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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Hmmm, not good... A TRP (ideally two) is really needed with long delay arty. Esp if you have no FO. More so on defence as you can make a reasonable guess where you want to make the enemy fight and can park it where they will have to hunker down... Ohh well he must focus on his tanks as they are his only hope... Lets hope he can make them work for him...
  2. Elvis where is you FO for the arty? Just trying to understand the impact of losing the HQ that was calling it in? It was a separate HQ unit calling it in? Or did you not get a FO in the end? I have lost track if you had one or not? I guess you might get lucky with the spotting rounds until the mission is called off?
  3. Thanks Steve, and as you point out the delay with the 120mm Mortars could mean they are out of use for this game. I will have to dig further back to see if he has a FO available to help shorten delivery time, when he gets the mortars back on line...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ian.leslie View Post That defect was fixed long ago. I have in the latest CMBN and CMFI got my arty *back* after a while. The battery will no longer keep shooting spotting rounds in the vein hope that the FO will answer. At some point the battery will just cancel the mission themselves. Hi Ian, Sorry my original post should have included the word "might" and I think the above was trying to clarify if any further code change had been made. Sorry if that was not clear. So I think what you are saying is that his arty will come back but spotting rounds will continue to fall until the arty battery give up, which could be quite a long time? I thought that the code was still in such a state that there is a possibility that it might never come back, but maybe that has been changed... I have not had the misfortune in any of my recent games to have spotters die after some bad experiences. Either way it is a very serious turn of events and even the temporary loss of arty as a defender at a critical moment can swing the game. Lets hope he gets it back with enough rounds to make a difference... I do think Elvis is the underdog and I would like the battle to be a close fight for both players...
  5. So as soon as the FO caller dies does the arty now get cancelled. I thought it will still take quite some time?
  6. Yes the loss of Arty is serious and as the call was made he will not be able to regain control. Often if I think my spotter is going to get nailed I cancel the call so I can get the arty back later. Serious mistake... (Mind you I guess at that stage he did not know mr Flam Thrower was around?) Lets hope he does not *ugger it up with the Panther. They are not knife fighting tools he needs to be sat back with good LOS... Ohh well he may yet pull it back... (I hope)
  7. End of Campaign by msj_1, on Flickr Spoilers... So just finished the last scenario which was a nail bitter right to last minute when I finally nailed the last Stug and got men into the castle. Also my men found all the mines and was I cursing the designer as my men stood on each and every one of them. Still had plenty of arty left and the key was taking out the Tiger and Stugs... Great campaign and really enjoyed it. Did not have to do any re-start so not too bad a result. Thanks (Just hoping you are at work on Red Thunder?)
  8. Back on topic, he can see the hammer coming (Infantry force), he has wasted scouts lives for intel and it will now be interesting to see how he orientates his defence lines. Not looking good for him. Lets see where he sets his arty to hit, now he knows....
  9. Elvis... You Da boss on this one... I will go back to lurking mode... Enjoying this and thank you for taking Bil on this AAR has me sold on buying the game. (Mind you would have bought any way but this really has warmed me up to a new area of operation and George's maps as always are just bloody excellent..)
  10. Nice video and as ever wonderful AAR. This is quality work. Thank you
  11. Hmmmm I have to say... When one is defending one should defend as you have less forces and you need to kill more than you have killed. So far by moving things around you are turning your defence into an attack against a force that has far more than you!! Good Luck... Michael is correct..
  12. On a side note I have a 50 cal letting rip at a buttoned Panther without me asking it to. I am not sure side on how effective 50 cal is vs a Panther? I could understand at an unbuttoned one but surely not vs a closed down side on Panther?
  13. OK so one last test, I got mortar set up, same action spot slightly different team deployment and this time the team just loop and the aimer never goes into aim mode but is constantly jerking, as if turning wheels on right side of mortar. I let that run for 5 turns plenty of Inf targets and can see halftrack but no fire, even at Panther when it shows up. I then give target command and it breaks out of loop and fires. Some odd behaviour... Again save file available. Now to do Hummer park set up...
