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Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. Yay! Charles the exterminator is on the case. ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  2. Well, I guess I'm gonna have to stop listening to reviews and simply buy A Bridge Too Far for X-Mas! Too many people here like it for it not to be a good movie. All I know is that the book is great so far. ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  3. Damn! This is a pretty large bug! Making minefields ineffective is a HUGE glitch, open to all sorts of exploitation in PBeM and TCP/IP games. Please report this to BTS, and good find! (The bogging bug also sux, but is not as worrysome as the minefield problem.) ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  4. Unfortunately, I cannot qoute the specific circumstance, but I'm in the middle of an SP game right now, and I know there is a hell of a lot more smoke on the board than I am used to seeing. Also, I could not get a platoon of regular airborne troops out of some woods for ANTHING. I was trying to move them to some sparse trees, and a rag tag squad of conscripts would take a shot at one of them, and all squads would flee back to the woods. They were under command all the time... and the HQ has all 4 skills at max level. Finally, I've noticed (in the SAME battle) a LOT of my troops AREA targeting on their own... and leaving it that way for turns at a time, when no enemy is left in the area. I've not reported any bugs, because this is the first time I've witnessed all this, and simply do not know what is and isn't supposed to be happening. EDIT (Update)- I just played more of the scenario, and everything seems to be working OK. In fact some of my plans seem to be working better than they usually do... So far no more needless area targeting problems, and the smoke has dissipated and not returned. My guys still seem to be breaking more than normal. (Not from buildings, but from any area where they come under fire.) Fortunately, the same seems true for the enemy. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 12-03-2000).]
  5. I just placed the buildings on my AMD K6-2 380 mhz, 80 mb ram, Voodoo 2 12mb system, and there is no noticeable difference so far. Now then, this could be because my system only allows me to play small and medium maps... until I get my Voodoo 3 3000 installed. It's odd how performance is affected by certain mods on certian machines... because if I install just ONE of Tigers hi-res tanks, it shoots my system to hell. However, as I said, no effects with these beautiful buildings so far.
  6. Thanks guys! Chupa's system is closer to mine... so I'm d/loading 'em to give it a whirl, since he has no probs with an 8 mb card. Thanks again! ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  7. Can I ask some people what system specs they are running the new building mod on? I want to get an idea how much it will slow my system before d/loading. Thanks ahead of time! ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  8. A Bridge Too Far is supposed to have an all star cast, but is also supposed to get a little loooong... I am reading the book, but have yet to see the movie. (I've also heard the DVD is sub-standard quality) Edit: so far the BOOK is exceptional! Bridge Over the River Kwai (sp?) currently has a "limited edition" 2 disk set out with TONS of extra features. I assume you're only looking for WWII stuff, but if not, don't leave GLADIATOR off your list. The Longest Day is a great overview movie, with a good cast. Das Boot.... get... Das.. Boot... now!!!! Directors cut is the ONLY way to go. Tora Tora Tora is out there, no idea what the DVD version is like though. The Manchurian Candidate and The Great Escape are the other two classics that immediately come to mind. Of course, Saving Private what-his-name. Oh, and as someone else suggested, DEFINATELY check out the Best Buy site for your movie purposes. (Do comparison shopping on Amazon and DVDexpress) Best Buy currently has free shipping till X-Mas. I got X-Men and Gladiator for a total of $30 recently. (They were at pre-order price though) ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 12-02-2000).]
  9. The buildings look fantastic! (Although much too high res for my poor PC) As always, I love the DD stuff... always glad to see more from my favorite foliage maker.
  10. Pvt. Ryan - Couldn't agree more about Winters. Every single man in the company respected him, and the way he led from the front was inspiring. Some of the firefights he was in and survived are nearly unbelievable! PAK40 - I had not realized that Websters book ever got published! I will look it up! SPOILER ALERT!!!.... (poor guy, surviving the war only to... apparently... get eaten by a shark later.) I plan on buying Company Commander soon, along with Seven Roads to Hell, and Road to Arnhem. I have already read Curahee! which was previously my favorite WWII book till I read Band of Brothers. I just started reading A Bridge To Far... so I'll be busy for some time...
