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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Thanks guys. Appreciate the answers and help. That is really cool about what CMMO is going to have. I can hardly wait. What's up with Gordon? He doens't care about us just his job. Man, I'm disappointed in him. I just had to remind Makjager earlier about priorities now I guess I'll have to mention it to others.
  2. I give up. I have looked all over for the following winter vehicles and simply cannot find them anywhere. The M3A! Scout car, Pershing tank and lastly the Hetzer tank. Anybody know?
  3. After over a year I am getting just a little tried of some of the sounds in the game - mostly the start up theme music and the big boom at the close of it. Can anybody direct me to a list of what the wav numbers are and then is there a site where I can find new ones.
  4. Just my stupid answer but they don't seem too important going by the amount or lack of reply posts so why not drop them and concentrate on something more important or that could or would be used more in the game?
  5. Well, we will be waiting. Sounds fantasitc with all that you described above. Now try not to let your real life get in the way of modding. One must place priorities in life and while having and keeping a job is pretty much necessary families are not. I remember my old granddad telling me that a long time ago and it's still darn good advice today. Again, just looks outstanding so far and I for one can't express my thanks and appreciation enough to you modders. I would love to be able to mod but just can't begin to understand how to it and have given up trying although I'm thinking of asking my wife for paying or should say allowing me to buy some sort of lessons for fathers day. It is just truely remarkable what you guys can do. Take care anyway and may God guide your hands - and speed.
  6. Looking good guys. I am trying my best to control myself but it's hard. But don't rush on our account. Is it just me or are the tanks a lot more detailed then we saw in CMBO? Looks damn good.
  7. That is superb Makjager! WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! I just can't believe how detailed it is and the color - well it's perfect. You surely did out do yourself - what ever that means? It's a good thing though. Thank you very much. Please do say that you are going to add or allow us to add markings and iron cross to it. With those extra's that tank will be in everybody's game for a long long time to come. Outstanding job.
  8. I'm willing to chip in. Where do I send my money? I can't even imagine why they would say that. Well, talk is cheap. I wonder what their young men who would have to do all the killing - and dying would think about that. Yeah, I would be willing to give up my life so my country could make some money. I bet that this one would last a whole 7 days.
  9. Try this site. http://www.combatmission.com/mods/alliedtanks2.asp Look under CM Temporary mods that's at the left side bar. Enjoy. [ April 26, 2002, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  10. Hey CPT T sounds like we agree on this. I would also like to keep all my troops together and color coded but sounds like that's out. Would be nice however.
  11. Well I guess the sneak command should actually be a recon order then or something like that. Would make more sense but hey I'm sure BTS did the best they could. I mean hind sight is so nice. As far as if the voices in the game can be heard by the enemy I myself have not ever heard the enemy but I may not have been paying attention but I will start. And thanks for the info about crawl versus sneak. I always wondered about that. After over a year playing this game I am learning that the sneak command is so important that I am having to increase the number of turns I play to get to complete the game to my satisfaction. Normally about 40 turns. I play only the AI however so he doesn't ever say anything about it. Anyway thanks for all the info. everybody.
  12. Andrew it looks great. Referring to the Autumn one. Love the collar and the SS Eagle and the color is excellent. I say the cooler a mod looks more the better. There is no such thing as too cool looking in a game. After all if we just wanted regular ugly mods we could always just use the originals. Now Andrew how about one in yellow so it really stands out. In good taste of course. Really Andrew, good looking mods as usual. Thanks. Just a thought. What about rank stripes on the sleeves like privates etc? Did helmets have chin straps in those days? I guess cigerettes hanging from the mouth would be a little much - you think?
  13. You guys are so smart. Well it was just a sore spot with me but now that I understand what sneaking actually means I'll stop hollering at the guys. Thank you all for the answers. I feel better understanding why they arent' all bent over it really was bugging me. And Ace Pilot I am certainly glad you pointed all this out to me. I had no idea what all was involved in getting a game out and certainly appreciate the info.
  14. I don't know if anybody else has even noticed this but over the last several weeks playing the game I am more and more - what?, disappointed for lack of a better word in seeing what the game considers soldiers sneaking looks like. I mean that's not sneaking. It's more like just standing upright and slowly walking. Now sneaking is kind of bending over and moving slowly - you know sneaking. Can't this be modelled correctly in the game. It certainly is a small thing but it really bugs me. I watch this marksman for example trying to sneak around and keep saying to him bent over damn it, what the heck is wrong with you. Are you trying to get shot. Now I'm not saying it doesn't work because it sure does but it just looks so unsneaking to me.
  15. There used to be a site that reviewed various tanks on a monthly basis but I don't remember which site. Maybe somebody remembers and would be so kind as to inform you. I myself wouldn't mind findin out as it would be interesting to read them again. Most were reviews by the forum members talking about the pros and cons of each tank in the game but I would imagine they would be close to real life roles and capabilies. I remember I was real new to the game at that time ( about 1 1/2 years ago ) so really didn't pay must attention devoting all my time to just playing but would now be more interested as I have the game down pat and can say the AI has no chance of beating me no matter what forces I give him.
  16. It's hard to know what to say about things like this so I will just bow my head for a moment of silence in memory for your soldiers. May they have everlasting peace since they gave their life's for it.
  17. Well Ted I went over but didn't see nothing new except for the grey panzers and Stug's. from yesterday. Am I missing something?
  18. Wow! I'm surprised by the Sherman. I sure thought it would at least be a whole lot better. I guess just being used to domistic car milage that 2 gal. per mile just seemed remarkable. So when do you suppose the electric tanks will be coming out.
  19. Andrew, just a thought. If you are redoing your uniforms anyway my suggestion would be making at least a couple that stand out. I know many will disagree but I personally don't see the need or desire to have everything all dark and hard to see. I know this is my personal opinion but I wonder if others feel this way. If not so be it. Now I don't mean shiney but like some of your preivous SS ones. I think it's the fall camo ones. Those you can see real well and just make the game funner. Is funner a word? Anyway, my thoughts for what they are worth. I do enjoy your mods by the way. They are outstanding and look so damn real. I never get tired of getting down real close in the game just to look at them.
  20. Good point about them not moving by road and being producted late Michael. I guess I never thought about that but it makes sense. I guess I was seeing them moving across country more then what they actually did maybe. I still would like to see some comparisons however of other tanks.
  21. I just read that the Tiger Tank ( tiger I ) only got 2 miles per gallon. That's remarkable. I mean that's horrible milage. Anybody know what the various other tanks got in the way of MPG? I would really be interested to compare them. You would think that the German's would have thought that that would be a bad idea especially since they would be doing all the attacking. Somebody wasn't thinking or they considered that but choose bigger heavier over it. That had to of hurt them in the long run overall. I just can't believe that poor milage.
  22. I think the collar looks good. Any time you can improve the appearance of a mod it helps in my opinion. The reason I enjoy this game so much is the different mods that so greatly improve the enjoyment of looking at the game thereby making the game that much more fun to play. Now as far as the belt buckle I say I like it. You need for mods and uniform mods in particular to stand out in the game although I personally feel that all mods look better and more enjoyable if they stand out but that's me. In real life plain is better but this is a game and eye candy just adds to the game. My opinion of course.
  23. Excellent reply Olaf thanks. I now have a much better understanding of the two and that makes the game more fun for me. I appreciate you taking the time.
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