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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. My only historical source for this topic is my father,who was an FO for the British 8th Army in North Africa and Italy. He says he was in a Sherman with "a bloody big radio"and in Italy was actually cross attached to the Divisional Arty for the American 1st Armored. I'll try to get more details from him when I get the chance. But at the moment he's in Florida and I'm in Michigan so it mat take a bit.

  2. Scheer is right Shturmovik is amazing! Also all you PE guys try playing the game with gunnery set to "boresight" until you get used to manipulating the rest of the game. "Boresight" mode lets you shoot straight at the target without worrying about windage and drop and all those details. Once you get used to the game turn the gunnery back to realistic and you'll have alot more fun.

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