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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I have an AMD K6-2 @380 mhz, 80 mb ram, Voodoo 3 3000 PCI, and 15" monitor.

    When I had a Voodoo 2 I could not use the transparent smoke, and had LOTS of slowdown on big medium to huge maps. I also could not use many mods. Now with the Voodoo 3 (outdated, I know, but suits my price and purpose) I am happy with how everything looks and runs.

    I run at 16 bit, 800X600.

    I still have some slowdown with large maps, but oh well.

  2. Okay, here is another take...

    This whole argument started because it seems unrealistic and gamey that forces should run a bit towards the victory flags at the beginning of a QB meeting engagement, right?

    The stated reason that this feels "unrealistic" is because the charging forces should not know that they have a safe run at the flag.

    However, if both sides ARE charging at the flag, then it is NOT actually a safe run, because eventually the two forces are gonna smack into each other, completely unprepared and possibly "tired."

    If only one force rushes the flag, while another approaches carefully, then the rushing/defending force opens itself up to one hell of an arty licking once the other force discovers it's presence. (I almost always bomb the heck out of the victory locations as I approach.)

    If both forces approach carefully, then they are STILL going to hit the objective at about the same time.

    As this situation (flag rushing at the start) only applies to meeting engagements, I don't see that there is a problem with the current setup system...

    Maybe I'm just not understanding the thread again...

    (I'll admit I fell way off topic the first time when I was complaining about starting "amongst" the enemy.)

  3. Vomit, I've seen that site before... kinda intriguing...

    Juardis, at the risk of sounding too fanboy, I'd also purchase a coffee mug! I sorta collect coffee mugs, and would love a CMBO one!

    Secondly, I'm perfectly willing to make us some CMBO patches (secretly at work) However, we need to come up with a SIMPLE yet clever design first. Toss me some ideas...

    The problem... I would not be able to make too many of these patches. As I said, it would be done secretly at work, and thus would be hard to mass produce...

  4. T-Shirts are an EXCELLENT idea!

    I'd buy one immediately.

    It's funny this thread comes up today. Besides being a writer, I work at a company as a designer of embroidered patches (mostly boyscout, girlscout.)

    Just yesterday I was thinking about designing a CM patch for myself, BTS, and some of my opponents/friends here at the forum.

  5. Gonzo, a scenario that begins with an ambush is one thing, but the fact is that it is simply NOT FUN to ALWAYS lose all your tanks in the first seconds of a game... BEFORE you can possibly react or think or even attempt to use any tactics what-so-ever.

    You say it's realistic, but it certainly does not feel realisitic when I'm supposed to believe that no-one in my entire BATTALION went so far as to turn their head 45 degrees to the side, peer down a street, and notice the 6 enemy vehicles sitting right out in the open, preparing to fire immediately upon pressing of the GO button.

    There is a fine but definate line between "Hey, this scenario is going to be a fun challenge!" and "Well, that was certainly a cheap rip-off!"

    One makes you become engrossed in commanding your troops, the other makes you turn off the PC.

    That's all I'm saying... and so far it has only occured in a VERY small number of scenarios. It's just a preference of mine, and it's certainly not a CM flaw, just a scenario builders "decision."

  6. Agreed Steve! I would love to try the scenario you just described.

    It's the overwhelming feeling of "well, why bother now" that forced me to stop the scenario in question. If the scenario you described is the "briefing" or "backstory" that begins a scenario, I'm all for it!

    Once again, I hate to even discuss this really, because I do so love all of Wild Bill's other scenarios!

  7. Shatter, I see you just got Jane's WWII Fighters! I picked it up recently for $10 in bargain bin myself. Want to dogfight sometime? I'm heading to work now, but if you E-Mail me I'll get in touch with you tommorrow.

    Personally, I find that a good FPS (Rogue Spear, Unreal Tournament, Tribes) or Fighting game (ala DOA2:Hardcore) are great breaks from a CM tactically stressed mind.

    Polar, what is Steel Panthers, World At War?

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