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Everything posted by JoePrivate

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Those not turreted TKs the germans have are real chancey in wet/snow conditions. I think this is why so many German players ask for Dry/No-Snow conditions<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Which ones? I wonder if some people have the same game as me. Hetzer - 11.3 psi JgPzIV - 12.3 psi Nashorn - 11.0 psi StugIV - 11.5 psi MarderIII - 9.8 psi JgPanther - 12.6 psi Before the Hetzer ever 'sticks' and is 'dead', the bulk of the Allied tanks would never have gotten off the start line.
  2. I just played a TCP/IP armour battle(Jan45) last night and with the increased use of Tungsten it is the German tanks that are dying like Red Shirts in a Star Trek episode. I was really amazed. My Sherman76s and Hellcats had anywhere from 3 to 7 tungsten rounds apiece, they were firing it on the first shot and picking off HD Hetzers, JgPzs and Panthers at around 800m from the front. When they ran out they would pop smoke and retreat. In one 'engagement' 3 Panthers and 2 Hetzers were KO'd from the front for the loss of 2 of my Hellcats, all from tungsten. This is a drastic change in play, I normally go light on the armour so hadn't noticed the significance of using tungsten before. Allied tanks suck no more!
  3. Welcome aboard, you will need the 1.05 patch then the 1.1b24 patch for TCP/IP play. I believe those two patches contain the necessary .bmps and .wav files so any other download is simply your preference. Kump's Outpost compares some of the different mods available. AFV = armoured fighting vehicle FFE = fire for effect FO = forward observer(artillery)
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...even though bogging really effects allies just as much as axis.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually from my experience it affects the Allies(US) much, much more as some of their AFVs have atrocious ground pressure, for example the Sherman76. When I'm playing the German side I count it as an advantage when ground conditions are bad as generally the German AFVs have good flotation. Of course it isn't as much an issue if you're picking your own force in a QB since you can easily avoid those AFVs.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What I'd see as the perfect solution, would be to arm the crews with realistic™ weaponry, and then have some sort of compelling incentive to not fodderize™ them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Check out this informative thread on crews: On tanks and crews, a case example
  6. Sounds to me like the designer overlooked the orientation of the friendly edges. After you're finished your game open up the scenario in the editor and check that, it's the only reason I could see your being able to 'Withdraw' towards the enemy.
  7. I have never seen the HMG42 take out a HT either but I've seen German tank MGs do it. In a current pbem game I had a Vickers shoot at the rear of a HT going uphill, range 70-100m, with zero effect so I'm not sure how effective they can be.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>were penetration values up'd in the latest patch? I havent downloaded it as I'm in the middle of an PBEM operation.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No they are still the same.
  9. I don't think it is a dubious honor with any negative connotations, more like a great game that's a sleeper, not known to many 'casual' gamers. I think it's a coup of sorts for CM to be placed so prominently on a mainstream site as Gamespot. Like Chupacabra says about JA2, it may very well lead to further sales for BTS. A good thing!
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Mmmmmm...coookies. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> See, ain't life sweet!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Anything else? I'm kinda not happy yet...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How about a warm glass of milk and some cookies? Works for Santa Claus....
  12. "Small Units Actions during the German Campaign in Russia" - a collection gathered by the Dept of the Army covering mostly 41 to 43 but a few also in 44 and 45. It has a lot of maps but most aren't in great detail. A very informative and interesting read nonetheless.
  13. Hey Manx, I have to thank you for creating this opportunity to comment on CM's different units, I must say I'm enjoying it Tiger-Pz VIE Use Anti-Tank and Infantry support Pros A good price/performance cost for QBs, excellent ammo loadout, excellent all round armour and survivability, 88 has good HE blast and AP penetration, versatile. Cons A very slow turret, average speed, mid-high ground pressure, aura of the Tiger's 88 being an accurate long range weapon doesn't always pan out successfully, allergic to British 17pnder. The Tiger is definitely a unit worth getting, best used at stand-off ranges to minimize it's major weakness of a slow turret traverse. Depending on the situation, I will readily use it in the van of an armour attack, in an overwatch position or supporting an infantry assault. One game I had a Tiger in a HD overwatch position when a Firefly revealed itself on the flank about 400m away by bouncing a shot off the Tiger's side turret. The Firefly's next shot ricochetted off the front turret. The Tiger finally brought it's turret around and fired once, missing, before the Firefly's third shot penetrated and KO'd the Tiger. Another game a HD Tiger duelled a M36 Jackson at around 700m. The Tiger survived 5 hits to it's turret before hitting the Jackson on it's sixth shot and dispatching it.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>From your screenshot they are too close to the woods edge already, they would be better off farther back and still have LOS, Not sure what you mean by that. Too close? Too close for what?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just that the closer you are to the woods edge the easier you will be spotted. From your screenshot the ideal position for your squad, IMO, would have been just below the ridge in front of the HQ. The way LOS/LOF works in CM a squad there would be very secure from direct HE fire.
  15. In answer to the original question crawling is not stealthy. Try a hotseat game to see for yourself the spotting compared to 'Sneak'. Crawl can be useful for short distances behind a wall, rubble or in a building from my experience but it is slow and tiring. I have never seen a unit with a 'Crawl' order pause in the middle to fire, let alone do so at 400m, what your describing sounds unreal. From your screenshot they are too close to the woods edge already, they would be better off farther back and still have LOS, where are they crawling to after that? And yes I would have used Sneak instead.
