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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. LOL Croda! I totally understand... as it completely pains me to say anything bad about a Sean Connery movie... even if it sucks eggs.
  2. Obviously some stuff in SPR was "cliched", but I think it would be very difficult to make a WWII movie w/o adding some "cliche". I'd personally rather have the character be a bit stereotypical, than have them not have ANY personality at all. As for Apocolypse Now... that book "Heart of Darkness" sounds EXCELLENT, but I think SPR's opening beach landing sequence did a much better job of showing war as horror, than Apocolypse Now ever did.
  3. First time I watched Private Ryan, I only liked the beginning. After purchasing CM I went back and watched it again... now I'm rather fond of the whole thing. Also, as far as the house to house thing... juts put it down to bad commanding if it makes you feel better. I remember one of the battles described in "Blood-Dimmed Tide", the Germans were commanded poorly on the attack, so just sent wave after wave after wave after wave of troops over open ground at dug in defenders until the bodies were piled 3 or 4 deep everywhere. Back to the topic... worst war movie bar none... Battlefield Scientology! ... er... uh.. Battlefield Earth! It was AMAZING how that old Earth military hardware was perfectly intact after ONE THOUSAND years... AND capable of defeating an alien army the SECOND time around when used by people piloting it for the first time, when it could not be used to win by TRAINED military personel the FIRST TIME AROUND!!! AAAAHHHH!!! I HATE IT!!!!!! Okay... better... now... EDIT: I also have to agree with Snake Eyes. Despite popular opinion, I think Apocolypse Now sux the big one. It consistently gets worse and worse until the VERY end which would have been good except... he has spent God knows how long wandering around right next to the target, and then for some lame reason paints himself up and stealths it back IN to kill him instead of doing it while he's RIGHT THERE!!! [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 10-16-2000).]
  4. Oh man! I would actually be INTERESTED in TCP\IP play if you could get more than two people in there! That would rock! Never even considered that possibility...
  5. Probably not... because there are actually people who still wish they could join the SS. SS comes complete with the bad ideology, where Viet Cong don't necessarily... Just my idea, not fact. I'm just wondering if the figure itself got banned at the last minute for the same reasons? HOWEVER, the Viet Cong figure WAS the reason that the company had to shut down thier forum... sigh...
  6. Hey! My little Allies are charging in to kick your butt as we speak!
  7. He He... I figured there had to be some good reasons why it was not simulated. But James Bond drove a tank through several buildings, monuments, cars, trains, etc in Goldeneye!!! It must be realistic!!! (Disclaimer: Not that I have anything against Bond... I'm a huge fan... but I just know alot of Grogs had to be groaning at the tank scene. But then Grogs always groan at something, don't they?)
  8. Could a Tank drive THROUGH a house? Before I sound like a total idiot... the reason I ask is because my ONLY memory of Squad Leader is back when I was watching a game while at the local library. I remember that in the turn I watched, one of the players drove a tank INTO (the inside) of a house, and then fell through the floor into the basement/celler. If they could... why can't we smash through houses in CM? Just checkin'
  9. Ah, and CAPITALISTDOG is absolutely correct (I just guided my friend through this tonite) except that you DO NOT have to copy ANYTHING except the new .exe file if going from 1.03 to 1.05 You only have to do that if going from an earlier verion. Carry on...
  10. LOL!!! Me too! Especially when the story starts with my friend saying "Why did you talk me into buying this game! It doesn't work!" ...and ends with him saying "This game rocks!!!" Heh Heh... little does he know he's about to become a PBeM victim...
  11. That did it! Turns out he was using a shortcut off the CD! Thanks a ton!
  12. Hiya guys! I know this is the wrong forum, but I thought maybe someone here could help me! The problem: I talked a friend into purchasing CM... He has a PII 450, Voodoo 3 Whenever he tries to start the game, it asks for screen res, and then says "PLAY FROM HARD DRIVE?" in a box... he clicks OK (the only thing possible) and it crashes to desktop. Any help? I have a Voodoo 2 and the game works fine for me... so I'm having trouble helping him. EDIT: I've done all sorts of searches, and come up empty handed. Thanks! [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 10-14-2000).]
  13. LOL... CM2, winner of the "most tasteless game ever" award from all major game mags. Seriously though... has anyone else heard of female crews being used to man AA by the Germans near wars end?
  14. Don't forget Jag, you can always order Online via AMAZON.com. That's how I intend to complete my collection... Here's something... The 21st Century website shows a German "Elite Soldier" figure... obviously a renamed SS soldier, when you look at him. These figures are Toys 'R Us exclusives, and yet... no German Elite Soldier has ever been seen at the TRU near me. Also... he cannot be purchased via Amazon, unless I'm the worst "search" feature user ever.
  15. I personally hope that we see just ONE more gameplay patch... to tweak the last few things that have been discussed to death on this forum already. Pleeeease... Otherwise, thanks a bunch for the update! (Although my schedule also works much better around PBeM, so I have not been one of the anxious ones)
  16. I do seem to remember from "A Blood-Dimmed Tide", a story about some fast moving American Armored force (perhaps the force breaking open Bastogne? Sorry, I forget). Anyhoo, they opened fire on a convoy.. I believe it was an anti-air convoy... and then were horrified as they drove past and saw female corpses hanging out of the vehicles, long blond hair streaming down. So theoretically, there could be female troops in CM. But apparently only late in the war, and only as Anti-Air crews. I don't think I remember reading anything about the Screaming Eagles stumbling upon a hovering, spinning, glowing medical pack however... I'll double check...
  17. Force 21 was a good idea... and wanted to be what Combat Mission became... but in the end, in my opinion, was a bad game. The real time combat just DID NOT blend well with this type of close up, multiple unit, 3D warfare. ... and man, the helicopters blew big chunks! It was nearly impossible to plan anything, as the action was so fast paced, and felt more like I was playing "Quake Tactics" or something. I give them credit for having a good idea, and I wish it had been carried through in CM style, because the modern warfare scenario was kinda cool. On a side note, I do not mind Real TIme wargames, but I get a little annoyed when people consider them "realistic". You would need to have some sort of multiplayer Ranking Command system in place for that to be true... Give me turn based any day. Leave real time to the First Person Shooters and Simulations.
  18. Both Rainbow 6 and Rogue spear are great games. I do not own either one of them right now, but I'm thinking of picking one of them up again... or the new Covert Ops. Have you read Clancy's new Jack Ryan book? I never purchase in Hardback, so I'm waiting till the paperback is released. Well... off to work... I hate 2nd shift...
  19. The full moon AND Friday the 13th... ... perhaps I should just stay home from work tonite and play CM... Oh and BUDDY, to answer your question on the thread that got closed... YUP! Clancy fan all the way! Rainbow 6 out.
  20. I've not read many so far... But, "A Blood-Dimmed Tide" was very good. Right now I'm finding "Currahee!" to be very very good. Has anyone read "Company Commander"? How is it?
  21. ROFL... Way to be persistant Meeks! I also want to know if the Rangers would/should/could be modeled in the game. Granted, I'm only running on that fine Hollywood factbase now, but the Rangers in Saving Private Ryan appeared to take on front line missions. (The beach assault, and then later his talk of an attack on 88's) Would they simply be experienced regular rifle squads?
  22. I can't wait for the next "tweak" patch either. I've lost track of all the small "issues"... but there are a lot of interesting things out there, like the Jeep tweak, etc. I use quotes because I don't think this game has ANY crippling issues, but it's still nice that they take the time to continue "tweaking" for us!
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