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Everything posted by Sirocco

  1. I'm building a P4 2Ghz, GeForce 4 TI4600 with 1Gb of DDR RAM, so I'm hoping for good things, but as I'm still waiting for the CPU and CMBB, I can't tell you how it all works out for now.
  2. Is it just me that wants to zoom in and pan the view around?
  3. I would think someone will come up with a fix for the censorship, somehow, so it shouldn't be a huge problem, the problem is really with CDV's laid-back attitude to release dates. I just wish BFC had a clause in the contract to sell it mail order to European countries should CDV delay the release by, say, four weeks...
  4. I've seen games in DVD boxes in Virgin Megastore, and I've seen games in other packaging, so I don't think retailers "insist" on that. CDV made the decision to do it like that, which is fair enough as it's their decision to make.
  5. Now we get the game even after Eastern Europe.
  6. BFC explained that there was some kind of production problem, and I took it that in some regions CDV are holding onto the release to give CMBO more time centre stage.
  7. I don't think it would have hurt CDV's sales that much to have allowed BFC to continue selling the game through mail order without restriction, and with hindsight that would have been better for everyone. I certainly think it would have saved CDV's reputation as a distributor.
  8. How does the demo play on that system? I currently have a P2 350, with 256Mb of RAM and a Voodoo 3 card, and framerate and graphic quality is good with CMBO and the CMBB demo. Before thinking about replacing the video card I'd be taking a long hard look at the resources that are being used by other tasks when you load CMBB.
  9. I wouldn't be too hard on BFC. This wouldn't have been such a problem if it wasn't for the restriction on mail order clause in the contract. For a combination of reasons CDV are just slipping further and further back with the non-German release date, and BFC couldn't have foreseen that.
  10. I don't understand your point. A meeting engagement, with the same forces on either side, will pass that test in CMBO and CMBB. And by definition, CMBB is not guaranteed to provide a level playing field.
  11. Those ornamental trees are obviously more dangerous than they look.
  12. I think a read of Hamburger Hill might give an insight into how difficult infantry finds attacking prepared defences.
  13. I can understand why CDV might want to build in some more space between their CMBO and CMBB releases, if I understand their position correctly, but for existing BFC customers now locked into the CDV system it's a little irritating. I do wonder whether the damage to CDV's reputation is worth the few extra sales they've gained from that clause in the contract, too. Good luck working everything out with them in the future.
  14. I wonder if it was more ahistorical to have so many men bunched-up in open ground?
  15. I think it's safe to assume they sub-contract all production issues, and that being the case they should have the means to produce enough copies to satisfy demand. I wouldn't like to think that they've been surprised at the numbers.
  16. Sounds like a typical day on the Eastern Front.
  17. You're correct, of course, about the use of vehicles for laying wire, but at the CM scale I think most sensible FO's would have dismounted, otherwise they're making themselves an obvious target.
  18. Thanks for taking the time to share that with us. It's good to see the tactical improvements in the game system confirmed.
  19. Your attempt to insult only highlighted your ignorance of the minutae of military history.
  20. I suppose it's only a matter of time before the Germans take over our postal system, too, anyway.
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