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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. That's cool mate, cheers! Was that a custom battle or part of the campaign? I didn't recognise it.
  2. I tried the betas, they are better for sure, but I don't think it's fixed completely.
  3. Yep, there is that to factor in as well MikeyD, but this is the same 'feature' that is present in CMA. I think it's a bug - the artillery rounds wont come until I cease fire, and then re-plot the barrage. I'll carry on my game and see how it pans out.
  4. This didn't happen in the other modules though, so could this be deemed a 'feature' or a bug?
  5. haha!! yes probably! But... I have definitely stumbled across a artillery bug, and it's one that is present in CMA too! Readjusting doesn't always work. I've just plotted a linear target, general, 155mm, and let rip. Then I readjusted, and it's been readjusting for 3 minutes now, when it says <1min.
  6. Well that's really weird. I've just fired up my save game and tried it again. Plotted the artillery, and the countdown works! I swear it wasn't working earlier, although that could have been me looking at it after the spotting rounds of course. The 'delivery' line was blank. It feels slightly different to CMA - but then maybe it should.
  7. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful here believe me, but I thought it would be pro-active of me to create a bug thread as I'm sure there will be some that slipped through. One feature that works in CMA and is not working in NATO (and is mentioned in the 1.30 features list): o When a support mission is activated, its estimated time of arrival continues to be updated in the Support View as time passes. Note that this is only an estimated time, and the actual arrival can come sooner or later. This is not working for me in my first mission playing as the Germans (WEGO). If I get this right, once you call artillery, the countdown should work - as it does in CMA telling you more or less when to expect it. It seems to work for adjusting, but not plotting once the original plan has been set (just as in the other modules).
  8. Yep - the mods I am using seem to be. Only thing I would say, is maybe some of AKD's sounds overwrite the new NATO ones, like the new artillery and such like. But I'm sure AKD will address this.
  9. Christ alive, sorry I forgot it was Scipio who did the weapons mods. Soundmod would be good. Ta!
  10. Ooops. Is that going to effect the early adopters?
  11. There is no harass command unfortunately, but I have yet to try the light to see if it's any better than 1.21. Using light in 1.21 I could empty my 60mm in a couple of minutes which was crazy.
  12. If you carefully disect that list, there's a lot of new features included in 1.30, and some new funky animations. I can't wait to try it! I've had one of those days. Got the download first thing and have been so busy I haven't even been able to fire it up. Loads of little goodies, and hopefully some of the things in CMA are now present. AKD, I'll have to check that out myself regards the harass command. It's good to see the ETA has been fixed as well! About time Now, AKD, when are you going to produce the coloured weapons set
  13. Just nabbed this off the readme file. Some nice little fixes. Combat Mission Shock Force v1.30 features/changes Soldiers o Teams and Squads can share ammo with other members of their immediate formation (usually their platoon). o Soldiers with movement orders will move before reloading their weapons. o Area fire orders are immediately canceled when any active member of the firing team/squad enters the target area. This allows for better room-clearing. o Troops have better discipline sticking to covered-arc orders. o New animations: idle, aiming, and reloading for ATGM gunners, and idle-prone for riflemen. o Soldiers won't fire grenade launchers at point-blank range. o Updated Syrian soldier model. o Corrected issues with some Syrian soldiers having wrong uniforms. o Operators of non-deployed man-portable AT-7 and AT-13 ATGMs won't stand up prematurely, and firing "from the shoulder" works properly. o Fixed a bug that occasionally caused fatigue too rapidly. o Troops are slightly less likely to use AT weapons versus infantry targets that are not in buildings. Artillery and Air Support o All-new Syrian air power: MiG-21, MiG-23, Su-17, Su-21, and Su-25 jets; Mi-24D Hind D and Mi-24P Hind F helicopters; AT-2 Swatter, AT-6 Spiral, AS-7 Kerry, and AS-10 Karen missiles. o When a support mission is activated, its estimated time of arrival continues to be updated in the Support View as time passes. Note that this is only an estimated time, and the actual arrival can come sooner or later. o "Light" artillery missions have slower rate of fire. o Corrected a bug that prevented a few types of blue-force weapons teams from calling in artillery. o When air support expends its ammo (marked "empty") it also displays "landed" rather than "busy". User Interface o Floating icons for units that are not capable of receiving commands (e.g. panicked, destroyed) are partly faded. o Team weapons that are not deployed, and cannot be fired in that state, show a "Not Deployed" message over the weapon silhouette. o More descriptive names are shown for ammunition types in common calibers, e.g. "7.62x54R" instead of simply, "7.62mm". o The morale state of Shaken is highlighted in red (like Panic) instead of yellow, since, like Panic, the unit is out of player control. o RPK and RPK-74 show the correct green and yellow icons. Vehicles o All BMP and BTR series vehicles have passenger firing ports. o