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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Nah, why bother. Were they even in the Second World War? / / / / / / / ....ducks.... Regards Jim R.
  2. Come on Matt. Where's your sense of humour? Surely you could have simply moved The Capt's rant to the General Forum to allow others to post their thoughts on this latest update from the inebriated one. Regards Jim R.
  3. Just a suggestion T.B. You may be missing out on gaining interest from some people as when they see the thread they could assume it's all about having a crappy computer which wont run CMBB particularly well. You might want to consider changing the title to the thread by deleting the bit "due to hardware". I almost missed looking at it myself since I don't have a problem with my hardware (now) and wasn't going to bother looking at the subject because of it. Just a thought. Regards Jim R.
  4. The rationale behind it dor is that when a squad has an lmg like an MG42, all the other squad members are helping to carry the ammo for the mg, spare barrels, and other ancillary stuff. When it's only a 2 man team you can only spread the amount of ammo you need to carry between just the two of them, plus somebody has to lug the damn weapon while the other guy is weighed down by the lions share of the ammo, perhaps a spare barrel or two etc. So, there's your answer. And it is official as the BFC guys have pretty much stated what I've regurgitated above in a number of previous threads. Regards Jim R.
  5. Having just seen the demise of my Crack JgPz IV in a CMBO game (I know, wrong forum but nobody visits the other) I'm wondering if anybody else has a record worse than my AFV's crew? Over the space of about 5 turns my Crack JgPz IV had 15 shots at various enemy Shermans, often having managed the drop on the opposing tank and missed every bloody time! Admittedly, the initial range for the firing commenced at about 750 metres which is perhaps a reasonable distance but the last 3 shots he had at a Sherman 75 was at around 500 metres and still never even looked like hitting. Eventually it died from a frontal penetration causing a catastrophic explosion from some unknown enemy tank but I can tell you, if my opponent hadn't finished it off, I would have shot it myself from the rear. Surely 15 misses in total from a Crack crew has to be a record. Regards Jim R.
  6. How about: "Laxative Substitute" (from the crews point of view). Regards Jim R.
  7. Those dastardly Germans. They just always have to get their own way don't they...even when selling hotdogs! Regards Jim R.
  8. O.K. I've now located the site where you can download Gunslingers original CMBO mods. They're here: http://www.cmoutpost.net/terrain/Gunslinger/gunslinger.htm Regards Jim R.
  9. Hey, I thought I was the underdog? Mick Oz has a very early member number so I assumed he's been playing Combat Mission since its Alpha days. As for that "Die-A-Lot Now" bit, that's what I'm hoping will happen to Mick's forces as well... strangely enough. And thanks for your support TB, I'm gonna need all I can get against this wily customer. Regards Jim R.
  10. Put me down as interested in a CMBO tournament still TB. I'm currently playing both games and they both still have their appeal in their own special way. Regards Jim R.
  11. Errmmm...from memory the total size of all of Gunslinger's mods was about 20 MB's at least. You sure you want them emailed? Probably better if you go to one of the mod sites like CMHQ & see if you can download them from there (assuming they're still there). Regards Jim R.
