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Ales Dvorak

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Everything posted by Ales Dvorak

  1. I thought that he'd stopped doing that.</font>
  2. Fast computer? --------- Computer player thinking.. Human player drinking..
  3. I was dog until Roger Waters concert ( 14/6/02 ) Hmmm.. pigs ------- Sorry to bother.... me.... out.. [ July 23, 2002, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: Ales Dvorak ]
  4. Twice Pigs on the wing ( 1&2 ) & Pigs (Three Different Ones ) ---------- Sorry, I have too..
  5. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=9;t=003619 [ July 23, 2002, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: Ales Dvorak ]
  6. Hey, don't duplicate it. --------- That's right, he lost his erection. [ July 23, 2002, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: Ales Dvorak ]
  7. I also remember something about Tom's "deep" winter mod.
  8. Maybe is a hidden feature . Anyway, strange.
  9. I have a little question. For example: Ok. First you choose target and your spotter starts firing on it after certain period. In the next turn you embark spotter(jeep, tank, whatever).When he is embark he stops firing immediately but his status in the "box" will be still "firing". He can sit in the jeep for two turns and nothing will happen, but status will be "firing". He starts firing again when he is disembark ( the same second ) in the same target. ( its better than TRP ) what represent this thing in real life since this is not " cancel target " (or is, but super flexible )? It's a little funny.... dictate tempo of the battle while sitting in the jeep. Thanx Ales
  10. Sem na mac-u in edina interesantna stvar od BFC-ja je CM:BB. In seveda CM:BO. Skoda Ales
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