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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. Originally posted by mididoctors:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by notalex:

    The whole point about military training is (apart from smartly marching about) to learn that the survival of the team is what ultimately matters.


    No its the other way round isn't it? ...... the group marching is part of a well honed practice of stripping a recruit of his/hers individuality thus.. if we can get them to perform humiliating routines in sync like mindless circus seals we can get them to do anything (including going to their death)..why do modern armies still instill group mentatility with drill? .. however I do agree that the US divebomber crews at midway were brave men.



  2. Originally posted by Priest:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Wilhammer:

    When is this Victoria Secrets Mod coming out?

    YESS! I want the female-partisan-mod combined with Victoria's Secret's spring time camo mod!


  3. I just want to add my thanks to all you modders,designers,playtesters, reveiwers, and CMMOSers who spend SO much of their time and energy making these great games even greater. And I want to add a special thanks to Y2K (you know why), and Bruno Weiss for sending me those excellent colour plates. I already have a 1/35 scale Panther A based on one of the renderings you sent me. I'll post a couple of pictures of it as soon as my photographer friend takes them for me.Maybe one of you modders will want to try your hands at it?

  4. Originally posted by russellmz:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by russellmz:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by russellmz:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by russellmz:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BotD:

    Tournament houses player guide link doesnt work. Does anyone have it saved that they could send it to me? drizzt2005@lvcm.com

    thanks for info, ill look into it later...</font>
  5. I think the British Commandos and American Rangers could also qualify as Special Forces during WWII. Even though they were often used as conventional infantry, being thrown where the fire was hottest. At Anzio for example. They also were employed in "elite forces" type missions such as the Ranger assault on Point-du-Hoc during the Normandy Invasion.

    [ January 03, 2003, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: Splinty ]

  6. Personally I run CMBO fully modded and I think it's visually beautiful. And CMBB ain't too bad even straight out of the box. O.K. I only have the demo, but between it and all the screenies I've seen I'd say CMBB looks almost as good as my fully modded CMBO. In any case I'm with the substance over looks crowd. No Warcraft or G.I. Combat crap for this guy!

  7. I am a needy, poor man who can only experience CMBB indirectly through the stories and observations of the good people on this board. I would be happy to work for CMBB, and therefore earn my keep on the Eastern Front. I have a burning desire to play this magnifecent game, and am only thwarted by my lack of fiscal revenue and the fact that my refrigerator box needs to be replaced before the winter storms come. So please help this needy wanna-be grog to become the CMBB fanatic that IS my potential.

  8. My favorite Allied tank has to be the Sherman VC Firefly. That bad boy is absolutly deadly when used properly.

    My favorite Axis tank is the Panther G. I know, everybody seems to like the Panther, but there's a reason for that IMHO. When facing towards it's target it's almost invincible.

  9. My father was with the British in North Africa. He was a forward observer for a tank regiment,the 22nd IIRC. He has quite a few stories of being on the recieving end of 88 fire in both North Africa and Italy. I'll talk to him and see if he will tell me a couple of them and if he minds if I pass them on here.

  10. Originally posted by Sgtgoody:

    During the Battle of the Bulge an American private grabbed a Bazooka and ran out into the street to engage a Panther. The round hit under the mantlet and penetrated the drivers compartment destroying the tank. Best of all the kid survived. Once you decided something must be done you kind of get the attitude that you are already dead so you might as well make a difference.

    My thoughts exactly! Never underestimate the will or courage of a man who figures he has nothing to lose.
  11. Hi Gordon, I know you aren't into modding too much anymore, especially CMBO, but before you retire completely I'd like to make one last request. Would you consider bringing the M18 Hellcat up to the standards of the rest of your Sherman and Allied TDs ? They just look so funny next to the beautiful work you've done on the rest of the Allied armor.

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