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Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. Thanks people. Duh, should've occured to me to be direct x. Don't know why I didn't think of that. By the way Schrullenhaft, thanks for the Windows tip. I guess the mere fact that I have to re-install Direct X is enough to know which version of Win I have.
  2. Just yesterday, I had to re-install Windows from DOS. Don't know if it makes any difference but I renamed my old Windows folder "Winold" and then put the new version in Windows folder. After doing this, I wasn't able to start up CM and when clicking on exe file, I got the message, "Unhandled exception c0000005" at address 0056232d0." Then I get, "This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down." I tried re-installing CM by backing up old version and then installing anew. Same problem. Then I tried playing from the CD itself and still got the same message...from the CD itself! What's going on here? How do I get back up and running? My specs are: AMD K6-2 500mhz, 384 MB RAM, Voodoo 3 2000, Win 98 (2nd Ed.--I think. Someone tell me how to find out which one it is please.)
  3. Off topic? Completely. Am I desperate for help? Yes. Does anybody have this installed on their machine? I need it and can't find it for free on the web.
  4. I can hear the cursing now and I haven't even posted this yet... If you're one of these people who are saying to themselves, "Why do we need more ladders? Don't we already have enough?", well I understand this completely--especially in the wake of the CAL ladder debate. But I will run the risk anyway because I think this is important for people playing ladder games at TH. Correct me if I'm wrong (and this means you Yobobo , but with the present scoring system, it benefits the player on the ladder to play as many games as possible to attain a higher score. Now, this is not so much a problem with people who play twice as many PBEM games as others but compare the guy who plays 2-3 TCP games a night to the guy who only plays 2-3 PBEM games a month. In the long run, those extra wins that the TCP player racked up mean more than the extra losses he took. So, I propose that we should have two ladders each for both the CAL league and the POWERGAMER league. You can (and should) be on both ladders but you would report the loss to the appropriate ladder. This seems like the only other major issue still not addressed and so I'm throwing it out there to hear what other people say about it. I'm not saying it's perfect but it may level things out considerably.
  5. Well, I've just been informed by my opponent that it was an unseen piat in a nearby patch of woods that apparently disabled the gun. No smoke trail...makes sense.
  6. What kind of results have you guys experienced when your tank gun is damaged? In other words, what are the different outcomes you've seen that result from this? In two of my games, I've had tanks sustain gun damage. On one of them, I noticed that on the next turn, I didn't have an option to use smoke although it said I could still shoot the main gun. On the other tank, I lost the option to smoke or to use the main gun. What was weird about the 2nd one, was that the gun was damaged by area fire from what appears to be a high-caliber gun. My tank is a JagPanzerIV who had already lost its commander the turn before due to what was apparently a direct hit from the side by a round lobbed over a hill by the same gun. The next turn, another round somehow made its way over the hill. This time, the round hit about 5-10 meters behind my JagPanzerIV and the screen said, "Gun Damaged." How could this happen? How can the ricochet of the round or shrapnel or whatever make it's way up to the gun when the shot was fired going away from the gun and hitting an area at the rear of the tank? Going back to the first tank, how is it possible that he has lost the ability to smoke but can still shoot? Aren't these rounds fired out of the same main gun? [ 05-01-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wreck: Half? We are talking about: Sd7/2 (1 unit) Wasp (1 unit) VGs (~3-4 units, don't recall exactly) If you also throw in the short-75 rules, then yes it is a lot of units. However short-75 is optional in CAL. You can always play the Heavy Armor rules which are hardly limiting at all.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: [QB OK There is nothing inherently gamey about this unit. It is NOT unrealistically hard to kill like the, VERY powerful German 37 mm AA HT...[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tom, are you talking about the Ostwind here or something else?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: "that said, it is not, and should not be the place of CAL to ban tactics. The idea is to ban certain actions on the setup screens, then let the players do whatever they can in the game itself. That's why I think the wasp, SD7/2s, and VGs should simply be banned. " OK I agree completely with this.. I'm perfectly happy playing either the Allies or the Germans if you ban all these units, I think it is unfortunate that the British wasp is percieved in the same league of gameyness as the VG SMG units and the SD7/2 AA Ht, but I guess thats ok. So lets move on.... Wreck? Are you signed up for the CAL? Ah! I see that you are We must play sometime ! -tom w [ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm all for fair forces and all but christ, it seems like half the units in CM are "off the list" for CAL due to their gameyness. Is this really necessary? I am especially not happy about the proposal of getting rid of the Wasp. After all, there are only so many flame tanks out there. This leaves only the Badger for the Allies (in it's price range) which begs the question, "Why is the Badger okay for the CAL league while the Wasp isn't?" I fear that so many units are going to be banned for one reason or another that we'll only be using a few selected units to play our CAL games with, thus eliminating all the different levels of strategy that are possible in CM. It will be like playing chess and only being able to use pawns. [ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  10. I'm cornfuzed. Why are there pink spots there in the first place? Another question for the modsters out there: Do you use a writing tablet to draw with or do you just use your trusty old mouse?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Martin Cracauer: While we are at it, what about the Website and readability in different browsers? I also reported the rating system info page to be truncated by mail, but never got a response. Suppose I would make suggestions for more portable HTML code, could/would someone apply it? Martin<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As a web designer, I can tell you that Netscape is a joke. Get off it now and go with the lesser evil, IE. Netscape can't handle tables and even has trouble with Flash. It's not worth it for a web designer to put all the time in to satisfy Netscape users when those users total about 3-4% of the population. The best thing to do here is simply use IE.
