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Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by Hiram Sedai

  1. no, inasmuch as I heart Leopard and its predecessor Snow Leopard, i won't pollute my pristine Imac with windows. Thanks to each of you for being a hot, steaming cup of no help. I find it incomprehensible that battlefront upgraded its site to 1995 standards and ignored the porting to the mac. Wasn't there a bald mod miscreant who was only slightly mongoloid before? I thought he was helpful like an inmate helping one find the soap. PS Go Phillies
  2. Gentlemen and Mister Shaw, I have an Imac and none of my Combat Mission discs work on it. Since my Imac adds an additional 20 IQ points to my already prodigious mental acuity and most of you matter even less now that I have discovered the mac way, I will now encourage both of you who are left to buy me Combat Mission again. This time I want the Jobs flavor. cue the missing liver jokes I would also like to give a somewhat older shout out to the King of South Philly and his pet that is from Moorestown, NJ. Warm and slightly moist regards, Hiram
  3. meh i can sort of remember some of you and I think i signed up on this board in August of some year. Things just haven't quite been the same since the stroke. Things i used to take for granted give me trouble like remembering. Haven't won an arguement since that hospital visit two years ago. So, who is still around? Tell me, is there still a Croda to be found?
  4. Aussie? I wouldn't stand for that sort of expletive either.
  5. we lost many deer in that fire. there was a very poignant name for that incident... venison
  6. I would be remiss if I did not give a hearty shout out to my homeboy King of South Philly for this luverly thread. The apathetic, push a button and make a thread thing works wonders for this group. I remember rules in the other ones. Something like don't sound off about your hulu or somefink.
  7. My therapist said there is no rune its just a figment of my mastication or somefink
  8. I know for a fact that only God fearin Merkins have lawns and it is the duty of the country below the US of A to mow our lawns. They know who they are. Come to think of it, all of the countries are below the US of A where at least I know I'm free. Granted, we didn't have big lawns in my old neighborhood but at least we didn't suffer from being Australian or have some other STD.
  9. Nidan1, I don't know you in real life but my thoughts and prayers are with you. - Mike
  10. Let the buxom stenographers note that when one beloves himself too often, his palms become hairy as is evidenced by the furry keyboard of our Justicar. While my unwelcome imbecilities happen all too often, I must interject in this one instance and respectfully remind the much much older denizens herein that we came to belittle and/or get down (so get out your seats and jump around). Therefore, I must, in all good conscience, remind both of the persons reading my verbage that we cannot stand for beloving. No, I cannot remember a single moment when Cotton Eyed Joe was beloved, even when he wasn't a self appointed justicar or whatever. He may have paid some transcendentals to belove him on occasion as Eddie Murphy was wont to do back in the day. As we cogitate upon this very profound matter, pause for a moment and ponder something much more important. Will the Phillies repeat?
  11. jo momma!! Is reading Chapterhouse Dune while watching Family Guy detrimental to what's left of my cognitive acumen?
  12. Happy happy day, mister Boo I hope you get those new teeth you've had your good eye on for some time.
  13. The Phils signed Ryan Howard for one bajillion dollars. This news only matters to two of you. I wonder if the King of South Philly is still with us, ready to dust off his epithet of "wanker" at a moment's notice.
  14. My account still works! I read the boards for a year before signing up originally. Then, I stumbled into the Peng thread thingy and was giving cod piece cleaning duty. good times...
  15. Ever have that Oppenheimer moment where clarity is omnipresent but fleeting? One wonders how The Firm fares these days. Also, there once was a German-boy that caused me to wax pedantic on occasion. I have vague memories of barking at the elderly on this site many years ago. Was that me or am I summoning memories of imbecilities past? Yes, I can envision a flabby, pasty faced gnome who type much but said little. One memory for each hair on my shoulders...
  16. Guatemala may hate MrPeng but the weather hates the Phillies. I could explain the World Series of God Fearin Merkin' baseball to you lot, but that would be a waste of precious typing time. In Chollie we trust.
  17. mrpeng tonight is your night, bro. What would Richie Ashburn do if he were here right now?
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