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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. It's got to be DirectX 8.0a because I'm having the same effing problem. No other changes on the system. Thank you Microsoft. 8.0A, who'd a thought it would be buggy.
  2. Excellent suggestions, Wildman, I’d go for the MGM Grand for a place to stay. Peng, play nothing but nickel slots, you still get to drink for free and I know you could put a real hurt on the casinos. Oh, take the Big Shot ride (skip the rollercoaster – lame) on the top of the Stratosphere, you’ll definitely need a drink after that one.
  3. GAMEY GAME UPDATE: Chinese Chickens – 6, little imported foreign basturds. Lars – A long effing stomp through the cattails. On the plus side, I did get to tick off a few deer hunters. And a rabbit, I unquestionably ruined a rabbit’s day. Looks like the niece’s will be having Hausenpfeffer for Easter, hehe. Turns will go out this evening after the medicinal Bourbon takes effect on my poor aching knees. Expect my usual tactical brilliance. Or not. Hey, at least I’ll be having a good time.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf: Awwwright, I have plans tonight but after I get home I will send you out a something? Did you want a scenario or a QB? <hr></blockquote> A scenario. It's probably to much to ask, but try to make it balanced. And make it noisy, to drown out all this damn singing.
  5. In a effort to move on from those pathetic photos (I have far worse): GAME UPDATES!!! Agua Perdido – send a fecking turn. MrSpkr – send a fecking turn. CMplayer – send a fecking turn. Buzzsaw – send a fecking turn. jshandorf – send a fecking setup. And to anyone I may have forgotten, send a fecking turn. [ 11-01-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by l3w53r: Dunno much bout the "organic",but thats the explanation I've read of for why there is not much heavy artillery for the soviets during ww2. I've read that them ruskies only produced a handful of big arillery guns for ground troops becuase the red army got 'em sturmoviks. And I think the "flying tanks" was pretty much coordinated with ground troops to become replacements for heavy artillery. And I still have got to learn(I'm 14yrs old)but I think Germany could have won the war if Hitler didn't bomb London,instead opting to continue decimating the RAF in the Battle of Britain,giving the luftwaffe air supperiority and paving the way for England's invasion. That way, there's only 1 front, the eastern one,then there's not gonna be much need for an alliance with japan (which means America might not go into war with germany), as the Reich controls a lot of countries and only one front where all these resources would be used on.And there will be little disruption on German industry, as there will be no airfields from which allied heavy bombers could come from to bomb germany.and getting supplies to Russia would be a bit hard, as Germany would be able to harass, or utterly stop any convoy going to russia from the atlantic. So to me, if the Germans had won the battle of Britain, there is going to be a stronger germany, and weaker, if not non-existent allies. whew! =)<hr></blockquote> If you think the Soviets didn't produce a lot of heavy artillery, your going to get a rude suprise in CMBB. Keep reading though. [ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: I wish we had a photo of Lars, because Peng is right. He does look like Gary Shandling.<hr></blockquote> I'm much better looking, and funnier too, not that that is very difficult. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Oh, and Lars actually got some blonde's phone number<hr></blockquote> And it wasn't Shandorf's either. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> On the strange side, Lars admitted to having his picture taken with the goat.<hr></blockquote> Hey, the blonde roped me into that, and she was a blonde after all, and I did get her phone number. Thank God Polaroid has gone bankrupt. Did I mention she was a blonde? [ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Paul Brickhill's book, Reach for the Sky, was published in 1954 and was later made into a movie. Bader's autobiography, Fight for the Sky, appeared in 1973. Douglas Bader, who was knighted in 1976, died in 1982. <hr></blockquote> A quick Google search will turn up so much.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bog: Ok, the French infantry mod doesn't include a chest/back part, that bmp shows up as white in the game. Anyone else have this problem?<hr></blockquote> Umm, was the white part waving?
