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Everything posted by Noba

  1. WORK? You should try Retirement... much much better. Noba.
  2. What's that Zooming noise? Ah yes, it's clueless Speedy totally missing it. Again. Noba.
  3. Typical. Red Thunder will be out Thursday plus I fly to Broome on Thursday for 4 days therefore nowhere near a pc. Typical. Noba.
  4. First, he is 2000km from the Indian Ocean. Second, he can't swim.... Wait!... Noba.
  5. Perceptive little bugger, isn't he? (Shows that NAPLAN was right after all!) Noba. NEXT!!!! **We are thank full for small mercies...
  6. Have you purchased the MG pack yet? Your doom is still waiting. Noba. NEXT!!!
  7. Wrong Nancy-Boy, totally wrong. We travel overseas: Because we can. Because it's good to remind people that they too could live with us in Paradise. Noba. p.s. Can you at least keep the MBT off page two, or are you just as useless as your predecessor? Thank gawd he left. NEXT!
  8. You mean like this ... THE place where you Ohionites spend your summer vacations? Of course you and him are obviously 'kindred spirits'... Noba
  9. You got that right* Sparky. The kind of involvement that requires my hand around your neck throttling the life out of you... slowly. Noba. *Write that one in your diary Folks.
  10. About time you caught up, slacker. I still have the saved game in which your misled pixeltruppen are being smeared all over the map. Prepare to receive the coop-de-gracy, or sumfink. Noba.
  11. You are supposed to bring the beer with you, no sponging in the 'Pool. Can't trust the youth of today anymore. Noba.
  12. No, he smells. Actually he smells like Emrys (spelt, not bolded). Noba. p.s. Did anyone see where OFJ drifted off too? Probably his old timers kicking in, again.
  13. There, fixed that for you... Noba.
  14. Yep, just turned on my 15C, still works after 30ish years. I am going to complain to Apple. Noba.
  15. No evidence required, after all he is a "Banker"...... Cut and dried. Done and Dusted. Ipso whatever. GUILTY. Hang 'im! Noba.
  16. Yes we heard that too. You've been skimming that account for years, and didn't the Tax bill you "forgot" to pay mean that there is a warrant for your arrest? Noba.
  17. Well Demoted Boo, or should that be Demented? No matter, it shows you have now reached the pinnacle of constructive literature... hitting the backspace key until the words line up. Well done lad. Now back to your crayons or the nurses will take them away. Noba.
  18. Yet again you prove your stupidness. It's Old Foul Joe. Pillock. Noba.
  19. You are talking about your file-sending prowess, or lack of it, I presume. Noba.
  20. There is probably a funny line in there somewhere, but someone else can find it, I can't be arsed. Noba.
  21. Not correct, I wasn't actually listening to you. Where is that Donkey when you need to explain things to idjits? Noba.
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