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Everything posted by Wilhammer

  1. Yeah, man! Of course, I don't see no stinkin' ads....
  2. There are those who will always desecrate memorial threads. It is a shame, but true.
  3. I had something like that happen just last week, but that was because I had been fiddling with the Video Card. Seems I had accidentally hit the sound to CD connector on my sound card and bent it, and when it started up and the sound would hit, REBOOT. I bent the connector back and it was fixed. So, what were you doing other than the SP3 upgrade? If just the SP3 upgrade, and you say your PC is old, go look for some new drivers for your sound card, and all other devices as well. I have had no issues with SP3 myself.
  4. Which is kind of my point, GJK. All parties agreed to not not do any campaigning on 9/11, but somehow a bit squeaked out of the Obama-ble camp.
  5. I wonder what that Private lunch was today with Bill was all about? The official news was Bill is now going to stump, but at what cost to Obama? And, so far, the only campaign news I have heard today was from Obama - photo op and a bull session with Bill.
  6. Well, Stalin's Organist has it right too, for our dumbass President of today has inflicted all the harm the hijackers accused us of, and indeed probably made any other attack afterwards a mute point. He saved the Village by trying to Burn it down.
  7. I also want to know why some feel compelled to jump into these threads and piss on those who chose to post about it.
  8. Then why don't you honor them?
  9. Today is 9/11 Honor the other dates on those dates when the come up instead of being a....your negligence honoring those dates on those dates flaming this one is noted.
  10. Mom does not care as long as we play nice and clean up any mess we make...
  11. http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/09/10/biden-hillary-clinton-might-have-been-a-better-pick-for-vp/ It certainly makes sense - the ultimate flip flop.
  12. ,,,and now she is a Terminator - Cameron,,, so, the secret weapon is Summer in Afghanistan?
  13. Another thing we can agree on. I don't console game myself, but my 16 year old does, and he learned to Net Flick his games first.
  14. We have had some rather interesting accidental Presidents who went on to become rather well regarded - and hated too; Andrew Johnson - mixed bag - Teddy Roosevelt - obvious Harry Truman - laughed at and disparaged at the time - considered a great one today. Gerald Ford - the only President not elected, even as VP. Some of our most 'qualified' have really sucked.
  15. Great Article! Love this bit; and this is why Palin works as a candidate; "....most of all we are defiant and suspicious of authority, and people who are "uppity" (sophisticated) and "slick" (people who use words with more than three syllables). Two should be enough for anybody. "And that is one of the reasons that, mystifying as it is to the outside world, John McCain's choice of the moose-shooting Alaskan woman with the pregnant unmarried teen daughter appeals to many redneck and working class Americans. We all understand that there is a political class which dominates in America, and that Sarah Palin for damned sure is not one of them."
  16. I too get the feeling that lucky Bob is trying to get the fame he had just before he croaks. In other words, one giant pile of salt is needed dealing with him now.
  17. I have the same thought DW - someone is not seeing the equal 'guilt' of the opposition. Catholics are truly weird - they eat the Flesh of their God, drink His blood, and in defiance of the no idolatry rule, idolize all kinds of relics and people (Saints). They also have a strong system that is Pro Life - every bit as 'radical' as Palin's. And never has a religion been so 'It's God's Plan' in foreign and national affairs as that one. ----------- For the record - for an internet discussion on politics and region this has been very civil and all - good thing; these discussions usually tank pretty fast.
  18. And sometimes in reverse, in order to Demo the Demoless. BTW I got my sons retail copy of COD4 to work with a nocd patch and a key generator after losing the code too.
  19. So, what was/is the difference? In my opinion, neither is a theocrat and are pragmatic about their religion. Christian Conservatives need to think that Religion is important in their candidates as do those who are non left wing supporters of Obama - the Civil Rights crowd and Black America. I think it is mostly pandering.
  20. God's will? Those who know realize that true Christianity is about Choice, Free will. To borrow a line from 'Kingdom of Heaven'. 'Christ asks us to choose, Allah tells us to submit.' Equating Christianity with Islam is a huge error. So she says is is part of God's plan, and Obama uses the term God's will - so let's chastise him as well.
  21. The Ban on Politics is both old, and on the old Forum, pretty much ignored, after about 2 years. It was a post 9/11 thing...the forum shut down for, I think, 2 weeks after 9/11 because of all the hot hotheadedness...then 9/11 conspiracy threads started popping up about 2 years later, and it got political fast, and tinfoil infested. As to the ban on commercial links - it seems they only really want to ban those links to commercial competitors - www.cnn.com is OK, but www.matrigxames.com is not (yeah I mis-typed it). The anti-Spam is the only thing consistently done - all else gets loosely applied. If political threads were completely banned, this thread would be locked. IMHO.
  22. "So, before you even go and evaluate the question "how many of these game would have been payed for if they weren't downloaded"... ... you gotta ask "how many of these downloaded game get fired up even once?". --------------- Yep. I know a guy who downloads EVERYTHING he can - Movies, Software, Games, etc, and he might of actually looked or played 1% of the stuff. I am like, why? 'Because I can'. "You will never play this stuff, so why bother?" " I don't know; I guess I am just a digital pack rat."
  23. BTW, it is a bad idea to store anything long term on a USB Thumb Drive. I have dealt too many times with people breaking, washing, stepping, or otherwise physically breaking them. Get an External Hard Drive or, if you have the skills, install another HDD in your case. ---my tactic with game purchase also includes creating ISOs of the CD/DVDs and then mounting them on Virtual Drives, as needed. This keeps the originals in pristine condition, stored away--- ----------------- Now, I have to wonder - how did you get to 30,000 copies pirated? A torrent is typically only stored once on one tracker, and then you might see in the comments how many time it was downloaded. I doubt 30,000 wargamers exist that torrent. I doubt there are 30,000 wargamers, period! A quick look at a well known Swedish Torrent site hows three torrents for T-72, only one of which has seeders, and the comment sections show only one works. A further look shows that in EVERY case, no copy protection scheme works to prevent pirate ripping. What's the rule on games? Don't make crap? Copy Protection is a usually an issue for some of the client base, and might even frustrate some into to Pirating a game. And pirating is not easy for the non-technical. One might also argue that no matter what you do, a game is going to get pirated, and if it is of a niche line, it might take a long time to get there. Wargames hardly make it until well after publication, with some exceptions. ...I do get TV shows this way... if you want to know how I know about this. I also do IT for a living. As for being the old 'young grog' I am, if you make a goood wargame, I will buy it - you guys deserve the money, and I need wargames, so I will pay to insure more get created. As far as BFC is concerend, I have only the CMx1 games and TOW. I have no interest in modern stuff, and TOW dissapointed me. -------------- Wierdly, HPS Sims seem to be the most pirated of wargames. They are not for the faint of heart, joe public will not play them, so I suspect someone has a grudge against HPS when they pirate them. For what you get, the price HPS asks for their games is high. They must have 30 titles I am interested in, but at 50 bucks a pop...I have limited myself. Two PzCs, one Nappy game, 2 ACW games and the very dissapointing Naval Campaigns games. My bit of research y'day to look into Moon's 30,000 statement showed most of the HPS sims are out there as torrents. Stuff by Matrix Games and AgeOd is quite rare, though older titles do exist.
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