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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. This suggestion MOSTLY applies to those who have purchased new video cards recently, but probably could help anyone...

    I recently ousted my Voodoo 2 1000 and replaced it with a Voodoo 3 3000 PCI.

    After this change I was able to see transparent smoke, and to toss in some MODS, but I REALLY was not seeing much of a performance boost, actually NONE in fps.

    Yesterday, playing the Whitmann scenario, I noticed a LOT of slowdown once kills started piling up.

    I figured that since the final 1.1 patch was finally here, I may as well un-install, and then do a fresh re-install. This I did. I then re-installed my MODS, but was very choosy this time. (I only installed the Hi-Res Tiger and sounds from the Madd-dog packs, etc) Don't get me wrong, my game is fully MOD'ed, I was just picky this time.

    Now, for whatever reason, I am getting double or triple fps! What used to average 25 fps, now averages 50 fps!

    Anyhoo, this story may be a single case scenario, but I wanted to share it just in case someone out there could be helped with performance the way my game was.

    (NOTE: I'm not exactly sure WHICH part of the process boosted performance...)

  2. I'm sorry if I gave the impression that new "bugs" were irrelevant, it was not exactly my point.

    I had assumed all along that the Beta patches were out there so that anyone who CARED could grab them and make them as close to perfect as possible before final release.

    The released 1.1 patch would then satisfy nearly everyone, and BTS could get on with CM2 already.

  3. I just want to throw in for Maximus here.

    I also do not understand WHY long timers here would NOT have at least played a few games of the Beta patch.

    No, it was not mandatory, but complaining about new stuff here and now does seem a little odd when everyone DID have the chance to try all the new stuff, and have INPUT on all the new stuff for FIVE weeks now.

    The beta patch DID NOT write over any other versions of the game, so by trying it out, you lost nothing. There was really no reason at all NOT to test the Beta out for yourself... isn't that really why it was there?

    To take Maximus' example one step further... not only were we allowed to test drive the car, but we were also given FIVE WEEKS to say "Hey, I'm not sure I like the gas mileage, can you IMPROVE it?"

  4. Once again, I'm not TRYING to be a jerk...


    Most of the "annoyances" and "bugs" listed seem to be things that have been around since before v1.1, so at the time of what may be the final patches release, it just seemed an odd time to be finally mentioning them.

    Also, while not mandatory, it did seem that there is enough reference there to assume that Chris did take part in the beta process.

    I'm just curious... I should have probably kept my mouth shut...

  5. Sooooooo...

    why didn't you report any of this during the beta? You seem semi-angry about all of it now, but there were weeks and weeks of beta testing which would have seemed the appropriate time to try and get your complaints in.

    I don't see how the screen resolution and desktop strangeness can be called a "bug", as it is certainly not happening to everyone, or even many. There would be swarms of other complaints about it if it were the case.

    This is not meant as a flame... I'm just a bit confused.

  6. Good post BH.

    I think what some people fail to realize is that there is absolutely no way to make the TACAI react "perfectly" in everyone's eyes.

    Someone somewhere is always going to be pissed that their tank is not acting the way they want it to. What BTS instead has to shoot for is the "best TACAI possible", which I think they have come very close to by now.

    It's like the troops in damaged buildings arguments...

    1) My troops ran out of the building as it was being dmamged and got slaughtered! I'm angry!

    2) Hey! My troops stayed in the building as it got damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry!

    Can't win with everybody.

  7. IIRC, just fire up v1.05, load a PBeM file, Use the SAVE GAME feature and save it as any 1 player save game.

    Next, fire up v 1.1, Load the Saved game, take your turn as normal, and then at the end it will save as a PBeM (as normal).

    This won't work with a movie only file, has to be a turn where you give orders... (once again IIRC.)

    There should be no need to go through a save process to simply play a single player saved game when switching versions... I'm 85% sure it only applies to PBeM games in progress.

  8. IIRC, just fire up v1.05, load a PBeM file, Use the SAVE GAME feature and save it as any 1 player save game.

    Next, fire up v 1.1, Load the Saved game, take your turn as normal, and then at the end it will save as a PBeM (as normal).

    This won't work with a movie only file, has to be a turn where you give orders... (once again IIRC.)

  9. ALSO... just noticed that the README has this line in it:

    **"1. Run the patch and select your existing Combat Mission install directory

    as the destination. Unlike previous patches, the PUBLIC BETA will install

    directly into your Combat Mission folder without further manual file copying.

    The patch will create the necessary folders and files in all the correct


    The use of the words PUBLIC BETA may confuse many people... just a heads up. (I'm sure it's a leftover from the beta README)

  10. Just wanted to add my thanks...

    ...and also need to add my own confusion about just WHAT exactly we need to do to properly delete v1.1b24 and get on w/ 1.1?

    ALSO, can we load PBeM games straight up w 1.1 if they come from 1.1b24 games, or do we need to do the load and save process on them? (Thus giving us reason to hang on to b24)

    Thanks again!

  11. Yes, I also checked.

    However, my cry for an option to have a DD gray uniform is not due to historical accuracy, but simply becasue I like the gray uniforms better. It's also what I've grown to picture as being correct/appropriate.

    I just want a DD gray uniform that looks as sweet as all the new uniforms he has given us in this pack! smile.gif

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