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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I LOVE the mod!

    MY only problem with it is that I much prefer the gray uniforms for Heer. Can someone pleeeeeeease make a gray uniform alternative? (like the helmet alternative found in the pack)

    Pleeeeease? DD?

    Otherwise, I am REEEEEALLY happy with how my troops look now!

    EDIT: Same low-res style... pleeeease... wink.gif

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-09-2001).]

  2. My wife and I began watching Saving Private Ryan again last night and she began firing questions at me that I couldn't answer...

    so here they are:

    1) What is that loooooong, pipelike bomb that they use once reaching the "safety" of a sand bank during the beach landing? (They explode the thing, and then hop over the sand hill.)

    2) What are the floating blimp-like balloon things for? (appearing on the beach, attached to stuff, after the fighting is over.) I've seen them in actual D-Day photos, but never knew what they were for.


    Thanks in advance!

  3. Since everyones sharing, and it is kind of interesting to see how others found CM (since it's not in stores)-

    I was considering buying SHOGUN a few months ago... around Sept I think. I kept looking at PC Gamer mag on the shelf in Wal-Mart, checking out Shogun stuff (I believe it was a review) and every time I did, I saw them raving about this game CM.

    I finally convinced myself to buy Shogun. Installed it, played it, liked it. While on the Shogun forums, people kept mentioning CM... Finally someone posted a link, and here I am.

    Shogun is long gone on EBaY, as it was removed from my PC to make room for CM mods...

  4. Not complaining!

    I was new here myself not too very long ago.

    However, I have noticed a LOT of new people within the last couple weeks!

    Was there some HUGE CMBO marketing campaign that I missed (we interrupt this programming to announce that CMBO will SOON have official TCP/IP capability!), or is it the "YAY! Got the game for X-Mas!" thing happening?

    Anyhoo, glad to see it, and carry on...

  5. In one of the books I've recently read, I remember one of the infantry recalling rolling a grenade at the enemy, because he knew if he threw it the bounceback chance was high.

    In another account, I remember someone mentioning teaching Green infantry to toss underhand in forests, as overhand would cause more bounce if it struck a tree.

    Anyhoo, just assume your GI Joes know what they are doing.

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-06-2001).]

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