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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Sounds suspiciously like a hamstring... Growl louder at 86smopuim. Hey, Smokin' Opium it's been proven over and over again that playing a PBEM game requires - and this might come as a shock... wait for it, maggots... an email address! Unless of course it's a game played between two psychics; in which case the outcome is already known so why bother? :mad: :mad: :mad: Edited for just the right amount of anger [ September 10, 2003, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  2. Ah, marriage. Not to worry, Axe. Just think of all the history behind the marriage ceremony. In the good ole days, sometimes men grabbed their unwilling bride and took someone they could trust to cover their back. Yes, "The Best Man". You stand on the right to keep your sword arm free should the wife's family decide to get their daughter back. Carry her across the threshold? You had to, she's unwilling, remember? Oh, and the honeymoon. Well, honeymead was provided for a month (one moon) to assure fertility. So think of how much fun a wedding used to be for men.
  3. Baaaaaaaaaarrrrrg? Whazzup with that? Baaaaaaaaaarrrrrg????? You finally call that amorous ram in close enough? :mad: :mad:
  4. Tank Warning. This is the reason tankers were deaf or dead. Becket and I are tattooing the Choral Symphony of the Bells on each other's armor. :mad: :mad:
  5. Becket, blast yer black soul! Have you finished giving your men their suicidal orders? :mad: :mad:
  6. Any maggots want a serious game from the AI? Play this B&T-Luga-Gateway to Leningrad as the Germans. Excellent job of making the AI a serious opponent.
  7. J'All be correct. I prefer the term cross-threader, however. It's so much more confusing. Does he frequent two or more forum threads, or does the dummy constantly get 'righty-tighty, lefty-loosey' confused? I started in the MBT, but found it easier to post here, especially when drinking. Too tedious to worry about slurring my typing in Peng. Even blind drunk, how can you slur 'GRRRGAARRRRRGH!!!!'? Bog Maggot. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. The cutoff point is 300 posts, because past that the forum software sometimes becomes squirrelly. That's why the padlock comes flying out like straight jackets at a Cheery Waffle convention.
  9. Yes and yes. Good imitation Axe. Almost growly picture perfect, and not even cut and pasted. I'm worried about you, lad.
  10. Ew. You've obviously got tons of time on your hands, so work must be slow. Go home and send me a turn instead. I want to see your floating coffins. :mad:
  11. Maggot. I tried alt-u, ctrl-u, combinations thereof and then u. I got u. Then I tried the windows key and u, and got some robot thingy reading the forground window in a voice that scared my 2 yr old. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Edited to add: I'll never leave my computer on if I'm not in the room again. Feckin' thing reads so it is obviously possesed. [ September 08, 2003, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  12. Let's see, Anybody not included below, don't get upset. You are still maggots. :mad: Soddballovich check you spam folder. Your turn should be in there. I'm going to be sending your future turns in ZIP format, which I've been informed is the recommended way to send PBEM files. How's the barbeque going, Master Good Fun? Even submachine gun squads sizzle and cook when preheated to 2,192° F. That's 1200° C for you fern maggots. Coincidentally, it's also the temperature of the burning liquid pumped from my angry flamethrower teams. :mad: :mad: Beck's Beer, how can I watch your steel coffins 'splode if no turn arrives? Replaying the old movie in PBEM helper is fun, but nobody new buys the farm. :mad: Who else? Prinz Eugenie and I are in the middle of what looks like a chicken dance without the funny arm flapping - someone runs forward, shoots, and runs backwards. And last but not least, Nuggets. We may run out of time in our recreation of Pickett's Charge. Oh, I'm the Confederates, for those keeping score. :mad: Oh, I finally found "& Uuml;" (without the space) gives me Ü. What a pain in the arse. You Finns are therefor forever UberFinns, sans umlat. If that bothers you, send a setup and the penalty is my having to spell it properly and precede your name with ÜberFinn for a month if I lose.
  13. Gamey? I have not yet begun to put my gamey face on, Mr. "I'm dug in in the forest with nothing but submachinegun squads". [ September 07, 2003, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  14. Let it further be known that the only maggot current with turns is Wine and Dine a Gnome. And out of the 'unintentionally hilarious' file - my local Wal*Mart has an end cap with various wedding music CDs just above the shotgun shells...
  15. Any maggots want to try "A Midsummer's Nightmare"? Axe? It goes well with your sig... :mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. [bob and Doug McKenzie voice]Hosers, eh? Do you guys were tuques? Get out! [/bob and Doug McKenzie voice]
  17. You, Seanachai, you. You may not post in the MBT; you must post here exclusively, using mainly monosyllabic words. You must growl and use angry smilies and say puss lickers like you mean it. Oh, and the beans. Axe has his heart set on them. [ September 04, 2003, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  18. Axe and Becket!!! Are you just going to roll over and let MrShrkr out hoor you? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? No! Now get back in the editor thread and offer to pay them to get the job. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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