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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Daga I agree with the above go to Matt's and get the mods. THe game is great as is, the mods make it better. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  2. Soon I hope. Eh Fionn? ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  3. Try CMMC (well if it was still open) ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  4. Technically the US could bring to bear an entire Carrier Group. The timetable would be short because there is one near I believe. Another carrier group could steam shortly thereafter and the Pacific group would still be out there but I doubt we would commit it. Also the Marines are at a ready state and we still have air assets near in Saudi Arabia and Germany and France I believe. It is not a threat of war but of mass destruction that is the fear. America still has the strongest military but we do need to improve it now not later. Later ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  5. Gonzo Attacker thinks he is GOD Anyways Hey Attacker does GREEN mean anything to you? ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  6. Damn Cow PC's. Anyways restoration disks suck almost as bad as WinModems. Oh well as long you can play CM ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  7. I click on the file and it says cannot find server name. I can get to the FTP server. Please help. Thanks ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  8. It is all good Darwin. BlitzKrieg you worthless son of....oh sorry you are on my side (I think). Anyways I already emailed whoever asked for it earlier in the thread plus I can get a hold of two other guys. Check in later.
  9. Hey Lorak what company makes your system. Compaq and Dell and whoever else use a slightly different version of Windows that has been developed to work with the hardware they implement. THe re-install may not work because windows does not automatically support the hardware. Or it is possible (although unlikely) that the BIOS was changed at some point and the WinModem hates it. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-20-2000).] [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-20-2000).]
  10. Okay cool. I like when I look at these threads and see great ideas developing or at least challenging the current way. All at the same time not having them degenerate into the chaos that some do. Juardis have you passed this up to BTS. (I'd copyright it first ) ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  11. Hey a Darwin quick do me a favor could you go and grab a map of SoCal. Afterwards find a nice big hill and inhale the smog. Next yell at the top of your lungs DAGO RULES turn the map sideways and shove it straight up your candy A$$. SF is rated the greatest city in the world like 5 years running. Neither SD or LA has ever won that title (I checked). If you smell what the....well you know the rest. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-20-2000).] [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-20-2000).]
  12. Flash modem blaster by Creative. 39.95 Win 98 patch from MS.com 59minutes (56k) Setting up the PC again 48minuts (est.) Working PC to play CM on....Priceless ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  13. Okay thanks for the clarifications. I have a question. Would you still be able to see your own troops? I mean if they go into the woods or something you should not be able to see them. This would cause havoc in trying to get back to C&C. We can't issue orders to these troops either can we if they are out of C&C? I am just trying to throw ideas out there. Another question, what about the independent teams such as AT teams and MG teams? I leave them by themselves all the time. BTS seems to believe that they can operate out of C&C fine. Oh S**T what about arti FO's I do not always have them in C&C. NO control over Artillery? Damn. Oh well responses? ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  14. I am in the Silicon valley with a couple other players. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  15. THanks BTS. Possibly the best feature ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  16. All good points again.....WE RULE!!!! I think that Dan E. made some good points (even if they are contrary to mine). Also I think Grinell is correct in the idea of downgrading a tank crew's experience level after they bail. Juardis I think your idea also has merit but I think that while technically you are right on all counts it would be difficult to implement right. First off unluckly some people would be pissed because they could not see this or that. Also while less "gamey" threads would be present about a billion "the AI sucks" threads would appear. Also you rely on the radio a little too much. I read somewhere that a lot of the C&C implemented in CM is that of being in earshot. Also if a squad is recieving commands by radio why do they need the platon leaders.....theyt have there own. The idea about treating the out of C&C units spotting like sound contacts is fine but the location would be know to the unit seeing it. A PIAT team out of C&C would still be able to shoot a tank. Sharpshooters would now be completely useless. As far a split squads go well they already would have a radio in you idea because they would have to recieve messages. Anyways still a great working basis though. I have to say again that you a lot of folks say that jeep rushes, AT scouts, etc. are "gamey" tactics but are really bad or poor tactics that are only effective due to quipps in the game. When my friend pulled the jeep rush on me he had no idea about speed and spotting models and blah blah blah. He just wanted to see if it would work. It didn't and he hasn't tried it again. If you get burned by it once just don't let it happen again. THe player will stop because he/she is getting creamed or they are just that stupid. When and if BTS fixes this (I have confidence) this tactic will not be considered gamey. And you wanna talk about reality, how about changing you tactics to not allow mistakes to happen again. You would not hold your command long if you had to report to the general that some jeeps had beat you twice. Ah well lunch time check in later. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  17. Good points all around and I too am waiting for TCP/IP as I have great access to multible LANs. Anyways I have already agreed that the spotting model is wrong in the case of suicide non-armored speeding vehicles (but oh how I love it when they continue to roll a little bit after a tank hit!). But again it is a fallacy of the game (Steve & Charles I think this game is a great game and if we are complaining about speeding jeeps as a primary concern then you have more than done your job) and will if deemed negative be fixed by BTS. See above my example of the mortars. Nobody stopped using them then or now. As for the Civil War you bet your ass those Southerners were on the line. Manpower was more important than it is now. Everyman that could, did! Anyways I still have a hard time seeing anything "gamey" just cheating, bad tactics, or small insignificant quipps in the CM engine that can and will be resolved. I ask you, if BTS modifies the jeep in the future is this still "gamey"? We must judge the tactic not the CM engine. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  18. Well he is honest. YOu should try multi player it Rocks!!! But maybe without the constant redo ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  19. Hey Croda thanks. It was 8 charges if I remember correctly. Sid Mier's line of Civil War games are great for this. Anyways just thought I would respond to you Croda. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  20. I think we are not talking about the bakery company because they would not be there (plus why order them into battle I need breakfast damnit). I think jshandorf meant troops already at the front like crews and such. The situation would be more like this: A platoon commander is advanceing towards and objective and sees these four guys sitting next to a bombed out truck. He yells at them that Berlin is this way and to follow him. I don't really see anything wrong with this. Also if you really want to fix this then just have BTS (yeah like it is this easy) code that after a crew abandons that the TACAI controls them till you get a commander in range. For the baker and chaplian to come to the front then it would have to at least be an operation if not a RPG derived CM game. Anyways gotta play ping pong will be back soon. GOD I LOVE MY JOB!!! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  21. An English comedy Red Dwarf in which the last human in the universe, a hologram, a humanoid evolved cat, and an android are being attacked in their space buggy. The hologram is a military procedure stickler and orders a red alert. The android points out that if he wants to do that he is going to have to change the only light bulb in the buggy. I think what makes this funny and relevant is that everybody is in the cockpit no further than 2 feet away and this greenhorn is screaming about red alerts and procedure instead of trying to figure out what to do to survive. An android unaffected by fear simply points out the obvious. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-19-2000).]
  22. I look at it as a sim also. That does not mean that the ability to utilize innovative tactics should be thrown out the window. Let's look at it this way: In football there is a set of rules to work within. This symbolizes the CM engine. Now within those rules teams can do whatever they want. Would football be nearly as strategic and entertaining if all you good do was run up the middle and throw the bomb? Not even close. Would a football Sim game be as fun? I am trying a little tactic right now just for kicks after reading what Rommel did in the desert. If you do not know then let me explain. He tied sticks and brush to his trucks, HT, and light armor and ordered them to move across an area kicking up huge amounts of dust. The Allies took this as the whole of the Afrika Corp and pivoted their defenses towards the group which allowed the heavies and mediums supported by infantry of the Afrika Corp to roll right into the Allied rear. Anyways I am going to by some trucks, a couple of HT's and maybe some armored cars and keep them out of sight and make a lot of noise. I am going to play a hotseat game against myself to see what the enemy sees or actually hears in sound contacts. I will try different levels of defenders also. Now is this tactic gamey? I will probably never use it even if it works because it takes up to much of my force but it should be an interesting experiment. Chub there is a difference in a game and simulation. If you play CM as a game then you probably are wondering why aren't there resources to mine. If you are a wargamer then you treat this as a sim and can either use your tactics and see how it works or see how it was done and emulate it. Either way is fine as each player has an individual taste but to insinuate that because Croda or myself will use what is necessary to achieve our objectives with concern to troops and equipment is not right. I respect the idea and it was spoken well without personal insult and I appreciate that. In truth I would prefer to play with one side rule than many and that is : Play like your little digital men trust you with their lives. This is much easier and less cumbersome than a list of 10 rules addressing ridiculous subjects that end up limiting play. Oh and by the way IMO I think the worst rule I have heard so far is the 76mm rule (sorry Fionn, I respect the hell out of you as a player but gotta make a stand). The inclusion of the Tiger and 88mm Panther among others give a whole new dimension to CM, the HOLY S**T factor that we all know and love. Anyways these are my thoughts. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-19-2000).]
