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Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42: The coax is mounted right next to the main gun. Hence it being co-axial to the main gun. It's opening provides one of the turret front weak spots, though it's rather small.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I thought the mg by the main gun was the bow mg. Okay, so where exactly is the bow mg then?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: Tanks usually fire what they think is the most effective weapon. Coaxial MG and main gun are mutually exclusive, you can only fire one or the other. For puny little guns like Stuarts 37mm, the MG is more effective, except for long ranges. Sherman's 75mm is more effective than the MG, except for the real short ranges when the target is in the open. Bow MG and the Flexible MG always fire if they have ammo. Commander needs to be alive and unbuttoned to operate the flexible MG. Note, if the commander is wounded or killed, both bow MG and flexible MG go silent.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why would the bow mg go silent if the commander was killed? The commander doesn't even operate the bow mg, does he? Also, can anyone tell me where the co-axial mg is on a tank. I assume it's on the side of the hull somewhere but is it always on the right or left or what?
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WARHAMMER: Just to throw one more log on the fire: I have a 866mhz compaq, with 128ram, but only an 11mb video card. Could the video card be causing my slow downs and quick freezes?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Um...I'm going with...yes. I didn't even know they made an 11 mb video card. I would suggest you go out and buy at least a 32 mb card right away. With your system you're sure to see a marked improvement.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wwb_99: I am with you jshandorf. I have my Celeron 533A running at 800. It could do 897 with a better fan and possibly a gig with a different motherboard. I have heard of the same chip that I have pushing 1.5ghz with the right cooling solutions. And the GeForce2MX is running about 10% over spec. Overclockers of the World Unite! WWB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have a GeForce Hercules MX II 32mb. How do I go about overclocking on mine and will I see a difference in CM? Also, is it safe to do?
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gunnergoz: Too bad the 37mm canister round is not modeled. It was extensively used in the Pacific and saw some use in Europe as well. Think of a shotgun on steroids!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah...I remember this from my CC2 days. The tactic that we all used was to rush Lil' Stu right at the enemy soldiers and watch people get shredded. I remember the Firefly had one too that was even better. Is that not modeled in this game either? Which begs the question: If the Panther's Nav...Naveh...Navhoweveryouspellit is modeled in this game, then why not cannister rounds for the Allies?
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TP_Bomber: I was just wondering if the graphics card has more to do with slow downs then anything else. I am running a overclocked celeron 566 at 700mhz with 192mb of RAM and Voodoo 3 2000 16mb graphics card. I get slow downs with 3000pt and above battles. 5000pt battle almost turns into a slide show. Im open for suggestions if I should go with faster graphics card or get rid of the Celeron and go with a 850mhz PIII. I cant go with anything above 850mhz for my motherboard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You seem to be in a position where upgrading one probably wouldn't show any difference. If you have the moola, I would upgrade the vid card, motherboard, and processor. I wouldn't buy a new 32mb vid card though unless you upgraded to at least a 800mhz processor with new motherboard. But with processor prices so low, why not go for that 1.33?
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by olandt: Quick question, does using the main gun preclude use of the machine guns? Doesn't the tank fire eveything is has?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is what I'm wondering. If you have 5 men in a tank, one is firing the bow mg while the other one is firing the HE ammo. There would be no reason to NOT fire the main gun if you have enough men to do it and a full ammo supply. By the way, I don't believe a word of that "HE ammo isn't as effective as mg" bit. You can't possibly be serious...
  8. The real difference is seen with a better processor. I upgraded my RAM from 256 to 384 and I saw almost no change. Then I upgraded from a 500mhz processor to a 1.33Gig one and now slowdowns and choppy screens are no longer part of CM.
  9. I have seen on numerous occasions, tanks which encounter infantry and only use the mg to fire at the target. It seems they only fire the main gun for the entire round when told to do so by the player. In one game I had a Stuart who had 90 freaking rounds of HE. On one turn, the tank ran into an enemy squad about 200 meters away and didn't fire the main gun once. That's ridiculous. I can understand a tank being conservative if it had under 10 rounds left, but 90? What the hell? Does anybody else notice this behavior from their tanks?