  12. Just to throw another one on the list. .......RANT MODE......... A tank has a bleedin' turret and not a turrent! There is no such thing as a bloody turrent. Has everybody got that now? .......RANT MODE OFF........ Regards Jim R. [ October 29, 2002, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  13. Jeez H. You didn't need a bleedin' PhD to work out there were going to be Tigers in that scenario... it was originally called "Tiger Woods" you know. Onto the balancing thing. I also quite enjoy unbalanced scenarios, especially if you're the defender trying to hold out against all odds as there is a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that you achieved good results in that situation when compared against your peers. What I'm not a big fan of is where scenario's have very limited visibility with relatively few units because luck can play such an important part in such circumstances. A lucky break can put your guys in an ideal position to execute an ambush by simply guessing right and virtually win the game there and then whereas conversely, the opponent may just get the drop on your guys for whatever reason & once again, the game is pretty much decided more by luck than skill necessarily. I felt that was particularly the case in the Nordic Wannabee tournament game Meeting of Devils where it seemed my troops would pop up at opportune times to gun down my opponents more through good luck of initial placement rather than good game play. On top of this, with severely restricted visibility, strange things often happen like devastating friendly fire from your own troops due to some enemy bozo rushing into confined cover when fired at & thereby causing an almighty conflagration between friendly troops in the same restricted cover where all thats left at the end of the turn is 1 or 2 guys from your previously full strength squads. That can be extremely annoying and tends to only occur in very restricted visibilty style night games. Apart from the above quibble I really enjoy these ROW scenarios and certainly am not adverse to lopsided contests (provided they are lopsided against the defender IMHO). Regards Jim R.
  14. Hey, I've got a great idea about a new Hollywood film. / / / / / / / / / / GRUMPY OLD GROGS starring Jeff Heidman & Michael Dorosch with the love interest being Kitty. I think it may just work! Who knows, it may even pan out to a sequel as well. Regards Jim R.
  15. Nice one Mick. I like your style. Regards Jim R. Edited to say "one" instead of on. [ October 29, 2002, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  16. It all comes down to getting the timing right. I'd suggest giving your troops about to jump off with the assault perhaps a couple of pause orders so that they wont have time to get right across no-mans land by the end of the turn. The following turn you cancel the bombardment & hope that the enemy still stays surpressed enough to enable your tropps to get in amongst them. In stating the above, it's easier said than done and what can also help your attack is some direct area fire from supporting MG positions & tanks if you have them, at likely positions in the forest where you would guess the enemy are located. Just simply look at the terrain you're about to assault & ask yourself, where would I place my troops if I was the defender. I hope the above helps. Regards Jim R.
  17. O.K., that clarifies it then. Kind of like calling the Poms "Limeys" I guess. Regards Jim R.
  18. Errmmmm, yeah. So have I misinterpreted WWII vehicles' statement because the way I read it it seems to say they stopped interleaving the road wheels on the Tiger after March 1944. Regards Jim R.
  19. Thanks for the info & pic's guys. I gather from the picture and the lack of information on its military exploits it was not exactly a stellar performer? Regards Jim R.
  20. So I take it you're in agreement with Kraut then? Perhaps he should re-name himself "Krautboy"? Regards Jim R.
  21. I'm playing a scenario at the moment when a "Neman R10" rocks up as the Soviet air support. I've never heard of such an aircraft. I've tried a google search but have come up with zilch so I'm wondering if any aircraft grogs out there can provide some information on this (I assume) fairly rare Soviet aircraft. Regards Jim R.
  22. "The cucumbers are finished!" What the???? Would Soviet troops have used such an expression in real life? I admit, I have no idea and perhaps it loses something in the translation but cucumbers? Kind of reminds me of Eels and hovercraft. Just to add BTW, great work W.P. The above isn't meant as a criticism but simply looking for clarification. Regards Jim R. [ October 26, 2002, 05:41 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  23. I just stumbled across some rather interesting information at the WWII vehicles website. According to them, the Tiger I tank stopped being produced with interleaved road wheels after about March 1944. Here is the exact text they used: However the layout of the rubber tired wheels did give it a smooth and steady ride. In March 1944 (after vehicle 825) all steel wheels were installed and this allowed the outside wheels to be removed. Can any grogs out there confirm that this was in fact the case and if so, will the Tiger I look graphically different in CMBB after this period? To be honest I'm rather sceptical about this claim as I always thought the Tiger I design remained pretty consistant, especially when it came to the suspension system but I'd certainly be glad to be corrected if wrong on this. Regards Jim R.
  24. Good to see you'll be back on deck shortly Mick. Look forward to our clash in the near future. As for you C.A. Where's my next Rat file? Regards Jim R.
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