BMP vehicles allow passengers to acquire much of their MG ammo. o Slight increase to Bradley vehicle armor. o Fixed a bug that could cause a BMP-2 gunner to reload for too long a time. o Vehicles create even less dust when driving in wet conditions. Weapons o On-map mortars will fire when given Target Light orders, but at a very slow rate of fire. o Accuracy of SPG-9 reduced slightly. o Antipersonnel mines modestly reduced in blast power. o Updated RPG-16 rocket model. o Updated M72 LAW model. Sound o New sound effects for collapsing buildings and walls. o Sounds for armor penetrations and ricochets by large projectiles are louder. Editor o Changing door/window layouts on the sides of buildings is easier in the editor 3D preview. When control-clicking buildings, for convenience, door configurations are skipped for upper levels without balconies, except when your camera view is inside the building. This makes it easier to set up "interior" walls between immediately adjacent buildings. o In the unit editor, when you rename a unit that is not a formation (e.g. squad, vehicle) the name change applies to that unit's leader, not the unit itself. Miscellaneous o Updated TO&E. o Fixed a PBEM bug that occasionally caused orders to be skipped. o Corrected a problem that could cause both players to set up in the same zones in a Quick Battle. o Computer player can set up mines and IEDs better. o Nonexplosive projectiles hitting dirt at night don't show "sparks". o Doodads (e.g. grass) are properly darkened when in shadow. Marines Module Only o Corrected a gun barrel alignment problem on the T-90 tank. British Module Only o Fixed a bug related to British Jackal/WMIK crews and their dismountable heavy weapons. o Scimitar is more likely to fire APFSDS than HE at a BMP. o Fixed a bug where a 51mm mortar gunner could switch to his rifle and abandon the mortar unnecessarily.
  14. Well, being an American company for one, and being the base game which doesn't feature any commonwealth units, I would have expected them to reference the M1, but I could be mistaken of course.
  15. Yeah that made me smile - I love the reference to the Garand. See that's clever marketing, and it's not bad animation either! This must be the week indeed.
  16. That's definitely what is happening here. I am creating these units, adding surplus placeholders, positioning them in the spawn area, yet some units will still appear in the middle of the map! I can't understand it. It's almost as if there are too many units on the map. If I am given say, 5 units of infantry at the composition stage, and replace those with singular units of my choice, then all is well. But if I add other infantry detachments myself, to the roster, using the spare slots, then it throws a fit. I've no idea how to get round this.
  17. I've recently reinstalled Kursk and have decided to investigate the editor. I've been playing with the campaign and I can't work this out even though I'm sure its a simple fix. I've edited the number of points I can have in this mission, from 7000ish to 12000, just to see what I can achieve. I've also added HMG and a few extra things under army composition so I have more choice. This all works fine. However, if I change the DEFAULT composition when I go to try the mission, it sticks a few units in the middle of the map. If I then restart, and use the default composition, it works fine. So I'm thinking it must be placement holders - so I've added a few more, adjusted them according, and it still doesn't work. Am I missing something simple here?
  18. I'm now using the latest beta but I have tried them all. I had 4 errors yesterday but admittedly my card is overclocked. I have tuned this down a bit and will see what happens. I also experienced the same error with TOW which is interesting.
  19. Well obviously, if you have the greater assets there is a higher probability of winning the scenario. I'm on about playing as the Russians in particular however. I have won some as the defender don't get me wrong, but I'm just pointing out that generally I feel it is too one sided. The tanks do appear to rush the defender though and quite often leave the infantry well behind. You could deem that as accurate I suppose but it often feels rushed and chaotic, without any coherency. I tend to play my games slowly and enjoy the long and drawn out battles. As the defender, my battle was over within 10 minutes (me as the winner). That's just not enjoyable in my opinion. But that said, I loved the single player campaign as the Germans, and that's where the game excels. Incidentally, I have never played another human opponent. I'd bet that game is fantastic. I only play it versus the AI.
  20. Kursk features quite a few little improvements and is worthy of the investment. I bought both TOW 2 and Kursk together, and although the differences (apart from the theatre) are subtle, they are improvements none the less. The only thing I would say, the game from the defenders point of view is really difficult and quite poor in my honest opinion. It's a tank-rush basically. It's a completely different game from the attackers perspective and that's how I like to play it versus the computer. I will definitely invest in Caen.
  21. I'm playing over the single missions again but this time i'm playing with the editor which is damn fun. I've given myself a few 'extras' like plenty of surplus artillery, a few extra air strikes and a couple of extra tac air and FOO to help me out
  22. LOL. I'm so sorry mate, it really wasn't intentional. I'm as desperate as the next man for new fodder.
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