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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I suggest picking and choosing your mods.

    Use CMHQ and KUMPS sites as your two main thrusts into the mod world.

    Then just pick and choose your favorite in each catagory. Get yourself a faces mod, a flag mod, a profiles mod, Grass, Trees, Buildings, Landscape (wheat, roads, etc.), Sounds, Uniforms, and finally each individual vehicle.

    After that task, start working on your Snow, and then your winter vehicles...

    EDIT: I agree with JEDI. Unless you want to be really confused right off the bat, don't get the mods w/ interchangeable thingies until you feel comfortable with the basic look of your game.

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-01-2001).]

  2. Okay, I finally got my Voodoo 3 installed and running properly for CM. Now, for the first time, I can see the good smoke and explosion graphics! Woo Hoo! I can also afford to mod my game a bit now.

    A few questions on explosion graphics:

    1) Which are the most recent? The ones on CMHQ, or the ones that come with version 1.03?

    2) I updated to the ones on CMHQ, supposing that they are the newest. In my current game, one of my Shermans got hit by an 88 and brewed up. However, the hit was NOT accompanied by the gigantic explosion I have seen in my last couple of games. Simply a hit sound and fire in the turret. Is the massive explosion graphic no longer in the CMHQ explosions, or is it simply random whether or not it occurs when a tank is brewed?

    3) What explosion and fire graphics are everyone else using?

    Thanks for any help.

  3. "Where Eagles Dare" is a pretty good special operation WWII adventure. Entertaining.

    "Saving Private Ryan" is my personal favorite, although I have yet to see ABTF or Das Boot.

    I honestly think that "A Band Of Brothers" (the HBO Hanks/Spielberg Mini-series) will turn into something pretty special. In 10 episodes we will get everything from D-Day to Market Garden to the Bulge to Hitlers Eagles Nest. Based on a GREAT Ambrose book, with Ambrose helping along the way, I really think it has a shot to be something great.

  4. USTANKER, glad to hear from you!

    So, from what you just said, can I assume that the figure standing behind the turret and manning the machine gun would/could be ONE of the accurate ways the gun was used?

    I/O - I think if I stuck a figure in the turret, the gun would be able to point down with very limited arc, or up w/ very limited arc. I assume the same was true when used by the TC while standing in the turret?

    Basically, it's a nice big machine gun placed in a rather poor position?

    (I guess I gotta close that hatch, as from what everyone says, he would be spilling down into the engine the way I have the machine gunner standing.)

  5. Thanks! The AA thing makes sense, as the "toys" can be placed in the turret with the gun in a upward firing position.

    Another cool thing about these toys, is that nearly EVERY piece of equipment on the tank can be removed... all the backpacks, the gas cans, the shovel, hammer, spare treads and wheels, etc...

    You just have to be careful the first time, and not pry anything too hard, or ... SNAP!

    I'm thinking of purchasing the Kublewagen next.

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 12-30-2000).]

  6. Ok, because I'm too lazy to look up how to post pics, first go here: http://home.att.net/~ronin115/Tank.jpg


    You'll see pics of my new tank.

    What a sweet X-Mas present.

    Next, notice the guy operating the machine gun. How exactly WOULD someone stand to operate that thing? Standing in the hatch seems an impossibility. Is this simply because of the toys scaling?

    LASTLY, what the heck is that thing behind the gunners legs? It's a "hatch" that opens on the toy to reveal... nothing below. I simply have it open because he stands better that way.


    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 12-29-2000).]

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