  16. Ok I will give it a shot. Wespe Use Infantry support, building busting Pros Very cheap, avg-good ammo loadout, 105 packs a mean punch, great ground pressure, may have HC to deal with enemy armour in a pinch. Cons Weak protection(open turret) make them vulnerable to everything down to the .50cal, no carrying capacity, slow ROF though on par with StuH42, no MG, not effective in the AT role. I will purchase Wespes regularly in certain situations,ie Attack and bad ground conditions, but generally if I have the points I would prefer StuH42s. One PBEM game, back in the heyday of uber-JeepMGs, my opponent ran a JeepMG in a wide flanking maneuver against my Wespe. The Wespe turned to engage but couldn't get off a shot. Finally after about 40s of firing the JeepMG caused the Wespe crew to abandon the vehicle much to my disgust. M8 Greyhound Use Recon Pros Very fast, can destroy some German MBTs from the flank, carries HE/has two MGs, fast ROF, a very accurate gun. Cons It's intended role can make for a short life expectantcy, has a medium speed, open turret, armour is adequate against small arms fire but vulnerable to everything else especially the 20mmFlak, it's HE isn't very effective against infantry. I will usually purchase them in pairs and have them operate together, they can be quite effective that way. I have too many anecdotes actually, both good and bad , but one time I had a lone Greyhound out watching my open flank. It spotted a Panther and MkIV trying to sneak in behind my forces so I set up a flanking ambush. When they triggered it the Greyhound destroyed the MkIV with one shot and the Panther with two, range less than 100m. [This message has been edited by JoePrivate (edited 01-01-2001).]
  17. The winter trees are 526-532 and the bases are 850-855. You would have to manually copy the selected files to get what you want. Hope that helps.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I believe there should be penalties added to TRPs that are out of LOS to the spotters. The accuracy should remain, but the response time should be delayed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's the way it is right now, a FO out of LOS of a TRP will generally take twice as long to call in fire as one with LOS. There might be some variability in that leading you to believe the delays are the same but they really aren't.
  19. Jumbo, I really think you are talking nonsense and sour grapes here. Anyone you disagrees with your assertions only plays the Germans? That is just plain pathetic. You do realize that BTS has tweaked the categories restricting how much the German side can spend? ie, in a 1500 point ME the German is only allowed 300pts on armour while the US has 450 pts to spend. Anyways I followed your suggestion for a 1500pt ME with the following results: German 1 SS Mot. Company(4 HMGs/2 Mortars) 1 SS Rifle Company(2 HMGs) 1 Panzershreck 1 120mm FO 1 81mm FO 1 234/1 AC 1 Stug 1 PantherA US 1 Rifle44 Company(3Bazookas/3MGs/3Mortars) 3 Rifle44 Platoons 1 4.5" FO 1 81mm FO 1 JeepMG 1 M4A3 2 M18 Hellcats Now, this looks pretty even to me(I just picked them off the cuff) and I would have no problem playing and winning as the US with this force. I can't see 'what isn't right' here at all except a perception problem on your part. Cheers.
  20. Colin, A pack of Rune's scenarios just uploaded today, including CE2, can be found at: http://WWW.COMBATMISSIONS.CO.UK/
  21. Go to this website: http://w1.312.telia.com/~u31213280/index.htm In the Addon section there is a Unit Database download which lists most if not all the units in CM, it even has pictures CM was designed to be historically accurate, a typical US Rifle squad would have the loadout described though in reality it wouldn't always be so clearcut. Just by playing you will pick up what each weapon is good for, start small, experiment and have fun! As for your other questions, there is a wealth of information regarding CM tactics, WWII weapons etc right here on this forum. Just browse through some of the past messages, you'll be suprised. Good luck.
  22. You can limit the 'frontage' of a QB by choosing a Small map. A large force will make for a corresponding larger map anyway. Apart from creating your own map the depth can't really be adjusted in a QB by the player.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>tom_w wrote: Remember the days of playing Chance Encounter with 3 Stugs vs 5 Sherms and you could not BUY a hit, as the tanks would miss two and three times in a row? Anyone remember those days?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I also played CE a lot but can only remember a couple instances where a Sherman-Stug duel lasted more than one or two shots. Usually it was over bang bang. I hadn't noticed a higher instance of first shot hits with beta24 however I will keep an eye out for it. It would be easy to setup a quick gunnery test and compare the results with 1.05, then you would know if you were on to something.
  24. Hmm, they are there. I setup 10 2000pt QB meeting engagements, combined arms at various dates with default settings. The computer gave the Axis 0,0,2,0,5,6,2,4,0,3 shrecks respectively. Overall I liked the choices the computer made in picking a balanced force, it appears more reasonable than in the earlier versions.
  25. First off, why didn't you move your Croc after it began taking hits??? On the whole I get the impression Flak/AT guns in woods are spotted way too easily in CM but then examples like yours and others chnages that. I think it is very realistic that they will be hard to pinpoint, just take a walk in a large wooded area for confirmation. I agree with your assessment of MGs, they do seem to be spotted almost immediately, perhaps that's something in need of a tweak?
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