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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Damn! Bummer! You will be sorely missed around here. You have added a great! deal to this game and it won't be the same without you but good luck and god bless you and yours. Perhaps this will work out for the better. In my experience good things always always happens to good people. May this be the case. Sincerely.
  2. Thanks for the heads up but this should be posted in the General forum. Yes, very pretty. Reminds me of Sudden Strike which I played maybe 10 times or so but haven't played it since getting CM. They just aren't even close to playing like CM. But hey! it's pretty.
  3. These weapons are hard coded meaning they can't be modified by 3rd parties. I am hoping that this will be corrected in the very close to be released CMBB but am not sure what was actually said on this oftened mentioned topic.
  4. Looks really good. Sure would add to the overall appearance of the terrain in the game. You are a good man Tanks a Lot for for always thinking of us. Actually that goes for all the modders out there. What a bunch of swell guys.
  5. I can't think of any vehicle, troop, trees, brushes, terrain like grass, etc. that hasn't been modded. So basically everything and many like vehicles more then one. No there is no lack of mods.
  6. Oh that hurt just looking at it. Very cute cartoon.
  7. Yeh, Manx stuff does get in the way sometimes but am truely glad to hear it's coming. I can only imagine how much time it must take but I know I can speak for most out there that we do greatly appreciate the hard work and will be looking forward to it.
  8. Well I've got 9:50 Pm and they are on the east coast so I don't think they are going to get around to it this Easter. Nice try however. One can always hope.
  9. Boy, that would be great. I'll be glad when they get that stupid CMBB done so he can work on it. What's he doing anyway - sitting around waiting for somebody to do it for him. Talk about lazy.
  10. Well, CMplayer that's why I never wrote it before thinking it might sound - well, sentimental or some such thing but the older I get the more I believe in saying what's on my mind in spite of what others think. Not that I didn't realize you were just joking. But when somebody deserves a pat on the back or praise then I don't hesitate to let them know. Now dry your tears and don't fret any more over this post.
  11. I would surely love to see it mchlstrt. Please besure to let us know when it's done.
  12. And there are more terrain mods at: http://www.afv-uk.net/cmoutpost/ This should be you set.
  13. I myself was just doing the same thing this past week and I believe I found most of the tree bases at CMHQ. Besure to check out the old saved mods on the left side bar of this site as well as under 3rd party mods also on the right side bar.
  14. Can you do that? Well, I will certainly try that and thanks Tanks a Lot. Appreciate the info. I just couldn't stand seeing the orginal jagTiger alongside the other excellent mods. this should satisfy me until Gordon comes out with his new one. I bet it's going to be something. That man is good. Again, appreciate it Tanks a Lot.
  15. Randl, just got back from CMHQ and just had to thank you again. I've been looking for a lot of those mods and just thought they went by the way side for one reason or another so you can imagine how happy I am to see them. Thanks again. You made my day!
  16. Well thank you Randl. I sure appreciate the help. And a Happy Easter to you too my friend.
  17. Well I don't worry too much about being gamey against the AI. I mean hey I just enjoy seeing the magnificent beast. Just the appearence of it on the battle field almost makes goose bumps pop out on me. I mean can you imagine actually seeing one appear out of the fog one early morning just sitting there as your company advances toward the enemy position. Damn! Anyway, I do enjoy seeing them and I do use them, so sue me. If I could mod myself I would do this killer in a second but alas I cannot. If you think of where the other Jagtiger is please let me know as I really would like something better then the orginal. I would still like to see what an expect could do however.
  18. Thanks you guys. Thanks for a game that is the mother of all games. I mean it. In my 54 years I've seldom found anytime that has given me the hours, the days , the months and yes years that this one game has given me. I cannot express my appreciation enough to you. You created something that I have been looking for all my life. I'm not too good at expressing myself in written form but hope you understand how I feel from this little post. You guys are something else and I just wanted to take this minute and let you know. Thank you sincerely. Have a great Easter.
  19. I cannot believe that the only mod for this King of all tanks is not available except through Madmatt's MDMP-2 which would be fine except that you have to change all the other mods in that pack also which changes all the mods I've already gotten just the way I want them. I mean I know few people use it playing against others but I bet it's used a lot in games againt the AI. Just nobody wants to admit it on this board so I'll be the first. I use it a lot. This is an awesome beast and should certainly be given the respect and righful recognition it deserves not to mention how creative you could get with this monster. Anyway, I plead with you modders or beg if you prefer - somebody do one, please. I just don't think I can go on without this tank being modelled the way it should. What say you all?
  20. I apologize for having to ask but I have looked high and low for John Tuckers Stug mod and cannot find it. Does anybody happen to know. It's not on Tom's, CM Outpost, CMHQ or Der Kessel's and as far as I know these are the only 4 sites around that you can download mods from. If there are others I sure would appreciate somebody letting me know and where the Stug is.
  21. And I thought I was too old to enjoy Easter presents. Thanks Ted for the tip and hope the Easter bunnie was good to you too.
  22. Man those are nice!! That H-39 is long overdo and will be used a lot my me for one. As far as the KT - well, it's just plain damn beautiful!!! and the detail is super! Thanks for the Easter presents. A lot better then colored eggs. First class job.
  23. I do keep the bases on but the gray bases are still hard for me to see. I'm being a little picky here I realize but hey if there is a light base out I would enjoy it more. Just asking if somebody knew of one. I tried CMMOS but can't find one in all those mods available so I assume there isn't one. Oh well.
  24. I agree TrueAceman that's why I am looking for a light colored tree base. I only have trouble when the troops are in trees because all the ones I can find are real dark regardless of the color - tree bases that is. The American's do actually show up pretty good it's the German gray base that are hard to see.
  25. I have looked at Tom's, CMHQ, CM Outpost and Der Kessel's for a light colored tree base and can't find one. Anybody know where I might locate one. The ones on the above sites are all very nice looking but I have problems seeing my troops when in them and I just find it bothersome. I'll pay good money for the information.
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