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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. I used to be a Mechanized Infantryman so I know a little about this. If a tank is immobilized with a busted track it can only move in a wide circle around the broken side and unless it's on concrete or solid rock it's probably only going to do that until it runs off the broken track at which point it's going to bog itself down very quickly. As for the pivoting part,pivot or neutral steering is accomplished by moving one track forward and the other track backward thus turning the tank around it's own center point, which is why only tanks with the right kind of transmission and final drive system could do it.

    As far as I know a crew would have to at least jury rig the tracks for towing purposes, otherwise the tank would dig itself in when the towing vehicle tried to move it. And I highly doubt anyone would try to pull a tank into battle, although I'd guess it could be pulled into a defensive or ambush position.

    Again this is based on my modern day experiences and not from any knowledge of WWII era recovery practices.

  2. " Just to point out that war as a whole sucks, heroism, valor, justice.... that's only in Hollywood movies."

    As a combat veteran myself, I DO agree that war sucks. But the remark about heroism and valor only being Hollywood is complete and utter BS. I have witnessed selfless act of heroism on the part of soldiers in my time and I'm sure other vets here will say the same. War like all forms of large scale crisis brings out both the best AND worst in human beings and you are doing yourself and the human race a disservice by generalizing like that. As for justice, well that's above my level.

    (Edited because of bad spelling)

    [ June 29, 2002, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Splinty ]

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