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Everything posted by Sirocco

  1. I like that solution, and in general it should work well to simulate that extra effort required to organise lower quality troops. I can't wait to see it in action in the full game.
  2. That depends on how you define "negative". I have seen very few negative posts here, but quite a few posts with constructive criticism. And as a gamer, that indicates an active community. I do think people sometimes mistake criticism of a particular aspect of the game - and it usually comes with suggestions for improvements - as criticism of the game itself.
  3. I don't understand the negativity. People made suggestions because they loved CMBO, expect to love CMBB even more, but felt the demo could have done more. The more people said the same thing. That then became characterised as "whining". I don't understand why the whole thing got so wrapped up in machismo. :confused:
  4. And sometimes they captured the maintanence personnel, too.
  5. You had the same evolution from the original Close Combat game to Close Combat 2. Both are a big step up from the original. There's certainly a great "ooh" factor with the audio and video improvements.
  6. I'm afraid you're completely missing the point, as are quite a few people here, as that is EXACTLY what this is NOT about. But, as I said earlier, it's your bat and ball.
  7. And that's an example of the attitude which makes this community work.
  8. That's not it at all, but why discuss the issue when you can just label people who talk about this as "whiners"?
  9. I don't doubt that it's impossible to represent the scope of CMBB in the demo, but to me the demo is missing a real "killer" scenario. I was impressed with the scope of the Citadel map, and by the mechanics of the Yelnia scenario, but neither showcase the combat element as the CMBO demos did, nor do they provide a really good showcase for PBEM. I think you're preaching to the converted, which is fine in itself, but I'd personally like to see more people seduced by the game engine you've crafted. However, it's your bat and ball, so you make the rules.
  10. It's perfectly feasible for him to look at the gameplay in the demo, compare it to CMBO, and come up with a negative conclusion. But the fact is the demo just doesn't do the full game justice in that respect.
  11. The criticism isn't of the demo, but the scenarios included to showcase the game. That's the point. People are confusing constructive criticism with "whining" for some reason.
  12. We have our faces pressed up against the glass, it seems, watching while everyone else celebrates Christmas.
  13. I would have liked to have seen a better PBEM. I thought Chance Encounter in particular showcased PBEM well in CMBO, whereas the two scenarios with CMBB are quite one-sided in that sense. I personally would have preferred a scenario in an environment with more cover for both sides to exploit as a promo for the game. I have a feeling the demo really doesn't do the full game justice.
  14. I had the same experience. The problem is that through CMBO we've become used to squads who generally speaking go forward until they're broken. In this particular game you do have to abandon those principles and lead with your armour, pulling the infantry along behind to exploit.
  15. I had the same experience. The problem is that through CMBO we've become used to squads who generally speaking go forward until they're broken. In this particular game you do have to abandon those principles and lead with your armour, pulling the infantry along behind to exploit.
  16. I thought the new sounds were outstanding, one of the highlights of the demo.
  17. I assume the only source for an uncensored copy is BFC..? The censored version doesn't just apply to the German release?
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-: Ok, but wasn't German rocket arty pretty common. Anyone got any numbers on those?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't have any production totals, but you might find the following data interesting. The 51st Nebelwerfer Regiment fired 68,344 15cm and 8,325 21cm rockets between July and December 1943. During the war 20 brigades, 15 heavy regiments, 3 regiments in fixed positions, 4 training and replacement regiments, and 25 independant battalions were formed, some of them being re-formed several times. I think that data might only cover the Eastern Front, there might have been other units in the West.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stacheldraht: CM doesn’t allow the mortar to be removed, sadly<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I suspect their decision is based on the amount of time it would take to dismount the mortar. It would be interesting to hear more about their actual use, what percentage of the time they were fired mounted/dismounted, and how they were spotted for, as seems more likely that firing by their own LOS. Interesting data.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: As for the Iraq example, some people (tero, Sirocco) just don't get it. They also will never get it, but that's alright.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're a smart boy, Germanboy. Pity you can't debate something in an adult fashion, but, as you say, that's alright. I'm looking to discuss ways to improve the engine, not score points off people to make myself look good, or smart. I suggest you grow up a little and drop the tone. It's clear there's no room for debate here.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B: Does anyone know if there have been any studies done to see if, all else being equal, people from colder climes freeze to death more slowly than their warm blooded peers? On the surface, it sounds absurd to me, but I've never really looked into it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This has nothing to do with freezing to death! As a Russian, if you have experienced Russian winters - note, I used the term Russian - all your life, then you must be able to operate in those conditions better than someone who is experiencing it for the first time. Why do athletes go to acclimatise in a foreign climate that they're going to compete in? Because they're not physically used to it. They would be at a disadvantage otherwise! [ 07-08-2001: Message edited by: Sirocco ]
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