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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vergeltungswaffe:

    According to some of the after action info I read from Trevor Dupuy, in Desert Storm there were several instances where the 25mm M242 Bushmaster was able to penetrate and BREW-UP T-55's from the side. So, regardless of CMBO's accuracy at modeling small caliber damage, it is certainly possible for small caliber rounds to f*** things up royally.<hr></blockquote>

    I was there,on Bradleys and the 25mm APDS-T round did indeed knock out several T55 and T62 tanks.

  2. A couple of notes on the .50 cal.I was mechanized infantry so I'm speaking from experience. First the AP round from a .50 will go through the engine block of a 2 1/2 truck,so imagine what it would do inside the turret of a TD or light tank. It wouldn't have to hit anyone,just lodge in the breech of the main gun or something equally as vital.One other note on the stability of the mount. We used the same mounts as they used back then and you'd be surprised how stable and smooth they were.

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