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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I use almost exactly the same setup as Pvt.Ryan.

    Except, I have shrunk DD's snow terrain down in size (it still looks exactly the same, but runs better) and I have Modified Desert Fox's grass to show elevation a bit better.

    (I like touching up some MOD's, for personal taste. I just added more color to DD's Grey Heer mod, and it looks sweet... also made shadowed helmets for Heer)

    At first I thought that PT's building looked a little too wrecked for most battles, but then I figured that CM battles take place mostly on front line, and most of the real pics I've seen have buildings in far worse shape. You can't beat those buildings for detail!

    EDITED for stoopid spellin' mistakes...

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-21-2001).]

  2. The American troops ended up getting slaughtered. I don't see why everyone wishes they had gotten slaughtered even faster!?

    ... and hey, how about that american "hero" that cowered in fear the whole battle! Or the one that lost to the SS trooper in a knife fight and was slowly gutted.

    Sorry, I just don't agree with the statements that it was "heroed" up too much. There were actually some acts of heroism during the real war. What kind of a message does it send to audiences if all you do is show US troops getting cut apart time and time again for no reason? Would it be preferable somehow to show all American veterans as fleeing, cowering losers?

    I don't understand the argument... I really don't.

    Sure, SPR has some movie silliness, as all movies will. Overall, I think it does a fine job of showing the absolute horror of war, while keeping the valor and honor of the true heroes (every man there) alive. I'm not afraid to say I think it's a fine tribute to the brave people who fought for our freedom, and a brief horrific glance at what they faced for those of us that were not there.

  3. I would have to re-watch the movie to be sure, but I think Miller and/or his squadmates are calling orders while attacking the HT. Ryan and Co. would hear the English language if nothing else.

    Also, Miller and Squad are walking through the tall grass before the HT arrives, so it's possible Ryan and Co. see them as they wait in ambush for the HT.

    My god! I could never nitpick a movie like some people here! I swear that in the search for ultra-realism, people forget that reality does not always make clear and cut sense.

    BTW, here's a SPR interesting fact -

    If the film was made by any other director, it would have never made the R cut, being NC-17 instead. Spielberg pulled this off one other time, with Schindler's List. If only Ridley Scott had that kind of sway, we would have had a bloodier Gladiator.

    (If you get the Gladiator DVD, check out the "montage" of cut scenes to see some snips that were taken out so the movie could make the R cut.)

  4. RedKnight, The first time I saw an enemy unit take one of my tank shells up the bazooka, and remain standing afterwards... I had the same thoughts you expressed.

    However, each 3 man unit that appears on your screen is representing an entire squad of men. One tank hit is NEVER going to kill an entire squad. One tank or Mortar hit won't kill that squad, but it will almost certainly cause casualties, and a break in morale. If you want to test it, set up two tanks firing Main Weapons at a platoon in some woods, and see how long they last there.

    P.S. Don't be swayed off of the realism in CM by threads like this. CM is the best wargame out there. People here get wildly stirred up over something that, at the most, is usually only a minor tweak. wink.gif

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-19-2001).]

  5. Shouldn't it be possible to use the scenario builder, and normal troop types to simulate Partisans, for the most part? (Of course, any female voices, and some of the other stuff mentioned, would probably have to be MOD'd)

    I remember when I and someone else were arguing for Rangers in CM, in the end most peoples opinion was to simply use a rifle platoon and call them Rangers. (Because, if I remember right, BTS said they were not used enough in what CM models to be worth modeling officially in the game)

  6. DVD contains a MAKING OF special (pretty good really), 2 Trailers, a Message from Spielberg, and Cast bios. Nothing incredible, but all OK.

    The movie itself on DVD is WELL worth the price! Better sound and picture than in the theater.

    And as for the topic, I also have heard Vets say it's the most realistic WWII film they have ever seen, but that it's still just a movie. Good enough for me.

  7. Or if you want a handy reference to use while playing (a book), drop $40 at Barnes and Noble or Amazon and get:

    British and American Tanks of World War 2

    by Chamberlain and Ellis

    Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War 2

    by Chamberlain and Doyle

    I just got both of them, and they have helped my understanding of the AFV's in the game immensely.

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