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin: Well, my laptop decided it no longer knows what a CD is, so I am now playing on an overclocked 122MHz Cyrix 6x86 PC. It's brutal, people! Brutal! I can only get CM in VGA mode! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How many colors is that? 16? What I wanna know is will I be able to run CM2 on my Commodore 64?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin: Well, my laptop decided it no longer knows what a CD is, so I am now playing on an overclocked 122MHz Cyrix 6x86 PC. It's brutal, people! Brutal! I can only get CM in VGA mode! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How many colors is that? 16? What I wanna know is will I be able to run CM2 on my Commodore 64?
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Eric Alkema: I would like to see infantry able to use something just like the Hull Down command described by BTS. Move until you can shoot at this spot and then stop. Great for setting up ambushes or advancing to the edge of a tree line. I suppose that enough practice would let me eyeball it, but until then it would be nice.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Excellent. I wonder why this hasn't been mentioned before? This would be great for getting defilade (correct?) on a reverse slope but still being able to fire at any advancing infantry while maintaining a degree of protection.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B: It is unfortunate that mortar HTs cannot use spotters in CM. In good weather they are mostly worthless. In your situation they are completely worthless. I'm afraid you're screwed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> To be honest, I don't take them either but it seems to me that if you were in a scenario with small points (not many vehicles on either side), and either some hills or foilage to protect them, they could be very useful going up against infantry and other halftracks--especially if you're the Germs. Just keep them away from anything with a main gun. I'm not sure about whether it's worth the points or not. Anyone remember how much they cost and what you get for it?
  14. It's an instant messenger program and you don't want it. Actually it might be more stable than the other ones. I use MSN Messenger and it's down about 50% of the time...at least it seems that way. ICQ is probably the most complicated of the instant messenging programs to use. It has a ton of features that would only serve purpose if you were using the program 24/7. You might try AIM--That's AOL's version but I heard it's not much better than MSN Messenger.
  15. 1. Pausing Before Shooting/Smoking This will allow you to smoke an area without using up a tank's entire smoke supply in one turn. 2. Multiple Pauses During Turns And At Beginning Of Turns This will allow a player to move a tank up a slight hill to get a shot off at the enemy and then retreat back down for cover. As it is right now, we have to use workarounds which are an unnecessary burden. 3. "Fallback" Command (Idea From Jaldaen) This command will serve to move your infantry squads or teams away from the enemy at a slower pace than withdraw, yet taking a lower morale hit. It shows in abstraction, a team backtracking or moving away using cover fire to get the entire squad out of harm's way, preventing the enemy from rushing them and shooting them in the back. Also, could we have an option to rotate after withdrawing? I'm confused now as to why we don't. If you're running away from the enemy, wouldn't you want to turn around and see if they're following you? 4. Hand To Hand Fighting Animation I'd like to see at least some sort of animation showing squads in hand to hand combat, even if it looks rudimentary. Sound is just not enough. 5. Multiple Area Targets Per Turn This one is very important! We should have the ability to provide suppression fire for more than one suspected target a turn. Also, there have been hundreds of times that I've needed to smoke more than just one patch of trees to move my infantry into an area but I can't. I have to use one minute's worth of smoke (the entire supply of one tank) on one area. Let us give the orders to smoke at the very least a second target in that turn to create a wider or longer smoke screen for the infantry. 6. Infantry Smoke I'm still lobbying for this one too.
  16. Culex, I think we might be on to something here... Okay, I ran the batch file from a shortcut on my desktop. Is it okay to run it from here? Anyways, the batch file for US Army ran with the scrolling DOS screen. Then I stared the game but like I said, the Stuart in the game I tried was still the default. I tried exiting out to the main screen and then running the batch file again from the desktop but again, nothing changed in the game. Stuart tank was still default. Marco, I installed the batch files from CMHQ. The Stuart one had bigger batch files than the Sherman one on there so I assumed I installed them in the correct order--Shermans first, then Stuart. So what's going on? Do I need to run the shortcuts from a different location or is it something else?
  17. I downloaded both the Sherman and Stuart Hi-Res mods from CMHQ and followed the directions closely. First I installed the Sherman mod and then the Stuart after that. I put all the bmp's into the CMBO/BMP folder and the batch files and icons into the CMBO root directory. Stuart batch files overwrote the Sherman ones. After doing this, I clicked on the US Army shortcut on my desktop to run the batch file. Then I started up the game but when I loaded my scenario, nothing changed. I still had the stock graphics! What am I doing wrong? When do I run the batch program? Before I load CM or after?
