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Everything posted by IMHO

  1. Just to add some perspective on the realitues of Ukrainian weapons production. 1. For the past ten years Ukrain was able to produce exactly ONE (!) new tank for its own armed forces. 2. Officials have finally resigned to the fact that Ukraine is not able to produce BTR-4s at the moment since the ones that were produced have serious manufacturing defects. E.g. Ukrain signed a contract to deliver 420 BTR-4s to Iraqi Army yet it was able to deliver only a hundred. Only 56 out of the first 88 had a working engine and mere 34 of them were able to move an inch. 3. UkrainianArmy accepted into service a locally produced copy of the Soviet 120mm mortar yet it had to stop its use since it blew up ten times during the first two years of its service killing 10 and wounding 30 crewmen. And the list may go on...
  2. As an example here's an image of the Soviet Dozhd APS. See any differences with "Ukrainian" APS?
  3. IRL there's no such thing as Ukrainian APS. Ukrainian company Mikrotek came into possession of the design documents from the Soviet program dated to 80s and manufactured a couple of test samples based on it. Zaslon has been officially "accepted" into Ukrainian service ten years ago yet we've seen not a single fielding of it. Even show case tank parade armor does not have it. The only point where Ukrainian alternative reality somehow found place in real life was when Ukrain resold this Soviet-era design docs to Turkey. NOT the APS itself but mere design docs.
  4. @Oleg, you're new to the forum. Stop making the forum another venue of Ukrainian propaganda. Or at least post a funny side of it Like an OFFICIAL (sic!) statement of Ukrainian command that one of the recent shelling of civilian zone by Ukrainian forces duly noted by OSCE mission didn't happen IRL. Ukrainian command claims a group of saboteurs from the other side infiltrated separation zone hauling with them heavy artillery ordinance (!), buried them underground (!) and then simulated shelling by exploding them.
  5. Ukroboronprom mentioned 150 in its Aug, 19 press release
  6. "БМ «Оплот», например, в Вооружённых Силах имеется в единственном экземпляре – в харьковском Институте танковых войск" For example Ukrainian Army has only one Oplot tank in its inventory. It's kept in the Kharkiv's Institute of Armored Forces. http://opk.com.ua/острейшие-проблемы-всу-сегодня-не-свя/
  7. "танки Т-64БМ «Булат» в силу большого веса и слабого двигателя оказались неэффективными, были переведены в резерв, и заменены линейными Т-64" "Bulat upgrade turned out to be ineffective due to excessive weight and weak engine. They were transferred to reserves and were replaced by baseline T-64s in front line service" http://opk.com.ua/острейшие-проблемы-всу-сегодня-не-свя/
  8. Bulats are no more. They were pulled out of the front line service and further orders were cancelled. Bulat is too overweight for its engine/transmission and too expensive compared with more limited T-64 upgrades. And Ukrainian MoD is pulling T-72 out of storage since there are not enough T-64s in storage worth investing money into.
  9. I posted DoD guidelines on actual Mk19 accuracy. Clearly CMSF2/CMBS Mk19 is waaaaaay off mark when compared to real life.
  10. So I made a quick test of CMBS Stryker MK19 CROWS: regular/fit/zero leadership modifier for 10 Strykers plus 5 empty BTR targets at 400m and 5 BTRs at 1'500m. DoD standard for 400m is 2 hits out of first 4 shots. The actual was just one mere hit out of "first four" shots. Means none of the CMBS Strykers/crews pass DoD test. The same was for 1'500m - just one hit. Again - either Stryker Mk19 malfunctions or Stryker crews are not qualified to use Mk19. PS I wonder what was the reasoning for Mk19 accuracy degradation from CMSF1 to CMSF2. Game "balancing"? Clearly Mk19 was an wunderwaffe in CMSF1.
  11. IanL, BFC can use DoD Mk19 gunnery qualification grades (Grenade Machine Gun MK 19 MOD 3 Training Circular No. 3-22.19, https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/ARN3241_TC 3-22x19 FINAL WEB.pdf). Table I is for hull targets and Table III is for personnel targets. Range and % of hits to pass at a certain grade are given. This level of accuracy is expected both from dismounted and manually operated (i.e. non-RWS) mounted AGLs. I can't find the numbers for CROWS Mk19 - just multiple statements in DoD papers that it's considerably more accurate than mounted manually operated AGL. We can see from the tables that at distances of 400m and under at least 50% of the rounds should hit a hull target and 25% of the rounds should hit a pop-up personnel target at the same distance. It makes sense to note that's HIT not KILL as in kill radius for the personnel target. It's also important to note that since these are qualification criteria for single pass testing I guess it means that's the WORST case how Mk19 should perform given normal level of stress and operator proficiency.
  12. Infantry being transported by Stryker to an unloading point. If the infantry sees enemy it will open hatches to shoot and die instantly under heavy barrage of enemy fire. Haven't played CMSF for years but don't remember such stupidity and certainly haven't ever seen it in CMBS. Is it a norm for CMSF2?
  13. It's been stuck for quite a time but now it's done.Thanks for taking care, mates! PS I'm in the process of making BFC rich Firstly I didn't check I can reuse Win activation codes for MacOS install, now I failed to see one can upgrade CMSF1 into CMSF2 for pennies instead of buying a new one
  14. How much time does it normally take to process the order? My card has been debited instantaneously yet the order somehow got stuck in "Processing" status
  15. T-72B3M/Arena-M state trials...
  16. To reproduce Haiduk's behavior you need to add a "Specialist team" i.e. not to use a regular TO&E. Organic units do not display the oddity Haiduk's is talking about.
  17. It's been cancelled in favor of T-72/T-64 upgrades. Oplot is too expensive and Malyshev plant cannot produce them in reasonable numbers. @Haiduk, please correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. It goes through FMS route so someone has to pay for it. But the Hill may arrange an aid package to Ukraine and then Ukrianian MoD may pay for Javelins out of the aid package.
  19. Thanks - your info is ever impeccable! Does Varta use IR tranparent or IR masking smoke as of now?
  20. No. There was an R&D for passive system called Varta - smoke grenade launcher triggered by LWR not a radar. If I remember correctly it didn't even get to IR blocking smoke grenades. Grenades were setting IR transparent smoke screen and that kind of defied the very purpose of the system. I don't know but I doubt Thai Oplots have Varta.
  21. 1. I meant is an APS rearm delay is modelled in APS or not? 2. Thai Oplots are not an approximation - they ARE T-84s, improved mod. Official designation is T-84BM. Few pieces of the base model were built as well. So T-84 did exist IRL albeit in extra low numbers.
  22. Are you speaking of IRL or it's modeled this way in CM as well?
  23. Do you have a reference/proof? Sorry just find it hard to believe in 20mm RHA penetration for 7.62 Don't have the data for SLAPs but for full caliber cartridges 7.62 packs almost six times less energy than .50BMG. Update: Sorry posted at the very moment you provided the data for 5.56. Yeah, if 5.56 can defeat 12mm of 300HB I guess 7.62 can go through 20mm. Thanks for the very interesting information!
  24. The trick is in wording: they say 20mm of steel, not 20mm of RHA.
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