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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. Most U.S Army vehicles are also painted in the standard NATO 3 tone scheme. However since the most spectacular modern warfare footage comes from the Gulf War I think most people get the impression that all Army vehicles are painted in Desert Sand. Although thanks to that conflict many still are. The particular type of special paint that's used is called C.A.R.C. for Chemical Agent Resistant Coating. The stuff is so toxic when it's in liquid form that special suits and breather gear must be used when painting the vehicles, which also explains why there are still sand painted trucks and AFVs almost 12 years after the conflict.

  2. I'm currently building the Dragon kit of the Panther A, and the color plate you posted just became the basis of my paint scheme for it Bruno. Do you by any chance have any other views of it?

    If so would be so kind as to send them to the addy in my profile? I'll post a shot or two of the model as soon as it's done if any of you modders would like to take a look at it.

    Nidan I would be very interested in working out some sort of arrangment for those magizines.

    Drop me a line at my profile address if you'd like to discuss it further.

    Thanks for all the research guys!

    [ December 11, 2002, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: Splinty ]

  3. I would speculate from green to veteran is a pretty quick step,a matter of on-the-job training so to speak. Remember the CMBO definitions of what the experience levels are; a conscript is basically someone grabbed of the street and sent straight to the front. Green troops have had basic training and maybe some training in thier specific job. Regular is someone who has served in peacetime in one capacity or another. Veterans have "seen the elephant" and survived to fight another day. Crack are well trained experienced veterans, and elite are special forces and ranger type troops or just plain gifted warriors. What I'm getting at is that I don't think experience levels are just a matter of time once you get past veteran. Crack and elite are also a matter of training. And conscripts just don't live long enough to become veterans unless they are captured which negates the whole experience thing anyway.

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