  14. OK managed to get some time on this and some odd behaviours. I can not as yet repeat what I saw but now I have seen more odd behaviour. Looks like team gets in graphic glitch with aimer (not saying aiming) but jerky movements over mortar tube. Panther turns up and without orders Mortar team open up on Panther and do get it to button but despite being buttoned continue to fire at Panther despite fleeting glimpses of Infantry targets. I have Save file and can offer it up. Managed to get team into same spot as before but as yet not same experience. So I un cancel target command to see if Mortar team will re fire at half track. They don't seems like they hit some sort of logic loop issue which if graphics tied to logic would explain jerky movement of aimer? I am wondering if I re-do it and let them fire at halftrack to stage where they lock in, then that is when you fail to break them out with new target order? There is something odd happening and just finding the way to get code to follow that path so it can be understood by the code team... Hmmmm (Play Hummer Park or more testing....)
  15. The Mortar team had done some medic work during set up and I am wondering if picking up a LMG has affected some code, a very odd set of circumstances? Any way found save file and I now need (Wife allowing) some time to re run action and see if I can get it to duplicate issue.
  16. Interesting I had good results with a forward defence on this and effectively held off the attack with the 1st platoon and 2nd platoon. Although at one stage I was very stretched. There are certain key features on that map that if you get to 1st you can easily hold of the AI attack. I also managed to destroy a couple of the Panthers with Zooka's which was very nice... Excellent scenario and despite the win it really did stretch me. Also, I never touched the arty at the end (Mook Battery or 105's) and the German morale collapsed and game ended early. Just about to start Hunner Park...
  17. Thanks for running the tests and I will dig out the save file and do some screenies and see if I can get it to repeat from Save file. FYI the mortar was behind hedge and no trees in way. The Mission was the penultimate in RtN and a platoon is acting as road bump to German Battalion attack. I have seen it before but this mission it was key and hence very annoying.
  18. AFV not firing on Mortar, Mortar not under fire and hidden from view behind bocage with direct LOS to target I wanted it to fire at and also LOS to AFV. It started firing at AFV after I set it up and continued to ignore target line set to where Infantry were. Mortar vs Open Top AFV is just going to waste ammo IMO. And with 20 rounds and more juicy Infantry targets it should be going for those IMO.
  19. This is the second time I have seen this now and I think I now have a save file to show the issue. 60mm Mortar opens fire at open topped AFV. I order it to fire at Infantry in open. It ignores order and continues to fire at AFV and wastes the limited ammo load out. Has anyone else noticed this behaviour before? I have seen it a few times in the Road to Nijmegen and campaign but not bothered to report it. Wondering if anyone else has noticed this feature at times. This is crucial for the current scenario as I have limited inf trying to hold back German horde!!
  20. Arrrghhh my 1st loss.. Mission 9 C Coy 1/505 Night Fight Tactical defeat due to my failure to really understand points structure and what I needed to do. Not a great game but looks like no real punishment for this failure if I understand correctly. Only if I get 2 consecutive? The Previous game was a real toughie with Guards at Deelshurk Bridge. Especially when I lost my 17pdr without getting anything in return... For those playing mission 9 make sure you think hard about what you need to do to get a victory...
  21. Yes list of missions right at start... Really annoying that only way to see it again is loading it up from start... Hoping they will tweak that at some stage
  22. From what I understand of WW2 combat the average soldier was not the trained men of today's armies and I would think they were more likely to pull back or hit the deck. SlowMotion I think you have made some good points and if it can be tweaked then it would IMO be a small incremental improvement. This game has developed and evolved through considered debate and idea generation from the fan base. Discussions like this help that development path, even if the idea is rejected by some....
  23. I think this has been like this for quite awhile... But IRL the unit would either drop immediately or depending on training might make a sprint to better cover.... I think if the game would randomise it to either short sprint or drop immediately / hide that would perhaps better reflect RL? Either way the squad would not keep running until exhausted and perhaps a tweak if possible would stop this?
  24. I think this if they made the change would really improve the game (people would complain) but it is something that strikes me as not right. When I got to stick my head in the Tiger I wanted to try and see what view would be like to compare... My feeling is that it would not be much better for the Germans. But as I have no experience it will just be IMO... Good to hear from someone who has lived and worked in a Sherman add weight to the argument to reduce the spotting from tanks...
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