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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. I don't know how reliable this is but I saw a special on the History Channel about the B-29 which said that the planes weren't painted because with a full bomb load they could barely get into the air. The weight of the paint was supposed to be around 3500 lbs.

  2. I have been reading posts on this board since right after CMBO was released to the public and I must say that this series on lightning has been one of the STRANGEST I've ever read. On the other hand it was very well reasoned and explained in terms that even a college drop out such as myself can understand,unlike some of the armor penetration and how many hamsters it takes to achieve a catastrophic kill threads I have perused in my time. Anyway welcome aboard new guy! I hope this bizarre topic doesn't scare you away as these guys are a smart as they seem (scary ain't it?) and can provide you with more than you ever wanted to know about the Second World War.

  3. Originally posted by Warmaker:

    The British Fireflies are the only Sherman tanks worth their salt IMO. Their 17 pdrs are to be respected by any Axis armor fan.

    Although I would agree that the Firefly is an excellent tank for a Sherman,it still is an "eggshell armed with a sledge hammer". I think the only Sherman that has a chance in a stand up fight with a Tiger I is a Jumbo 76. But if I remember correctly only about 250 of these "assault Shermans" were manufactured before the war ended.
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