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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Kwazy thanks for your contributions to the MDMP. I didn't know. They are great. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  2. Okay. Pham thanks for the props above and like I said I am happy to hear your opinion. Now though I think the arguement has produced some results. First Steve and Charles agree with what Matt & Fionn (nice play on the last AAR) are doing. The majority of the contributors and players that have chimed in have stated that they support Matt. I do. Everytime I play CM I see all the pretty graphics and hear all the neat sounds that I downloaded from CMHQ. Matt has also chimed in after having oral surgery (my vote was for hair implants ) and responded to your questions. Their was no malice involved. Pham and Bates your points are well taken but I think that at this point in time it is clear that the CM community has decided that Matt & Fionn deserve some reward for their diligence (like we really have a say).Anyways thanks Matt & Fionn. And always thanks Steve & Charles. And of course thanks Pham and Bates for you opinions and everyone else that contributed. It made my day at work more interesting, although I am betting Matt wishes he had a lot of valium and was asleep right now. CODINE I NEED CODINE So this is how you make the damn smileys work!!!! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 09-18-2000).]
  3. Wilhammer is right. If the person who signed the contract is given the authority to offer the contract and except dividends on said contract then the company that he represents is responsible for the contract with or without their knowledge. The fact of the matter is that the company accepted the contract the day they gave the man who signed the contract the power to offer it in the first place. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  4. Throught the pain the Maddog rises to accept the challenge. (hehehe) ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  5. Pham Your points are well taken. Let's just wait and see. No annoucements have been made yet so let's see how things pan out before we hit Matt with criticism and/or praise. Also about the Madpacks. It's his website so whats the big deal. Maybe he was working on the packs before the "mod craze" started and added the section. If I ran a car website then my car would probably be displayed first. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't have other cars pictured in other areas but hey it is my site. I doubt if there is anythying behind the seperate sections. Also they are called 3rd party mods because that is what they are. That doesn't make them bad or worse it just what they are. So why don't we all lay off for awhile and see what occurs. By the way this was not meant to be judgmental I just think we are jumping the gun. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  6. Get better soon Matt. And good luck it takes a lot of balls to change your situation and not just sit and gripe. Lead on MADMATT and the CM/MDMP groupies will follow!!!! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 09-18-2000).]
  7. when it wants too (literally I am not joking)
  8. Hey guys haven't posted just had surgery. Guys lay off BTS. I am a graphic freak. I just bought a 700 mhz pIII with 700+ mb of RAM and a Gforce 2 GTS 64 mb video card because I love good graphics in games. Now that being said I think CM has great graphics. Does it push this or even my old machine to it's graphical limits.....hell no but it does not need to. It is great. The different camera angles and such integrate together to become a great gaming engine. AND THAT IS WHAT WE NEED TO APPRECIATE. I have a whole pile of games that have tracks and blood and dust and smoke and stars and pixie dust and blah blah blah blah but are about as playable as a square ball. Steve and Charles thanks for a great game. Another example of this is the tactical sim games. Now without starting a disscussion on them look at the three or four titles out. S.W.A.T., Delta Force, Spec Ops, and Rogue Spear\Rainbow Six. S.W.A.T. has beautiful eye candy and you could argue that the larger land area in Delta Force is better but know one can argue against Rogue Spear having the best engine. All the others came later and tried to mainstream the idea. Rogue is better because it's game engine works well like CM's does. If CM does ever get "emulated" it will probably be a poor substitute that is more streamed to RTS and FPS gamers and not wargamers to sell more copies. Rogue has a dedicated following and have no interest in capturing the FPS players and so the game is "truer" to itself. Most FPS players hate Rogue (at least that I have met). Same thing BTS is not interested in the RTS crowd but the wargaming crowd. And in general what would you rather be complaining about tracks in the dirt or the fact that you don't have enough crystals to build the upgraded "siege" Tiger. See what I mean we are blessed so stop being picky. Contructive is the key word in the phrase "constructive critiscm". ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  9. The way I have seen is that waypoints cause delay. I think that is what Maddmatt is getting at. So the Tutorial example above will not work. Try this: Two tanks forward, one with just the end waypoint and the other with one waypoint in the middle. The one with no waypoint in the middle should be faster. That is what MaddMatt meant by saying that to extend your pause just add a couple of hunt waypoints. Again I am only guessing but that is how I read Matt's post. I have seen it to work this way. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 09-06-2000).]
  10. Way interested. When it is ready put it on a nice central location so we may all enjoy it's wonder (i am being serious) thanks ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  11. Uhm Jager why did you bother posting. Obviously there was some impact on you since you are taking time to post. Then responding later on which means you are still monitoring the web site. As for turn based let me remind you of one detail, Gamespot named the best PC game of all time being X-com. The greatest point was it's interface and gameplay. It is very similiar to CM's. CM's gameplay I would say is the best of both worlds. If you have only played one RTS then how can you say that it offers a more tactical advantage. Anyone that needs gore to better appreciate a historical wargame needs to find a veteran and see what he or she would appreciate. Games such as CM and others can be a sign of respect when done right, and a mockery when done wrong. Blatant gore in games portraying real suffering is pathetic. THe last thing I need to be reminded is that my Grandfather could have ended up that way. Now I have no problem that you did not find CM to your taste and are more than entitled to your on opinion. Hell I think racists are the worst but I don't go traips'in into the neo nazi rally with a sign that says so. There are reprucussions to that and I have enough common sense to refrain from that action. Your style of writing was very antagonistic. Almost derogatory. A lot of people have put alot of work into this game that you do not even know about. Please in the future become informed and exercise common sense before posting because instead some possible good ideas you might of had for improving the game I am just hoping I never hear from you again. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  12. If both players can do their turns at once then you save time. I personally play hotseat games on the weekend with players who are efficient. We could squeeze in an extra 2-3 games a night if we could use TCP/IP. No rush though Steve and Charles because I am a proponent of CM regardless and would rather have it done right than early. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 09-01-2000).]