  18. Can these be used with Panzertruppen's or are these the same types of buildings he did?
  19. Oh yeah, I forgot...what about allowing purchase points in canned scenarios? I could be wrong about this but don't pre-made battles already have units attached to them by the designer? Myself...I'd like to go find a nice attack/defend map on Combat Missions and yet have me and my opponent pick our own forces. I'm sure not every map designer wants the burden of choosing the units either. Some might just want to make the map and leave it up to the players to pick forces. Please think about this BTS. This seems like one of those things that would offer a lot of advantage with very little work done by the programmers.
  20. Oh yeah, I forgot...what about allowing purchase points in canned scenarios? I could be wrong about this but don't pre-made battles already have units attached to them by the designer? Myself...I'd like to go find a nice attack/defend map on Combat Missions and yet have me and my opponent pick our own forces. I'm sure not every map designer wants the burden of choosing the units either. Some might just want to make the map and leave it up to the players to pick forces. Please think about this BTS. This seems like one of those things that would offer a lot of advantage with very little work done by the programmers.
  21. What the hell are you guys talking about? I asked what color the sky is and you launch into a discussion on meteorology. Is there anyone out there who can speak in layman's terms and tell me if what I asked about in my original question is modeled in CM?
  22. 1. Pausing Before Shooting/Smoking This will allow you to smoke an area without using up a tank's entire smoke supply in one turn. 2. Multiple Pauses During Turns And At Beginning Of Turns This will allow a player to move a tank up a slight hill to get a shot off at the enemy and then retreat back down for cover. As it is right now, we have to use workarounds which are an unnecessary burden. 3. "Fallback" Command (Idea From Jaldaen) This command will serve to move your infantry squads or teams away from the enemy at a slower pace than withdraw, yet taking a lower morale hit. It shows in abstraction, a team backtracking or moving away using cover fire to get the entire squad out of harm's way, preventing the enemy from rushing them and shooting them in the back. Also, could we have an option to rotate after withdrawing? I'm confused now as to why we don't. If you're running away from the enemy, wouldn't you want to turn around and see if they're following you? 4. Hand To Hand Fighting Animation I'd like to see at least some sort of animation showing squads in hand to hand combat, even if it looks rudimentary. Sound is just not enough. 5. Multiple Area Targets Per Turn This one is very important! We should have the ability to provide suppression fire for more than one suspected target a turn. Also, there have been hundreds of times that I've needed to smoke more than just one patch of trees to move my infantry into an area but I can't. I have to use one minute's worth of smoke (the entire supply of one tank) on one area. Let us give the orders to smoke at the very least a second target in that turn to create a wider or longer smoke screen for the infantry. 6. Infantry Smoke I'm still lobbying for this one too. [ 07-03-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  23. 1. Pausing Before Shooting/Smoking This will allow you to smoke an area without using up a tank's entire smoke supply in one turn. 2. Multiple Pauses During Turns And At Beginning Of Turns This will allow a player to move a tank up a slight hill to get a shot off at the enemy and then retreat back down for cover. As it is right now, we have to use workarounds which are an unnecessary burden. 3. "Fallback" Command (Idea From Jaldaen) This command will serve to move your infantry squads or teams away from the enemy at a slower pace than withdraw, yet taking a lower morale hit. It shows in abstraction, a team backtracking or moving away using cover fire to get the entire squad out of harm's way, preventing the enemy from rushing them and shooting them in the back. Also, could we have an option to rotate after withdrawing? I'm confused now as to why we don't. If you're running away from the enemy, wouldn't you want to turn around and see if they're following you? 4. Hand To Hand Fighting Animation I'd like to see at least some sort of animation showing squads in hand to hand combat, even if it looks rudimentary. Sound is just not enough. 5. Multiple Area Targets Per Turn This one is very important! We should have the ability to provide suppression fire for more than one suspected target a turn. Also, there have been hundreds of times that I've needed to smoke more than just one patch of trees to move my infantry into an area but I can't. I have to use one minute's worth of smoke (the entire supply of one tank) on one area. Let us give the orders to smoke at the very least a second target in that turn to create a wider or longer smoke screen for the infantry. 6. Infantry Smoke I'm still lobbying for this one too. [ 07-03-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  24. I wonder if support teams fight at the same level as infantry men or worse?
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