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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I'm wondering if it has something to do with updating the retail to v. 1.1?

    (I'm pretty sure I recently read that Snowpants can in fact deflect a Bazooka round if you are standing at a 47.5 degree angle to the Bazooka team. This only applies to Axis snowpants however! Allied snowpants have been shown to explode if hit by a loosely packed snowball, and are sometimes jokingly refered to as the Kleenex snowpants by the British...

    If you do a SEARCH for "BTS, possible incorrect modeling of Axis Snowpants" I'm sure you will find more information! Hope that helps!)

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-26-2001).]

  2. I agree! MOD's are getting a bit scary to install. I ended up with mix and match camo recently because I didn't read the small print that you had to have So and So's tank mod installed BEFORE you installed John Doe's Mod... and then rename file 1 to 942 if you wanted 2 GI helmets hanging on the turret instead of 3...

    It is all getting a little difficult to keep up with...

  3. Thanks for all the info guys!

    It's all pretty much on par with what I suspected. I've always hated seeing a grenade dropped in a room or hallway, and then watching the actors outrun a gigantic, room consuming fireball.

    I have never heard of the second type of Flashbang mentioned. I was refering to the Stunning weapon which blinds and deafens and generally confuses the targets seconds before someone puts a couple bullets in them.

  4. While that may be a little harsh Monte, I have to agree with you on the basics.

    I'm sure I would have fun playing it, but I would never go in looking for the real experience of organized warfare. There is going to be Teamkillers, solo deathmatchers, campers, and the hundred of other annoying types that turn up everywhere in every other online FPS.

    Afterthought: UGH, a monthly fee will not only keep out the jerks, but also people like me who refuse to pay to play. If I pay for the game, plus I pay for my ISP, I am NOT also paying any company monthly to play.

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-26-2001).]

  5. I'll admit, I did not even bother clicking on the SEARCH button...

    What exactly DOES a real frag grenade look like when it goes up? Is there any fire? Smoke? Flash?

    What is a High Explosive grenade? Is this more the type that Hollywood gives us?

    Finally, are Flashbangs only carried by anti-terrorist teams, or are they also used in the modern army?

    Just curious! Thanks!

  6. I just want to say that receiving "threatening E-Mails" is about the absolute WORST thing that can happen from a Forum. I've had it happen to me (NOT ON THIS FORUM!!!) and it sucks ass! It's taking things to a much too personal and frankly INVASIVE level.

    In my case, I actually had to get a guy kicked off his ISP due to threatening E-Mails!

    To receive them is disheartening and invasive, and I strongly urge anyone who practices this to give it some strong thought next time. In my opinion it is the WORST of online manners.

    Sorry for the small rant... carry on!

    On Topic: Love the game guys! wink.gif

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-26-2001).]

  7. I still stand by my theory that the game will fall apart simply BECAUSE it's a massive multiplayer (only) game.

    I honestly do not see how it COULD be possible for the casual gamer to log on and feel "integrated" into any sort of team, squad, or unit.

    I'm not against the idea or game itself, it would be pretty sweet if it worked. I'm sure it WILL work on the level that TRIBES or Unreal Tournament work. However, with many hours of online FPS experience racked up, I cannot believe that the teamplay experience will be any more available (to the casual gamer) in this game than in any others so far.

    Like I said, I think it will be fun. I'm just VERY skeptical about the whole team experience.


    The company was advancing through a forest... not sure which... to a road. He moved up to the front with the scouts, taking 3 of his HQ unit along (because the company had already gotten "lost" once.)

    One of the HQ men yelled at him to get back, and he dismissed it, wanting to lead and hurry to the road location. They came upon a German party and fell to the ground. They get caught in some type of crossfire then and he tries to pull back, but he and another man get hit in the process. Right before he's hit, he realizes that it was very stupid of him to be in the front, where he cannot do his job properly and where he is at risk.

    GREAT book so far!

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-25-2001).]

  9. Okay, here is an opposite example of what I said earlier, from a different book.

    COMPANY COMMANDER spoiler ahead...

    I'm currently reading COMPANY COMMANDER, and in the last parts of the BULGE that he sees, he is warned that he MUST NOT lead from the front. He tosses aside the advice, in an attempt to hurry his company to a location. He is ambushed and wounded... losing command of I company in the recovery time. (And, obviously, becoming useless in the current situation!)

    As for Band Of Brothers, the two examples I cited of Winters leading from the front were in fact company sized or larger attacks. (I don't own the book, so I cannot look it up... sorry) However, I'm certainly not saying this is what HQ's SHOULD do! Winters standing under fire in the middle of the road and inspiring his men to advance from the ditches was an extreme example of leadership and courage. One of his men even states that he will NEVER forget the brave image of Winters yelling to the men to get out of the ditches, while tracers zipped past him.

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-25-2001).]

  10. If I remember correctly, in the book BAND OF BROTHERS, Richard Winters would be a great example of an HQ "leading from the front."

    Once again IIRC, there was a spectacular fight on a road near a dam where he was the ONLY one on the road (ahead of his men) against an entire company of Germans. I also seem to remember a time when he stood in the middle of a road, under heavy enemy fire, screaming for his men to get out of the ditches and advance.

    (Not that I suggest doing it in the game, or that this is what the AI is doing... but the entire book IS filled with examples of squad/platoon/and company commanders "in action" so to speak.)

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-25-2001).]

  11. I tried a quick search and could not find anything...

    If I remember correctly, it was added because of situations like this:

    A Tank is tracking a fleeing Bazooka squad. Bazooka squad runs behind a hill (out of sight.) Tank immediately begins tracking new target. Seconds later, Bazooka squad pops back up and brews up the tank.

    Now with the tracking a few seconds out of sight, it's less likely an old threat will pop back out and "surprise" a unit.

    That's how I remember it, but then I could just be insane...

  12. Thanks a ton for the reply Steve!

    It does sound like it works in the way I imagined it. (I don't think I expressed my understanding well however.) wink.gif

    I am still a bit confused on HOW in game terms it affects the units combat ability.

    Does it increase overall firepower by some margin? (I should probably RTFM!)

    As a side note, I recently got a great (though horrific) demonstration of HQ ability in action. I had some troops hiding in some woods, waiting in ambush. A company HQ was in command, with a HIGH stealth rating. I shifted one of my squads over a bit...

    As the squad was moving, it shifted under command of a green platoon leader with zero stealth bonus. Immediately, enemy tanks fired into the woods at the sneaking squad.

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-25-2001).]

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