellent game and great map. Again some great thought on VP locations. Goin County - Small action intense fun... The only slight let down was Blast the Strong Hold. This did not give us a good game as my style of set up messed up the Allied players chances so pretty poor play. A great idea and depending on what each player does it could be fun, but I would avoid it unless you want to try something very different. All in All excellent work and I still have plenty left to play once I get the CW playing out of my system. Once again thanks to all the designers for some excellent game play.
  25. Hi, You might just have had a bad day... I did use infantry at rear of one bunker and they knocked it out OK and all guys bailed and were nailed. I will watch out for it and see if it happens, so it is good you let it be known as a possible problem. BTW did you still have your tanks left? or were they nailed? The other option was to bypass the bunker and get the rest of the Germans as auto surrender would kick in, that might be a good way to avoid it for future play? Sure if it is a bug for other games that might not be possible but we can always post it a second time if it happens again.
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