  23. Good morning from the pacific coast USA. Anyways good points one and all. My ideas on the discussion so far: Truck crews are just infantry guys driving the truck for the most part. If they happen into a situation then so be it. Also I can see jeep or truck crews more likely fighting (and being better at it) than say tank crews. Now to dis myself on the last point, I have a friend in the army that drives tanks (M1A1 and the such). He is also checked out on the M-16 and assorted handguns at expert level. He is also checked out on grenades and certain AT weapons. He even received some artillery training. Now this may not have been the way back in WWII but it is not total out of reality that crews fight. Now second I believe you do what you have to win. If I could institute one change in CM reality it would have nothing to do with the Combat engine but with reality itself. Do you know the main reason we use jeeps en masse or send AT teams on recon? Because we do not have to write the letters to there parents at the end of the day. Croda hit the nail on the head. If we had to look into the eyes of "our boys" it would be a lot harder to send them to their deaths. I try to play that way. A good example is last night. I fought a meeting engagement with a friend in a hotseat game. Small hills overcast day with no trees in a rural area. Also known as deathtrap city. Anyways we pounded each other for about nine turns and I surrendered. When I surrendered I still had the only AFV on the map (a Lynx). I also had the only flag captured. But my infantry was shredded and my reserves had been hit with arti very effectively so I surrendered and achieved a draw, which I consider means I pulled out of the area. I could have fought until the end (turn 30) and maybe even achieved a tactical victory but it was at the cost of my unit as a fighting unit. If I am a commander in the real war I am thinking I can pull back to a more defensible area and bomb this open area to oblivion with arti if I can get my hands on it. Maybe even recover my Tiger (DOH!). Anyways during that battle I escaped with at least partial crews from all my vehicles and crew weapons. I pulled them back after their vehicle or equipment was eliminated. I could have used them to bolster my teams but I was fighting for another day at that point. Again BTS cannot fix this it should be the mindset of the player. If the player says okay you guys in the jeep lets get mov'in towards that enemy held town then well that is the perogative of the commander. My MG teams like getting easy kills anyway By the way if you play in CMMC or any of the other RPG-driven CM games trust me this comes in to play big time. I am guessing there will be few if any jeep rushes there without a court martial for stupid planning following. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-19-2000).] [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-19-2000).] [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-19-2000).]
  24. Thanks Jay Well Chub you are right to an extent about the jeep rush example except for one thing. If I ordered 5 Jeeps to high tail towards the enemy (this is a stupid order IMO) and they get shot up by MG fire then it is perfectly realistic. It is not a matter of if it happened,it is a matter of if it could happen. Could a commander (albiet a stupid one) give the above orders? Yes. Would I give that order? probably not. If I saw them coming at me would I shoot them? Yes. Because of this wouldn't the stupid commander get to know that there is an MG on that hill? But of course he is down 5 vehicles and soon to be 5 dead crews. If my plan hinges on one or two units being spotted then my tactics are probably not worth the effort. IMO the jeep scenario is a bad example because it could happen and if it did I think the results are right. I agree that they spot a little too much but BTS is going to fix that. Here is an example: The motars used to be way to good a AT duty (some say it still is). Anyways did any of us stop using mortars? Not really. Did we say using mortars was "gamey" because they were a little to effective? no not really. Well jeeps are a little too effective at spotting things. That is going to be fixed. Is it okay then to use jeeps? What about the interim? I do not really use jeeps that often but anyone that wants to should be able to use them in any capacity, especially recon because they were used for that (***SPOILER***) reference the operation A DAY IN THE CALVARY. Anyways I will check the post in the morning late and thanks for the responses. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-19-2000).]
  25. If you do not want to spend a lot of money try a Voodoo3 or a Nvidia Gforce2 MX. You may have to get the PCI version because your computer may not have an extra AGP slot. If you go to control panel and click display then choose settings and click advanced you should be able to display the driver name. ex. Compaq-compatible Nvidia TNT-2 Riva Anyways email me if you need anymore help. It is in the profile. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
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