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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. ah wow!! absolutely stunning mate well done.
  2. I've added a few little CMSF mods to CMA and boy what a difference. It adds significant atmosphere to the game in my opinion. I can't wait till more CMA specific mods start to appear! I've added AKD's sound mod partially, with the soviet guns in particular, and explosions, RPG launcher etc. It's the simplest of mods that have the greatest effect. I've also added MikeyD's T55/T62 mod, Gordon's plain russian vehicles, Iconed bases, and some of Scipios that are compatible. It's a small list at the moment, but they work a treat. Any that I've missed??
  3. Very interesting thanks chaps. So does all ammunition regardless of type have this effect?
  4. That's not really what I was getting at - it seems to me that the primary concern changes from enemy target in next building (for example) who is firing countless rounds at you, to buddy aid focussing on just one man. As a result of that, suppression is used less, and more men become KIA/WIA. Is this really what happens?
  5. I've not played any night missions yet, but are the soviets loaded up with NV goggles or was that before the time? I'm guessing if not, then it's pretty much 50/50. Distance would be a greater asset.
  6. If you burden your men with light AT weapons it definitely slows them down - they tire quickly in the heat and are rubbish at sprinting up hills but I'm not sure if grenades and bullets feature in this list. (You can't acquire grenades which seems odd!). You can pack them up with thousands of rounds and I'm not sure it has the same effect.
  7. Not sure exactly, but it definitely pays to recover your wounded, plus if you do use buddy aid, you can pick up weapons/ammunition that haven't been damaged. Especially helpful with Javelin teams/LMG and LAWs etc. I'm guessing it must help replacements - but I don't know for sure. It's a tad annoying that some soldiers will go in to automatically assist with buddy aid over a primary target and get themselves shot as a result. The times I've had to reload a battle because of that..
  8. Hehe love your first post. I gave up with the Russian campaign precisely for that reason and a few others. The attacking AI is a killer though - it tank rushes and uses every trick in the book to get to the victory locations as quickly as possible. It gets ridiculous after a few missions unfortunately. The attacking AI would lose a fair percentage of its armour and men within a few minutes, but it would rush so fast, and generally from multiple positions, that you wouldn't stand much of a chance as the defender unless you know the AI plan. It became very frustrating. I haven't touched it in a couple of months tbh. I restarted a new German campaign as the attacker, and the AI is much better in the defensive role for obvious reasons. Shame really, this game has loads of potential. I'm intrigued to see how Korea will pan out.
  9. haha! Nice. Although they have been very careful not to answer directly! Maybe we shouldn't expect it in the first NATO release although that's me being sceptical
  10. Possibly - but to be honest the terrain seems to play a larger factor with cpu load. I think it's more to do with statistics at the end of the battle - does anyone know how replacements are dealt with during a campaign, as a result of buddy aid - or are replacements not modelled in the scope of a campaign. Thinking about this, on occasion if I've had a vehicle knocked out, I might get what I consider a replacement the next mission, but without that specialist knowledge it's hard to know what you have left. We could do with some kind of detailed info on the OOB and equipment levels etc .
  11. I'd imagine he's a KIA and once buddy aid is given they disappear. MIA usually happens to me when a sqaud (or individual) are broken by fierce fighting, or their vehicle has just been hit by a ATGM and they panic. I don't suffer many MIA - the quality of blue troops prevents this happening a lot in the stock missions. Incapacitated also disappear, but the colour of bases is different. What colour base was that? I can't tell. So to reiterate, KIA and WIA disappear once buddy aid is given. Only injuries on the battlefield remain (yellow bases) - do you not use the modded base icons? They really help. Also, someone else will need to clarify this, but if you do NOT give buddy aid to fallen troops, they are counted as KIA at the end of battle.
  12. I live for the campaigns! Get finishing them now... They are a great part of the game and I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into the NATO ones. I haven't dabbled with the CMA campaign yet however - still working on my tactics in single missions. But I've finished two Brit campaigns, and 2 US marine campaigns, with my third in progress. Hell, I should be a beta tester
  13. Absolutely concur with this! Afghanistan looks plain bizarre with bright green weapon icons, compared to SF with scipio's modded icons. It's surprising how much ambience this little thing adds to the game.
  14. This looks great thanks very much. Digressing slightly as you do, having played Afghanistan a bit now, I like some of the additional artillery options, like harass, and general/personnel for the type of air strike - will these extra features be in the NATO module?
  15. Cool clip cheers. I was rather surprised to see the soviets using ATGM in one mission I was playing. For some reason I wasn't expecting to see any form of ATGM at all. You live and learn.
  16. I've been dreaming about Normandy for years!! Since CMAK really when I could physically see the improvements between games - thinking how good it would be to have a new CMBO (or parts of it at least) using a better engine, 1:1 representation and all that jazz. Looks like we wont be waiting too long - I don't know why but something tells me it will be due out before christmas. I hope it isn't out much later as my first bambino is on the way I also can't wait to see the commonwealth module and Arnhem, and then the Bulge. Will be amazing. All that snowy terrain once again. Fond memories, especially using the mods. All of MikeyD's stuff, G. Molek's and (I think it was Tom's Battle of the Bulge mod?) with the ultra realistic snowy terrain and Juju's amazing buildings. Definitely my best moments in any game, trying to beat my mate in a highly modified CMBO game - I can't remember the exact mission but it was fun, and featured pretty big cats on both sides.
  17. Me neither! I've tried all sorts. Totally unstable I don't know what to do really - I really enjoy the games but I'm loathed to 'downgrade' my card because I need the power for other things. Frustrating. I think making matters worse, unless Nvidia fix something you can almost guarantee we'll run into the same problems with Normandy.
  18. I was under the impression that 1.30 would be the final patch for SF which may or may not be released at the same time as NATO.
  19. Yep, well I'm clutching at straws. The new beta drivers still don't fix the lighting problem but I have yet to experience a hard crash.
  20. Thanks for the reply - I realise there isn't anything you can do - I'm just pointing out that this may become more of a problem for you soon. Actually if I recall the latest drivers offer some sort of Open 'CL' fix I've no idea if this will help, but I'll let you know how I get on when I try them.
  21. This is my first CTD in Afghanistan but I've had plenty in SF - they all appear to be related to this little chap.
  22. I'm looking for these in the repository - but I can only find green US stuff and three colour T72s.
  23. I've noticed it is running quite badly when I compare it to Shock Force which runs smoothly (crashes aside of course). I think it's something to do with the amount of trees/textures on screen at once but I'm not entirely sure! One mission which is admitedly quite large, is running like a dog - it's very choppy. But a large map via SF is as smooth as silk. It's very strange! Let's not forget however than SF is seriously patched - maybe a patch or two to CMA will improve matters in due course?
  24. Yeah it's not a big issue for me I realise, but when CMSF and other BFC games install under program files, and then this installs somewhere else, I can imagine you will be getting some techy support calls regards the 'whereabouts' of the data folder
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