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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. IIRC,from the history channel's interview with one of the Ordanance officers who was there only about 30 or so Shermans were fitted with the Rhinoceros in time for use in Operation Cobra. I could be wrong or thinking only of the very beginning of the use of these devices.

  2. I believe the number of 81mm tubes assigned to a typical American infantry battalion was 8 as part of the Bn's HQ company. Probably the most common On Call arty would be 75mm for Airborne and straight leg infantry units and 105mm for Mech and Armor units. Although I don't have fact and figures like I've seen quoted here on other aspects of numerical balance. I'm basing my info on the typical TO&E's of American units of the time.

  3. I'm not up on all the penatration values or anything like that,but one thing I really like about the Pershing and Super Pershing is the ability to take on Uberpanzers at long range,(850M and up)something lacking in most of the other Allied tanks. Just my .02$.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene:

    Splinty, CM is alredy at squad level...Smaller than Platton level. 3 squads + 1 Platoon HQ = 1 Platoon.


    I misspoke, what I meant is to have a CM like game at the individual soldier level. No not an FPS,a smaller scale CM that portrays the actions of a platoon sized unit.

    [ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Splinty ]

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra:

    It's great. I don't have to stay up for three days at a time, I don't have to touch anything nasty, it doesn't smell like poo-poo, and I can shower, smoke, eat, or get drunk at will while playing. I suppose I could even get an "in-call" for some service while playing TCP/IP too :D (I better get the full hour). I think all disputes should be settled this way.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Right on the money..

  6. Originally posted by The Commissar:

    [QB]In a cop-chase program on Fox I saw an M1A1 run over half a dozen cars, ranging from cadilacs to Volkswagen beetles and crush them like one would crush an empty soda can.

    If we're thinking about the same episode (the one where the guy stole a tank from a N'atl Guard armory and went a rampage),that was an M60A3.Weighs about 10 or 15 tons less than an Abrams.

  7. When I was in the Army we had a family day that was held in the motor pool. One of the contests was, for $5.oo US you could take a shot at running over a junk car with a M113 APC. Now you would think that this would be easy,but it wasn't,most of the contestants (myself included)just ended up pushing the car around the contest area. I think that the track width and size of a M113 is comparable to that of a Sherman and most vehicals it collided with would just jam into the soil and become immovable without spending alot of time finding a fulcrum point to knock it over with. :cool:

  8. I used to use Juno and the ad banner was a major problem when I tried to play TC/ICP it would pop up anytime I moved the mouse pointer anywhere near the top of the screen. Also keep in mind that freeware providers reserve the right to boot you offline any time they feel their server is too loaded down,which can be very annoying when you're in the middle of a good game.


    Nicht Schiessen!!

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