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Everything posted by Sirocco

  1. As I menioned before, I can understand how this situation has come about, and I fully accept the reasoning, but it's FUBAR for people outside North America, and I'm merely pointing that out.
  2. Perhaps selling used copies? We have to bite the bullet and accept what we're given. We've moved on from CMBO in so many ways, and we just have to accept the good and the bad.
  3. We do seem to be getting the mucky end of this particular stick, don't we?
  4. I don't want to open this all up again, but the debate over the demo was about it's qualities as a sales tool, and nothing else.
  5. I dn't know if you've looked at them already, but this supplier might be a little cheaper: http://www.jungle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10001&categoryId=10050&languageId=-1&parent_category_rn=null&top=Y
  6. Was that CDV or BFC? I can only find TBA on the CDV site for the non-German release.</font>
  7. Was that CDV or BFC? I can only find TBA on the CDV site for the non-German release.
  8. Your best work comes from what you feel most motivated to do, of course, but I can't help thinking a Far East game - Burma to the Pacific - would make a wonderful contrast for the series, rather than going straight back to the ETO, though I'm looking forward to North Africa.
  9. And how late is CMBB..? This just isn't going to be addressed until the engine re-write, IMHO.
  10. I think a firm American kick up a certain German backside might be in order.
  11. When you disturb a segment of code like that, it affects data structures, and other routines and sub-routines, to the point that you're basically re-writing a whole chunk of the engine. Better to leave it for the re-write.
  12. I just ordered copies of both from Amazon. Thanks for the recommendation, guys.
  13. FJ were present on the Eastern Front at least in 1942/43, and I would suspect from then onwards.
  14. Absolutely. What I mean by vague is that there still isn't a non-German release date listed on the CDV website. Either CDV are too lazy to update their pages, or..? :confused:
  15. I would feel more confident about that if it was listed as such on the CDV website. I do hope this all works out, but it looks less than a perfect start. It all seems a little vague at the moment.
  16. Yes, but is Christmas on 20/09/02, 4/10/02, or 25/10/02? The difference in these dates is puzzling.
  17. In the UK Game have a release date of 20/09/02, Special Reserve have it as 25/10/02. That doesn't look good.
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