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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. I suppose Guadalcanal would be the countering example. You shouldn't say impossible, just risky.
  2. Another solution. The only problem I see with it is what people really seem to want is a chance to blast them out of the water. Under your system, you can still only hit them on land.
  3. For Yugo, plan on putting a unit in each end of the mountains, one in the capital, one in Bulgarian capital, one in the Italian port city. Covers it for the rest of the game. Or keep a strong unit in reserve to hunt the little buggers down. For Russia, put one unit in each swamp, or again, a strong unit in reserve to go get them. I believe there's other spots in Russia where they spawn now, but by the time you get there, they ain't so much of a problem.
  4. I think it does knock down the odds, although not stop them all together. Anyone?
  5. This is not the point or solution. To make Sea Lion impossible thru diplomacy effects and government movement to God knows where is stupid. Blashy mentioned this before and to my opinion this is completely wrong logic for any WWII game. The point will be to make Sea lion profitable but hard to do it. After reading all post so far MAYBE the best solutions will be: 1.)Reduced movement for amphibious transports, no move for unloaded units AND no possibility to load tanks group and armies. This IS, as Sea Monkey said, totally unrealistic. or 2.)Limits for amphibious transports. This solution will represent national capability for sea transport. As someone said before Germany had problem (besides RN and RAF problems) with quantity of transport boats and ships. </font>
  6. Actually, I'd rate the Vikings a little higher than that. Longboats will take you all the way up the rivers.
  7. But where's the CD? THERE'S NO CD!!! AAAaarrrgh!!! Oh, it's inside. They really have to stop doing that...
  8. Well, I guess I could look for a scarf for you as well..... By the way, Happy Birthday to me. I turn 35 today. </font>
  9. Lars, United Kingdom **Yugoslavia Greek French Norwegian Irish Spanish EGYPTIAN and Iraqi partisans Will attack resources no matter who is the occupier of their country, Axis OR Allied. All of the above, except the **Yugoslavian partisans, do NOT appear on the board as units that can attack any garrison forces. They merely reduce the (... unoccupied) resources, Based on a random trigger %. You could of course change this so that Partisan units do appear, if you'd prefer. Or write up an event script To add partisan activity for any Other country not already included. NOTE: UK partisans will comply with the specific "partisan flag" and NOT attack resources unless UK is conquered. Not that anyone would suppose O/W, but just wanted to clarify. </font>
  10. Ah, but the actual landings at Gallipoli were (relatively) successful. And that was in open whaleboats. It was the next three months that was the bitchy part. Despite the Marine Corps propaganda, you usually get ashore somewhere.
  11. Actually, I think it could have been pulled off without all the fancy boats. Sure, losses would have been higher, but not critically so. D-Day was a bit of overkill. Look, things can go terribly wrong in a amphibious invasion, no argument there. But they can also go terribly right. The real problems usually occur after you get ashore, not during the actual assault. And I'm unaware of a historical example of a assault being slaughtered while still trying to hit the beach. Hmm, maybe something from the Greeks… All I'm saying is I don't think we need a separate tech for something that nations have been doing for centuries. See my first post above.
  12. Ah, but starting slipping subs through the canal. Buh bye India...
  13. No but it also does not take a week to send in your navy and air force to dispatch those landing craft. In a turn based game, no matter what the time ref. is, you have to make allowences for balance. For me having real landing craft instead of boats and barges makes a huge differance in the time that the opposing forces have to react to the landings. Thus a 'Landing Craft' Tec tree makes since. The better LC you have and the better you know how to use them makes a big impact. Have no LC tec and it forces you to wait a turn, have a good LC tec and you can land right away, seems like a fair and balanced option to me. </font>
  14. Perhaps we should have Axis Partisans in the Middle East. As it stands now, the Allies don't have to garrison. In fact, they can evacuate the whole place and still get all the benefits. Rather ahistorical, imho. Those garrisons were there for a reason. The Iraq revolt is a nice touch though. Maybe a random chance of that happening in other countries would be good, if left unoccupied. The Allies shouldn't get to keep collecting mpp for nothing. Or maybe a declaration of independence? Allies lose mpp, but no unit for Axis.
  15. Well, having read up to this point, I have to say I'm not sure Ampih is broke. Think we need more time to play with it. Besides, sure you can take UK, but what's the point if you're probably going to lose the war because of it? As for possible solutions, the easiest would be to just raise the mpp cost and/or tweak the ranges on a country specific basis, perhaps tied to an existing tech, like Infrastructure, for decreases, as that's the transport one.
  16. Well, to give the devil his due, Hitler had Yugo safely out of the war until the coup happened. Even then, the new government said it would honor the Tripartitate Pact. Was a war that was never supposed to happen. So maybe we should get a popup option.
  17. What's gamey about it? It's what happened. If they collapse then the Germans get to march into all the Empty Italian cities and use their resources to produce German units.....gosh...isn't that what happened? Or perhaps the allies can be better prepared and do a coup de main themselves - which they didnt' do historically. Elsewhere people are saying that it's OK that the game is "biased" towards the Axis because players can avoid making hte same mistakes as Hitler did, and that's fine - so I don't see what's "gamey" about this at all! It's fine - apart from teh bit that it didn't happen like that in real life! </font>
  18. That would be the easiest solution, to just make it a city upgrade ala AA. Strong enough to keep the partisans out but weak enough to fall to an attacker might be the tricky bit. Would also have to rebalance the game to remove some Corps.
  19. You need to put a garrison in to keep a partisan unit from grabbing a city for nothing. To really keep them down you need to scatter a couple around the hinterlands too.
  20. Yep, about 1 point. Doesn't seem to happen as often as it does for other ships though, so maybe Hubert made them a little more seaworthy.
  21. From the war logs, "U 46 will be ready for operations within the next few days. She is to operate on the west coast of Portugal. At present this is the best area for U-boats operating against merchant shipping, as conditions in the winter are better." Do what they did. Run south to the better weather. Or stay and pay the price. A 1 point hit isn't to bad when you consider what the weather's doing to all those Allied ships out hunting you. Ah, decisions, decisions…
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