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Everything posted by Lars

  1. You blockade, yea, Considering IJN was done defunct, And then, as with East Berlin in 1961, You air-drop basic necessities. What's so hard? Might've taken - what? A year before the common "rice farmer" Over-threw the rabid Army tyrants</font>
  2. Depends, as so many things in this game do, on how Russia is going. If Russia is holding, bomb the snot out of the Axis. If it looks like Russia is going to break, ramp up D-Day. Perhaps you could link the strategy switch to a random city in Russia. Say Leningrad/Smolensk/Karkov?
  3. Hey, I've always been a proponent of the submarine/mine blockade strategy. But, it was never a sure thing either. It wouldn't have forced the Japanese to surrender. They could have let half the population starve. I can understand why they made the decision they did. They took a chance, and it worked.
  4. Actually, there's new evidence that the Japanese mini-subs got one off. Attack from Below
  5. Possibly, but not guaranteed. It was fortunate that the Japanese surrendered when they did, for both us and them.
  6. You flirt. Although, after thinking about it a bit more, please post the pictures. [ May 17, 2006, 06:14 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  7. Alright, which one of you lame-brains let Shaw go camping? Utah Campground Closed Because of Plague Now he's gone and buggered up a whole forest.
  8. Rolend, read the report. Pay particular attention to the section marked "Electric Power"
  9. Nope. I've gotten rather used to the Nato symbols, and the patch is only a week away. In fact, I'm liking the Nato symbols more and more for clarity.
  10. Hey Cheese Panzer, all I'm really saying is Hitler could have waited a few years. Well, that would be the time to do it. 1941? No way. Realpolitik usually dictates that the two biggest kids on the block always end up enemies. But plenty of time for the clash of the titans later. And again, in the game, German is forced to attack Russia. Usually by 42 at the latest. But it was never a necessity and there's no evidence Stalin would have come riding to the UK's rescue. So take a year or two off and do Sealion up right.
  11. Stalin hits Brest below it's re-supply level, so UK Corps says goodbye. Another German corps shows up in Norway, but Oslo holds out. German supporting air and sub goes for a carrier. Heavily damages it, but sub gets sunk on the riposte from the remaining carrier. UK fleet then withdraws from the Skaggerak. USSR gets Advanced Air 1.
  12. Here's the report. THE UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY I think Galbraith's statement of "cast aside" is a bit over the top. It's still the standard reference. [ May 16, 2006, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  13. Sounds a bit fighter happy. Wouldn't tweaking it a bit more towards Bomber be more realistic? Say 2 Bombers, 2 Fighters for escort, and hit the three techs, especially Long Range.
  14. Yep. And that's what I want. A unreliable assessment. You mean the "bang" sound effect? Whee. True, but it could be better with very little work.
  15. You still haven't provided any backing for your statement. Hitler could have easily fortified his border with Russia and Stalin could have done the same. The pact between them worked well to both their mutual advantage, so I could easily see a better scenario for them co-existing if Adolph had decided Poland and France were just as good for current lebensraum needs and stayed out of a two front war. And as you say, the Russian army of '41 was in no way comparable to what it became later. After having 35,000 officers and 850,000 Party members purged in the late 30's, I think Stalin would have been seriously nuts to go in front of the remainder and the Party and tell them he's going to take on the pre-eminent military power of the day with a defunct, demoralized army and ten percent of his workforce sitting in concentration camps. Can you say coup? I think you can.
  16. It wasn't an option. Had the Germans not invaded first, the Russians would have. USSR simply wasn't ready in 1941, but given time they would have come over the border. </font>
  17. Btw, you didn't screw up too badly. Start buying stuff like crazy!!! Motorization is worthless for the USSR early, too expensive of an upgrade and you'll be going backwards for awhile. What's the date? How long till the invasion?
  18. Er, no. It would cost much less, but take the same amount of time to reach the field. If you went Industrial, that would be the case. But you'd have more MPP to spend.
  19. I'd take a more balanced approach in the USSR, get one in each. Then start cranking out units. Try to get Anti-Tank and Infantry Weapons if you can before the invasion comes, because you know what's coming. Then, invest in tech if you ever get a chance again. For the US, you can dump a bunch of chits in Industrial, as they get a 20% increase, which is better than anybody else and the US strong suit.
  20. Well, Production Tech lets you buy more of them, so you could say yes. But in point of fact, no, a Corps will still take three months. There is no way to speed it up. All you can do is increase the amount of MPP through Industrial and cut costs through Production.
  21. I approve of our new Overlords and hope they send down some clarified butter.
  22. Er, has anybody noticed that these lobsters are red? That they are, in fact, ex-lobsters? Not that having a 1,500 pound dead lobster fall on you is anything to laugh about...
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