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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. I think all of the points I have heard here are excellent. But I think you guys have left out one factor;the effect of a senior leader of a unit (from platoon on up)on his subordinate leaders. I think in CM this is where the bonuses have their real effect. The leadership bonus doesn't really mean the inspiration/discipline/training effect on the whole unit but on the squad leaders and the platoon sergeant. BTW someone posted that in the German Army if the platoon lieutenant was killed there were nothing but messengers left. Does that mean the German Army didn't have platoon sergeants? In the American Army the platoon sergeant usually is the real leader in the platoon. He generally has far more experience and savvy than any fresh faced,straight out of school 2nd lieutenant.

  2. Although there were indeed many tales of heroism and gallantry by the Soviet hamsters,it's a little known fact that many of the Russian hamsters were in front line service because of their religious beliefs. Because of Communisms repression of all religion many hamsters were given a choice between the Gulag and the front lines. It just seems that the hamsters' worship of the exercise wheel was incompatible with the goals of the state. Another little known fact is that many of the desperate "human wave" attacks attempted in the desperate early days of the war were led by "rodent waves" consisting of mass attacks by mixed groups of rodents to include hamsters,gerbils,guinea pigs and even the occasional chupacabra,many of whom immigrated from South America to join their socialist brothers in the heroic "peoples" struggle.

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