  12. Enough with this Hi Mom crap! This is so passe its not even funny anymore. In fact, it was never funny to begin with.
  13. Enough with this Hi Mom crap! This is so passe its not even funny anymore. In fact, it was never funny to begin with.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pud: PS - its designed (so far) to run best on internet Explorer 5+. Looks crap with netscape at the moment. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Doesn't everything?
  15. I'd like to go against one of these powergamers who buys 10 guns every game and just max out my arty and infantry while having mg's suppress from the rear. Then we'll see how well "the system" does...
  16. Londoner, Don't blame something like this on a ladder. There's absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent people from doing this and then signing up again under a different name. I would recommend you not play people who don't have a record yet. Let some other guy take the chance and be his first opponent. If this guy is registered on the ladder but simply hasn't played a game yet, then you can claim a win through a report to TH about what happened. There's a button for that on the CM page. My advice to you is to look through the posts on this board and find the friendly people who are on ladders like yourself. It takes me about 5 minutes to look through a few posts to find my next opponent that I'm about 99% sure isn't a gamey bastard. Of course in the situation you described, this was not possible but the red flag should've went up after you saw that he had 10 guns and said, "This works all the time." Apart from all this, I'd love to know how the heck you took out 9 guns and only lost a daimler. What tatics did you use to secure a victory?
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zaffod: they put a curfew on for the whole f'in weekend it looks like. This city is so backwards in its decisions, i tell you. Never move here if your thinking of settling down in the midwest! We just spent 10 mil + on a stadium that can only be used 11 days a year for a football team thats worthless. In addition, i dont think ive seen another city w/ so much racial tension and such a racist police force. This place has been a powder keg waiting to blow for a long time. Lord, o Lord, get me out of this maze! Zaff'<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why do you think your police force is racist?
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zaffod: they put a curfew on for the whole f'in weekend it looks like. This city is so backwards in its decisions, i tell you. Never move here if your thinking of settling down in the midwest! We just spent 10 mil + on a stadium that can only be used 11 days a year for a football team thats worthless. In addition, i dont think ive seen another city w/ so much racial tension and such a racist police force. This place has been a powder keg waiting to blow for a long time. Lord, o Lord, get me out of this maze! Zaff'<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why do you think your police force is racist?
  19. One thing I didn't include in my original post was that this "pause before firing" thing would also be useful for just area firing with HE shells too. Some of those tanks only had a short supply of HE rounds like the Hummel and firing an entire turn would use up a good amount of it's ammo. I played one game where I had this exact tank and needed to area fire a batch of woods where I thought the enemy was before I could move in some recon. Well, with that gun I only needed a couple of shots to do the trick but not being able to pause first, I had to use 5-6 rounds which was really overkill. And just think if you had an M-10 with only 6-7 shells, you'd exhaust that HE supply almost within one whole turn. This "pause before firing" change is necessary. It's no more micro-manangement than pausing before moving and I really hope it's implemented in CM2 along with backwards compatibilty for us Western Front fans.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: try usesng artry spotters smoke it works a lot better and it covers a lager area.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Um...yes Rob, I'm aware that arty smoke does a better job but you don't always have arty smoke. In addition to this, you might not want to wait 2-3 minutes for the smoke to come in. Your momentum could be lost by then. Another problem is that your arty, if you have a team, might not be able to acheive LOS on the position you want to fire smoke at. In fact, it's happening right now in a game of mine. Michael, your workaround is an orginal thought but it would seem hard to carry out. What we need here is a change, not a workaround.
  21. I'm playing a game right now where I need to use my tank to smoke different areas of the battlefield so I can move troops across the terrain without them getting ripped to shreds. Because of the current limitations, I cannot pause for 30-45 seconds before shooting my smoke. Instead, I have to start from the beginning of the turn and use up the entire tank's supply. Not only that, but I cannot spread out the smoke to cover the entire area that needs to be covered. I am stuck firing smoke rounds at the same place for the entire turn. I should be able to pause 15 secs, area smoke, pause 15 secs, area smoke somewhere else, etc. I don't consider this micro-management. I consider this common sense. If a tank only has a certain number of smoke rounds to do a job, that commander will use the rounds sparingly to complete the task. Therefore, I am perplexed (to put it mildly) that one cannot pause and then shoot just as you can pause and then move. In addition to this, here is another huge reason why pauses need to be allowed in the middle of turns--so one can area fire or smoke different areas in the turn.
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