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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. Finally, I HAVE to post links to these two screenshots of an upcoming PS2 wargame called Kessen 2. It features SHOGUN style mass battles, w/ japanese wizards thrown in.

    These are two screenshots from actual battle (zoomed in)

    Supposedly, up to 500 troops will be able to appear onscreen at one time...

    EDIT: AAARGH! Screen links not working!

    Here's the full article: http://ps2.ign.com/previews/15355.html

    Page waaaaaay down and check out the BATTLE FOR A BRIDGE pic!

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-14-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-14-2001).]

  2. Just some interesting clips from PS2 articles:

    From an article about PS2 export problems w/ Japan-

    "The graphics chip, developed specially for the PS2, runs at an astronomically high 6.5 Gigaflops (floating point operations per second, a measurement used to gauge the power microprocessors), while today’s most powerful home computers only run at around 105 Megaflops. Obviously, this is a huge advancement, allowing PS2 to whoop ass in the graphics department. "

    From an article about PS2 export problems to Iraq-

    "Most Americans don't realize that each PlayStation unit contains a 32-bit CPU [i.e. the I/O processor] -- every bit as powerful as the processor found in most desktop and laptop computers," said one military intelligence officer. "Beyond that, the graphics capabilities of a PlayStation are staggering -- five times more powerful than that of a typical graphics workstation, and roughly 15 times more powerful than the graphics cards found in most PCs."

    Snips taken from www.ps2.ign.com and www.playstationcenter.com NEWS Articles.

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-13-2001).]

  3. Like the typical "training" movie that has been DONE TO DEATH, GI Jane ultimately leads up to a "real" conflict.

    Ridley Scott uses a bizarre and irritating camera shake, while at the same time zoom in and out real fast technique which makes it impossible to tell what is actually occuring. Worse, the technique is so obvious (like the highlighting seen here) as a gimmick, that you don't CARE what is happening.

    Thank god he got his head straight before turning to Gladiator.

  4. I don't like the "highlighting" special effect AT ALL, it reminds me of the terrible look of the combat scenes in Ridley Scott's GI Jane. (I normally love RS movies, but he apparently took a hard blow to the head before filming that one.)

    Pleeeeeeease don't let the actual movie look that way!!!

    Other than that, the movie looks EXCELLENT!

    (which makes it even sadder if the annoying effect is left in.)

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-13-2001).]

  5. I have to agree. (and I'm not even an EAST FRONT fan.)

    Besides fixes for any major bugs that crop up, I really don't think we need any more tweaking to CM. It's NEVER going to have everything possible in it. But that's OK, because it's certainly the very best thing out there right now.


    Let's all just have fun playing it now, while we wait for the best Eastern Front game ever to arrive...

    (I still don't really know what Moritorium means... and I'm a writer...)

  6. ROFL! That sounds right TAILZ!

    On a positive note, I finished the Whitman scenario tonite. I had one Tiger left, and a bunch of sorry-ass infantrymen trying to hold a house. Using Rexfords new advice, I took out nearly ALL remaining Allied armor with that one tank and won the battle!


    Maybe I'm starting to see the fun in playing German armor.

  7. Ah, several reasons for the V3. Mostly because of money. It was REALLY cheap. I only really wanted a graphics card for CM, since I have a PS2 for my other gaming enjoyment.

    Also, I have an AMD, and voodoo cards just seem to be more compatible with K6-2's than any other brand.

    It IS definately Hi-Res grass that eats up a system the fastest! Did some testing...

    Oh, and I THOUGHT that maybe it was actually the de-bug stuff that was slowing everything down, but then realized that I was playing the slideshow Whitman scenario ON VERSION 1.1, before doing my fps changing re-install. So, it was definately SOMETHING about the re-install... no idea what... probably my selection of MODS, but possibly it just cleared out the right thing for my V3 to take off.

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