  10. Really Shaw, setting up another account just so you can start threads saying your right. It’s so gamey it's inspired. I’m only sorry that I didn’t think of it first.
  11. Bader died in 82. I met his widow, I beleive she runs an art gallery in California.
  12. Just in case you wanted a Me262 of your very own. http://www.stormbirds.com/common/forsale.htm Better hurry, only three left!
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars: Ah, screw it. <hr></blockquote> [ 10-28-2001: Message edited due to a bottle of wine and a couple of those Manhatten thingies] [ 10-28-2001: Help! I'm drunk and I can't stop trying to fix this] [ 10-28-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Lars, Lars, Lars . . . that is EXACTLY the point. Here, CM is the VEHICLE by which the taunts are delivered. If you don't play, you really don't belong here and can't comment on how loathsome your opponent truly is. <hr></blockquote> Exactly. Send a setup, so I may have more fertile grounds that football to comment on just how loathsome an individual you really are. Consider yourself more challenged than OU. BTW, the Gophers won 66-10. Unlike OU.
  15. Linda, unless you are planning to tie into a NT network, why on earth did you buy XP? There is nothing there worth the upgrade price. This is going to be Microsoft's biggest flop ever. Get your money back, reinstall Win98, and live a happy life.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr: snipped due to excess football grogism snipped again due to excess football grogism <hr></blockquote> I'm sorry MrSpkr, you have mistaken me for someone who actually cares. I only was pointing out that, much like CM, it's not whether you win or lose, or even how you play the game, as long as I get to rub salt in your wounds, MrSpkr. Oh, and before I forget. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa! Loser. {hehe, whew} (edited for more of you know what) [ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedbump: Your Loosers have gone down to defeat at the hands of my beloved Cornhuskers! Thppppptttttt!!! Cornhuskers 9-0, ranked #1 in the nation! {BCS} <hr></blockquote> Now that is good news, just because it will P.O. MrSpkr {edited due to malicious laughter} [ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>
  18. Kitty, That cat looks like the one that I got into a bar fight with last night. How did you know? The rest of you, Don’t ask.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: Just kidding. (not only is this a ladder but most of the people here are closet grogs. It's sickening, really) [ 10-26-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]<hr></blockquote> At the average of 8.75 square feet of floor space, the capability to hold large amounts of miltary camo gear on hangers, and with a front glacis of 1.5” thick solid oak, I feel that the closet is seriously undermodeled in CM. BTS, fix or do somfink.
  20. Actually CMplayer, the problem IS on your end. After talking to Berli, who is the embodiment of evil, he has assured me that I am well and truly screwed in this matchup. But then he would, wouldn’t he? I, however have faith in you CMplayer. Since you have managed to fail at sending e-mails, you will no doubt manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Please resend the last turn. Pillock.
  21. I particularly enjoyed Woody Allen singing karoke. And Hanns, you forgot to mention that the goat was pregnant. No wonder Mace wants to come to the U.S. to fulfill his paternal duties.
  22. Wrong conclusion, CMplayer. We just need to get Slapdragon properly greased.
  23. This is a sad day. A very sad day. It is the day the boat had to be pulled off the lake before that little event that we from the frozen tundra like to call Ice-Up. To make it perfectly clear, soon we will be driving on the lake, dodging fish houses, and complaining about the lack of Light Rail where we really need it. Now I don’t know if any of you idjits have ever had the joy of owning a boat (or a full set of teeth for that matter) but let me explain a few things to you. Boat ownership has been compared to standing in a ice cold shower, in a rain slicker, tossing $100 dollar bills down the drain. If you would enjoy this, you’re ready to own a boat. This is incorrect. A boat has always been more properly refered to as “The Other Woman”. And a boat is the Perfect Mistress because (pay attention now): $+$) It will perform on demand. q) It doesn’t love you. 7w) It will take all your money. Primus) It will perfom just as well for the next guy with money. Did I mention winter storage rates? I am now ready to drink for free off of Hanns.
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