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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Thanks for that. I received the file & have replied directly to Mike's email address. Because it hasn't bounced back yet I assume he must have received it as I sent it at least 3 hours ago. I really appreciate your assistance in this. Regards Jim R.
  2. Oh god....what have I done!. A used car salesman, of all things.....AAARRRGGGHHHHH. Seriously, I really appreciate your offer. As for having a good laugh, check out the St Mere Eglise files and see who has the last laugh. Regards Jim R.
  3. Hi, thanks for the offer, that would be great. The only problem is that I don't have your email address on this machine so if you could perhaps send me an email with it to jrichardson@cpscu.com.au that would be great. Thanks once again for your offer, most appreciated. Regards Jim R.
  4. O.K. Mike. I've found out what the problem is via my ISP. Their anti-spam software called Spamcop- written by Acerasoft (sp?) blocks your cablelynx site automatically and there is really nothing my ISP can do to change their anti spam software as it requires the Acerasoft to change their list of blocked sites. The only way around it apparently is for your ISP to get in touch with the Spamcop people to have their site removed from the automatically blocked sites list. I really have no idea why your ISP should be blocked but it must be related to a previous problem the Spamcop software writers had with it in the past. The other alternative is, of course, to use a third party to relay the emails. I could suggest Jeff Wilders perhaps if he's willing to do so but I really have no idea if he'd be willing since I haven't suggested this to him yet and I haven't exchanged turns with him for about a month since our Polish Push scenario was finished. Basically, all my opponents in my group I don't have a problem exchanging email with but it seems I do with you. Tabpub Unfortunatley I wont be able to get to my computer until Saturday so I ownt be able to send a reply file until then, but after then I should be right to send them pretty well every day thereafter. Sorry for the stuffing around but there really is nothing else I can do to rectify it apart from the suggestions above. Regards Jim R.
  5. Was there ever any doubt? They were Aussies after all! Regards Jim R.
  6. It's not Mike. It's just that I'm not able to get to my computer WITH the game on it until the weekend. After this weekend I should be alright to send relatively frequent replys. In case you're wondering, I'm sending this message via my work laptop & because it runs Windows NT I can't use it for the game. Regards Jim R.
  7. Hi Treeburst. I'm still here but I was wondering where Erick had disappeared to as well since I've sent him at least 3 emails over 2 weeks & to date, no reply. My game with him (St Mere Eglise) only has about 4 turns to go so it is very frustrating! As you know, my game with Tom (F.O.T.M.) has now finished so it only leaves my battle with Tabpub (H.F.T.H.) and, of course, Erick. Unfortunately, my game is not as far advanced with Rob a.k.a. Tabpub due to a whole bunch of problems at my end which I should be rectifying very shortly, fingers crossed. We probably wont meet the deadline by the 20th but hopefully we'll be about three quarters the way through by then. As for Erick, I really have no idea where he's disappeared to except that his last message in mid August simply said he was under very pressing real life issues. As for my email address... it is back to jimbo@picknowl.com.au Catch you later. Jim R.
  8. Thanks Zitadelle. I knew something assault gun like with a bloody big gun was sent to Stalingrad, but obviously not Brummbars. Thanks for the errata. Regards Jim R.
  9. I thought about 14 Brummbars were sent to Stalingrad for their specialised assault configuration. Of course, I'm only going from memory & I'm sure someone will correct me if I've stuffed up with my recollection. Regards Jim R. [ August 31, 2002, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  10. I can't believe so many of you guys loved this film, it was pure U.S. patriotism (and patronising) at it's worst IMHO. The standard portrayal of the Vietnamese as being human drones whose only tactic was to charge the enemy en masse a la Russian hordes style. The Vietnamese commander in his underground C.P. using what looked like one side of a brown paper bag as his tactical "map" with drawings on it that looked like they were done in crayon! COME ON NOW... I was wondering at this point of the film whether he would soon resort to the old stick and sand drawing to show where the enemy were. As I said, I thought it was a very poor war movie which fell for many of the standard "mom's apple pie" cliched portrayals. Still, I guess I should be thankful of something, at least it wasn't as bad as Pearl Harbor (nothing could be that bad) and although I haven't seen Windbreakers(?) yet, I've heard that's almost on par in terms of hokery compared with Pearl Harbor. Regards Jim R.
  11. I obviously must have missed this but it's good to see you've been re-instated Treeburst. Level heads must have prevailed! Regards Jim R.
  12. O.K. Thanks for the info. Rune. I kinda thought as much but I thought I'd double check just to be sure. Regards Jim R.
  13. I thought I would post this on the off chance that there is some way you can get CMBO to run under Win NT. You're probably wondering why run Windows NT in the first place but I have no choice on my work supplied laptop computer & I was hoping there might be some way by tinkering with various things to get it to run on it. Am I screwed? Thanks in advance. Jim R.
  14. No probs. whenever you want to quote a piece of text simply precede it with (QUOTE) then type away then close off the quote by typing (/QUOTE). I have deliberately used round brackets in the above example to demonstrate what I mean but to get it to work you need to use the square bracket symbols instead. Secondly, if you want to bold a quote, simply put after the (QUOTE) bit (QB)- standing for "quote bold" I presume, then finish it with (/QB) followed by (/QUOTE). Once again, using square brackets naturally. Regards jim R.
  15. Gunny Bunny it was. And you guys think I'm hard to deal with! Regards Jim R.
  16. Fionn wrote: I think this is a case of the classic olive branch being held out here and I only hope the opportunity is grasped by both TB and the moderators alike to allow it to happen. My 2 cents (in the time I have left here in the forum). Regards Jim R.
  17. Tourney 2 Sect. III. Just to apologise to my opponents as I have been very tardy with turns of late due to real life issues. I hope to be able to pick up the pace in the near future but please be patient. Regards Jim R.
  18. If he pronounced it like a proper New Zealander should, it would be sumthung". Regards Jim R.
  19. Assuming BFC model the visual differences I'd suggest as the German player targeting any Russian tank which has a funny looking hand-rail like structure around its turret, especially in the early years. As for the Russians I'm afraid it will be pot luck as the German AFV's ALL had antennae as far as I know. Regards Jim R.
  20. Jeez.... that should set the conspiracy theorists off and running... Regards Jim R.
  21. Awwwwww....how boring. Couldn't you come up with something a bit more creative than that Madmatt? Something along the lines where conspiracy theorists could concoct all sorts of weird theories? Regards Jim R.
  22. Now that we have the release date of the 20th September I was thinking that surely there must be some significance in that date in terms of the war in the East. So I've looked up my history books on the subject (such as they are) and I can't for the life of me see what is so significant about the 20th of September. From memory, CMBO was released on a pretty significant date in terms of the western Front (was it June 6?) so surely BFC wont break the habit now. Anybody care to speculate whether the 20th has any particular significance with respect to the Eastern Front? Regards Jim R.
  23. I can't believe I'm still seing new things occur in CMBO, considering I've been playing it for nigh on 2 years now. I've just witnessed a turn where my Tiger I took a shot at a Sherman 76, clearly missed as you could see the fall of the shot behind the tank yet killed the exposed Sherman commander anyway (as confirmed by my opponent). No MG fire caused the death as my Tiger was hull down and the death of the commander was simultaneous with the Tiger shot, with none of my remaining units able to take a shot at the Sherman. Anyone else ever seen a commander killed from an AP shell that missed? :eek: Regards Jim R. [ July 14, 2002, 05:03 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
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