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Everything posted by CavScout

  1. Sad day when people begin to think CM reresents Real Life<sup>TM</sup>. What one is willing to risk in CM, "..ahh it's only a few points..", and what they would do on the real battlefield is laughable.
  2. Nothing like saying "if you could think correctly you'd see it clearly... but you don't." Cav ------------------ "Maneuverists have a bad case of what may be called, to borrow from a sister social science, "'Wehrmact penis envy.'"--D. Bolger Co-Chairman of the CM Jihad Brigade Founder of the CMers who like playing the Allies Club
  3. When you're twirling a white flag it's hard to kill anything! [This message has been edited by CavScout (edited 02-19-2001).]
  4. I also think that it is the "effectivness" of the unit and not anything to do with the "availability" of the unit.
  5. Exactly. It is not a request to know who shot at them but just an indicator that a unit has come under fire. You could then focus on that unit in playback and try and determine where it came from, if possible.
  6. No simple way to say this so I'll just say it, you line of "reasoning" is ignorant. I bet you have no problem playing with detailed armor hits on so you can see your effects on enemy armor. If you think knowing the effects of hits on enemy armor would be more "realistic" than knowing if your own units are under fire you are mistaken.
  7. [This message has been edited by CavScout (edited 02-16-2001).]
  8. I'd say have them "blink/flash" during playback for any unit that has received fire. Then you could go to that unit and watch the playback to try and figure out what happened.
  9. I don't want to have to sit through a one minute movie with each unit just to see if they are taking fire. Perhaps you have that much time to waste but I don't. Not all incomming has tracers or produces casualties and not all are easily tracked down. Good for you. Should we eliminate bases because you don't use them? You better be arguing for the removal of detailed hits on enemy armor before railing against knowing what units of your own are under fire. Besides, in CM you are the "commander" suspended above the battlefield and in contact at all times.
  10. Yeah, on my PII (333) I have little problems except when on big maps with all the new grass and tree mods. Usually, bumbing down to 800x600 seems to take care of it. I could see CM2 maybe going to a 500mHz, maybe but nothing more. It would be silly to exepct people to buy a computer or upgrade just to play, even more so considering the smaller market BTS has aimed for.
  11. Should be fire that is low enough so that it can hit both standing targets and those that have gone to ground, or at least prevents them from looking up!
  12. Also, it aplies more than just infantry. Think of armor defending a road. Imagine a road wide enough for two vehciles defended by two enemy tanks. Imagine another formation of tanks (dozen in number) trying to force the same road with two abrest and six deep. The battle should be rough 2 vrs 2 in terms of firepower. Currently, if LOS was avalible, couldn't all 12 fire on the defenders?
  13. Interesting points. To avoid that "clutter" is why I suggested flashing bases. I just would like a way to close in on a unit during playback to see what happened.
  14. Could be. The picture I got was they were giving target orders at the end of a leg. That picture could be totaly wrong. BTW, got a page number for that info? I'd like to read it. Thanks, Cav
  15. I would love to have some way of IDing what units have received fire turning a turn (during the movie phase). I hate it when I can hear fire being recieved but can not tell who is receiving it. Of course nothing is wrose than finding a unit with a loss during themovement phase that you didn't even know was under fire. I would love flashing bases or something.
  16. WOW! I am currently playing that one on a PII 333 w/128MB RAM and a Voodo 4.5 card plus tons of mods. My turns are under a minute. Odd. [This message has been edited by CavScout (edited 02-15-2001).]
  17. I have seen several people refer too plotting a movement path and at the end setting a target order. How does one do this? I've tried it but have had no luck. My target order attempt to take place when the unit is currently.
  18. Unless you are about to be over-run, perhaps it is stupid to fire on them. This is really no different than when in earlier versions of the game tanks would engage infantry and sometimes getting themselves killed by real targets. One shouldn't have to "trick" their units into not firing. Only if the code is programmed correctly. Would've, should've and could've. What if, what if and what if. This same line of thinking could have been used to prevent the "correction" of tanks selecting infantry targets in earlier game versions.
  19. I think one needs to be careful when comparing aircraft speeds to ground speeds. An aircraft may indeed be moving 200+ miles an hour but the movement may fast but relative to a ground unit it may be slow. For example, what is easy for you to keep a bead on: 1)A 747 moving hundreds of miles an hour across the sky at 15,000 feet or a car zooming by your position at 65 mph?
  20. This supposes it is available and can be called down on time. That's like arguing that, for example, just because a game design prevents the Sherman from killing any German tanks that it is OK as you still have the bazooka that can. It is a problem for the defender because the attacker is the one who can more effectivly employ it.
  21. I think it ate the bridge. [This message has been edited by CavScout (edited 02-14-2001).]
  22. Try reading harder Germanboy. The thread is there for anyone to read. Are you know claiming the thread didn't include efforts to increase German 'resolve' against armor? READ THREAD
  23. Steve that was not my point. My point is more along the lines of the firepower that concentrating in CM gives that would be limited in Real Life <sup>TM</sup>. There is a problem when one can attack with a mass of platoons, say three deep, and you lose none of you firepower. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX If that represented an attack, the front 4 should only have the ability to fire effectivly on a defender. In CM the (all other things equal like terrain) entire formation 16 could bring fire on the target.
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