  13. I agree with Micheal ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  14. Trust in the men who made CM1 to whip out something special in CM2. Change too much and it is bad, change too little and it is bad. Let's just trust them. Games this good should experience EVOLUTION not REVOLUTION. Remember X-com? ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  15. It's a time issue. Both players will be plotting there turns at the same time. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  16. Is the game perfect? no. Is the game the best out? Yes. Will there ever be a perfect game? no. Is BTS trying to improve an already successful product? yes. Will Username: ever finish his game? NO....because he is too busy playing CM. Now somebody lock this now pointless thread. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  17. Useless units? I haven't played with the Archer but I have found one personal "rule" in the game which is use your units effectively together. Here are some examples Flamethrower + .50 cal jeep Any German Recon + Pumas Sharpshooters + AT teams AT guns + trucks (duh) MG + AT teams Charlie Sheen + Emelio Estevez (oops off subject) There are some others but they have slipped my mind. Later ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  18. I NEED AN EDIT. REWRITE PEOPLE. AAAAAHHH!!!! MY GIRFRIEND IS PUTTING MY COMPUTER IN A NIGHTIE. AHHHHHAQAHAHAHH! hehehehehe thanks for the heads up Fionn. Damn see what happens when you look over your shoulder for your boss when you type. You get labeled a pervert. Hey wait...hell I can live with that. eheheh ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  19. Guys soldiers are soldiers and right now they deserve our respect even if their military does not. Poor planning is not reserved to any one countries military. Now I do not know what happened but people are dead and it is ridiculous to use your energy blaming the Russians, Jochen, when you should be praying for them. Here is an idea, when something tragic or contraversial comes up think more than usual before you speak or in this case post. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  20. heheheheh 1.) When you say "I just read the news" and you mean you just spent an hour on this forum. 2.) When you send in the papers to legally change you kids names to Gary, Steve, Fionn, and MaddMatt no matter what their gender. 3.) When you watch the History Channel special on Rommel and think to yourself "I could do better" 4.) When your girlfriend walks into the room you are playing CM in, wearing a nightie, handcuffs in one hand and whip cream in the other and asks you whether you want ot come to bed or play that stupid game, AND YOU THINK ABOUT IT!!! 5.) I am at work right now and feel this post is more important than my job! later ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 08-18-2000).] [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 08-18-2000).]
  21. Hey guys. I struggled with the flamethrower unit inthe beginning but found out a nasty combo. If you are the Allies and are planning to invest in a flamethrower then get veteran first thing. Second (this is important) buy an American .50 cal jeep, also veteran. Now park the jeep in the rear with the flamethrower embarked. Let the enemy show themselves and then deploy the jeep/flamethrower team where they are needed most. The veteran status will help keep them from abandoning the jeep under light small arms fire. When the flame crew disembarks then have the jeeps .50 cal cover them. It works like a charm. The .50 cal can usually suppress the target allowing the flamethrower into position. The enemy runs and gets mowed down by the .50 cal. Great Combo. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  22. How was the trip? ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  23. My comments were never meant as a flame just so ya know! It really is interesting how the TacAI reacted. hmmmmm ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  24. This is a great disscussion. Well said both Panzer and Wendell. I think this applies to almost all the disscussion areas about gamey play. It really is all subjective. Lets take a look at the crew problem. Some say that using crews in an offensive manner is gamey. Others say that they should be able to bring in all there surviving troops inot battle if the deem it needed, including crews. Well here is what is funny about the situation. This weekend we a had a hotseat QB game. One of my Lynx's took a PIAT in the side and the crew bailed. They were about a 100m from the town that the British defending forces where in. Now they started firing back at the PIAT team instead of running. So next turn I turned them around and ran them back to a building that was 250m back. It was foggy so I figured they were out of the battle and ignored them. A couple turns later I here fire in my rear and sure enough here is the crew firing on an AT team trying to sneak behind my JagdTiger. The AT team gets pinned and the JagdTiger turns and kills them off with a main gun shot (messy!)from about 60m. Now if I would have spotted the AT team and moved the crew into position and fired onto the AT team some players would say that it was a gamey move. Others would say that I was simulating a group of tanks killing there mortal enemy (AT teams) and helping out their fellow tankers. But the TacAI did all this so I am not even responsible. So now where does this leave the arguement? There are some differences between cheating, being gamey, and being innovative. We need to remember that! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  25. Why is this funny? Interesting and somewhat realistic but not really funny. Worthy of a post though just not funny. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
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