  11. Thanks Cybeq! Gonna play a single player game now and practice keeping mortars out of sight, and "in command."
  12. Supertanker, I also found the volunteer for a "special" unit to survive the war mentality interesting. I'll check out that other book you mentioned. Compassion, hopefully... if the series is compiled on DVD at a later date, they will toss in some extras (making of stuff, etc.) Would be very interesting seeing them going about recreating this stuff. Mord, I also really liked SPR, despite the overwhelming hatred for it on this forum. Citizen, I do not know who Ron Livingston is... but David Schwimmer is a perfect pick for Sobel! If Willem Dafoe was (much) younger, he would have been a nice pick for Winters (from the in book photos.)
  13. Sweet! If it's a good mini-series, I'd love to see it on DVD. Thanks for the info!
  14. Damn... I was hoping Steve was sending Mortar tips from the top for me...
  15. Ryan, are you serious??!!! I... must... get... HBO... NOW!!!! Thanks for the info man! That's awesome stuff right there!
  16. Agreed! Some of the quotes alone are worth the read. I think the main reason I DID enjoy this book so much is the personal connection. The men come across as real, and not just names. (and DAMN, Dick Winters was a warrior born.)
  17. I just want to take the time to HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who has not read it. Since CM, I have taken to reading whatever WWII books I can get, and this has by far been the best of the lot for me so far! Band of Brothers... it's the story of Easy Company throughout the war. I'm sure the book is old news to most here, but I just want to bring it to the attention of any who are not aware of it.
  18. I really like the TCP/IP option... and I agree with the "combat pressure" arguments. I only have a problem with people saying that commanding huge forces in real time is more realistic. Now then, when we get to the multi-multiplayer era, it will be a different story! EDIT: Imagine yelling at yor team-mates things such as "Where in blazes are you??? I need backup now!!!" Ah, what times we will have then... [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 12-01-2000).]
  19. Thanks for the info Mortar! Truth is, I spend most of my CM time yelling at my mortar men... as they tend to duck and cover as soon as I find a decent spot for them, then, as a perfect target moves into view... they bolt for the trees or nearest house... If anyone wants to toss some free mortar tips my way, I'd be mighty happy.
  20. I know nothing about Mortar crews in real life, but I like the suggestion. It would be nice to have them do something but "withdraw" from the battlefield once shells were used up. Question for you: since mortars require special training, is it realistic that they should simply be moved to the rear or taken out of the battle entirely once their load is used up, so as not to get them kacked in a firefight and thus "waste" the specially trained men? Perhaps that's why no combat for them in CM beyond mortar fire.
  21. I only have 2 PBeM's going... and I STILL don't want to keep straight which one is 1.05 and which isn't. Luckily, they both converted. (WHY, wouldn't you want to convert to 1.1?????)
  22. 25 games going??? 25... GAMES... GOING????? Good Lord Man!!!! Anyhoo, I simply wrote to each of my PBeM opponents (all TWO of them) and asked if they were d/loading or not, with the offer to convert our current files if they were. They both enthusiastically replied "YES!" I'm sure your opponents will all convert... and it will make everything simpler that way. Besides, you get to take advantage of all the little tweaks and fixes if you convert the games now. EDITED for Mr. Clarks Crap-tastic spelling. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 11-30-2000).]
  23. I was one of those who could have cared less about TCP/IP. I was eagerly awaiting the patch only for all the tweaks and minor bug fixes. I got in a quick game of TCP/IP yesterday. 3 minute turns, playing the TUTORIAL mission, just as a quick test (we were both in a hurry). I thought it was a BLAST. It was great to be able to get in several turns of CM in one sitting, instead of the day long turn around I'm used to. However, next time I would CERTAINLY want the turns timer to be MUCH longer (at least 10 minutes... I'm a plotter). I totally disagree with those that say that "real time" makes wargames more realistic, unless you are only commanding a platoon. Anything more and a "real time" situation requires far too many decisions for one individual. It seems no one takes into account the command structure when making statements like this. Sure, there is great urgency in war, but each leader only has so many decisions to make... in a wargame, you are making EVERYONES decisions. For me TCP/IP seems like it will be great fun for 500 point battles set at 5 - 10 minute turns. This is MUCH more use from the TCP/IP option than I thought I would be getting. My overall point is that TCP/IP does add another option to the game, and thus only makes it better. Add to that the option to switch a game between TCP/IP and PBeM, and that makes it even better still! Turn off the timer and you have the equivelant of a "PBeM" or "Hotseat" game that plays out quicker (with simultaneous turns, as Steve said.) Some people never play PBeM games of CM. There will be those who never play TCP/IP games too. However, having the option (several options actually) certainly can only make for a better game.
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