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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. Although I'm sure there are many people on the board who can give you a better informed (and better worded) definition of the difference between the two. I would say that a sniper is a specially trained and highly skilled expert, and a sharpshooter is an infantryman who can shoot better than his comrades and therefore is given "special" assignments.

  2. Originally posted by Mikser:

    Oh my God, that is so beautiful and poetic. Of course,Pjotr Alexandrowitsch is doing only what every good Socialist should do - to do any other way would require one to ship oneself to Kolyma to further study the Great Historical Dialectic as it was propounded by Lenin and Marx and as it was refined by the Great Stalin.

    Would he be sent to Kolyma before or after the involuntary purchase of a 9mm bullet?
  3. Dear Seanachai,

    Being as I'm a cheap bastich and not a cesspuddlian, I believe I'll just spew my hate here on the boards for free. Therefore in the spirit of my previous sentence: Please insert the largest small furry animal you can find into the approriate oriface in a violent and rapid motion. Rinse and repeat as many times as possible before you find it pleasurable. If this isn't enough of an example of my personal hatred for you, then think up one of your own and do it twice.

    Sincerly someone elses,


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