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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Germans get their troops moved from Sweden down to Russia and manage to stabilize the northern front. In the south, however, the Russians go on a wilding. Take Kiev, eliminate one Air Force, most all the Inf, and the last Panzer is slated to die, cut off and alone. In Africa, we're still trying to decide who's cut off who. Bradley gets his hair mussed, but it costs the Germans a sub.
  2. He gave them more? What does he have for victory conditions? Looking at your first move, what you need to do is pick a target and stick with it. I'd suggest Riga. Plaster that one unit on the coastline with all your ships first, then move all the Inf armies up there to surround Riga. Send the Tanks down to get that Russian tank by Minsk. Hit it with both air units first to weaken it. In the south, move up and surround Odessa. Next turn, plaster Riga with everything, you should take it. After that, Minsk with the Tanks. Move air into position to finish off Odessa and Kiev. AFTER you have those four cities, then you can start thinking about whether you want Leningrad or Moscow. Pick one, and only one. btw, stay away from Smolensk (at least one tile)until your ready, it triggers Russian reinforcements. Assuming you're teacher didn't change that too... [ March 19, 2007, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  3. Not just if you crash, what if they crash? It is a solution, but it does have it's own set of drawbacks.
  4. I could see you as a silverback. Got the sloped forehead for it.
  5. You must have if you just challenged the whole Pool... But to help you along with your Alzheimers, never fear, there is a wiki here . Of course, since it was written mostly by this lot, it's unfinished and not very good...
  6. But they're not maintaining a coherent formation. They're just sitting there. Or rather, off working the farms (very common for armies to do this). So, explain to me your rational of why they should just suddenly one day disappear? I've never seen that happen to an army before.
  7. Germans invade Sweden. Run away in Russia. The Russians advance, retaking the mines. Just waiting for non-mud. We're on hold a bit, as Canuck has run off to Mexico.
  8. Was over beating Papa Kahn and dalem. Needed a change from beating you. Not that it was much different. They whined about it too.
  9. Yep, we done this before. But I'll stand by what I said. Who cares? It has no impact really. And I read Supply 0 as "no supply for military operations", not "we're all going to die". Vveed is just upset the game doesn't work the way he wants it to work. Do you really want to get into the argument of whether a unit should disappear after 4 turns? Or should it be 6? Modified for rough, swamp, mountain, desert, plain, steppe, French vineyards, etc. What a Pandora's Box. There's better things for Hubert to do with his time, quite honestly.
  10. Well, they're not ready for a fight. They just sit there. What's the problem?
  11. One example among many. Just the first that came to mind.
  12. To get back to this again, while it may be stupid, it's not unrealistic. Adolph in his wisdom left troops out on the Channel Islands for the duration. Wanted the "prestige" of occupying UK territory, even though they were strategically worthless. So make your own rational of why he'd leave troops in the mountains. Heavy water, or maybe there was the world's biggest ski jump there.
  13. The Siberians have finally showed up, there's going to be a massive battle when the weather clears. Tunis is still making kipper falafels for the Brits. And the Americans have decided to get in on the fun. Whee!
  14. You're going to tell a draftsman about tangents? Sheesh, I've even got buttons that do that for me now. Btw, got one that's any good at secondary auxiliaries?
  15. You're still repressing about everybody wanting to touch temple guy in Vietnam and ignoring you, aren't you?
  16. That was a bit of a shock. Needed to do the colonial troop switcheroo from Tunis to Malta and needed a turn to do it. Oh well, it's not like Malta is worth any mpps. Tunis and a Italian NA city is a fair trade. A two front war for the Italians is going to be interesting.
  17. What's the scale of a square again? Plenty of land to support that level of population. Dave, think you went off on a amphib tangent. I was just talking about the odd cutoff unit.
  18. Because stray units can't do anything unless you get them back in supply. Bypassing them and letting them rot is a still a valid option. It's not like we have hordes of them cluttering up the screen. . Who knows, it might draw your opponent into making a mistake in coming to their rescue. Is it really worth the time to "fix" something that isn't really "broken"?
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