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Everything posted by Lawyer

  1. Thanx, Manx! (Clever, eh?) I will miss you every time I open CMHQ and cringe at the visual assault on my senses. Ah well, I know you'll be back at it soon. Addictionn cannot be broken that easily, thank goodness. Now for some practical advice. Get a gub'ment job, and you will have all the extra time you need for CM, while your servitude pays the bills. It works for many of us slackers here (although not me anymore). Mace swears by it. The post office is a good bet in any country, but it should be particularly cushy in the UK. Cheers, Jake
  2. Can somebody please email me the Scipio rain mod as a zip file? The link on his site doesn't connect. Thanks, Jake
  3. I'm getting an error on the rain link. Can you help? Also, I downloaded your Scipio sound pak a year or so back. Are the files you now list any different or better? Do I need to download again? Thanks, Jake
  4. Great page on map-making. Easy and quick to understand. I'll be using it. Thanks. And I was pleased to see new McAuliffe scenarios. He is a master map-maker.
  5. Very interesting stuff, Andreas. My own learning continues. Thanks. Jake
  6. Wow! Finally a field that looks PLOWED. A wonderful improvement. Yes, even the Euro's of 1944 plowed their fields. Murpes, please finish this. Don't worry about the grogs criticizing it. It looks great. Don't forget to make it hi-res. Thanks for your work. Now stop playing that other game until you're finished. :} Edited because Peng has ruined my smiley abilities. [ March 20, 2002, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]
  7. Awesome work, Juju, the best yet. I'm anxiously awaiting the final. Thanks.
  8. Ahhh, I see my plan is working perfectly. Seanachai "won" our last game by fanciful AI doings that could only be related to Satan Worship. He taunted me. My feelings were hurt. It's always gratifying to note what a few nasty phone calls in Washington can do to subvert the life of a misguided gnome in MN. Is this a great country or what??
  9. Looks great, Tom. BTW, did you ever get that dirt road thing fixed with the tanks looking too small? I lost track of it after seeing the initial posts. The Bulge set is beautiful. Thanks again for your hard work.
  10. Well done, chaps!! I knew you Yanks had taste after all!! </font>
  11. You and Joe look alike, dress alike, and talk pontificatical alike. Q. Who wins that comparison? A. Nobody wins a nuclear war.
  12. Well, it's Monday morning here in the Capital of Nonsense. So I get up, sit down on the intestinal rearrangement stool, and reach for the virtual toilet paper here in MBT. I see the assorted Gits 'n Geeks took a hard bash last night at Poor 'ol Joe Shaw as he heads off to work. You cads! I'll bet he was up all night sewing name tags on his underwear and socks in his excitement. You would too if you hadn't done a lick of work in two years. Sure, JoeBob's a little testy. He's got P.J.S. Pretty soon today, some innocent Mormon pilgrim will be seated on an airplane in a cramped seat next to Gabby Joe. He/she is going to get an earful about his shabby treatment in the MBT from performing as Justicar. And the smell of excess swamp gas will be strong in the cabin. Be careful, Joe may not come back if you treat him harshly. Remember what happened last time he quit? You all wailed like a bunch of altar boys jilted by Father Joe, the parish priest. The Whip of Self Flagellation was tattered from the mob of your grasping hands crying "Me first!!" You must realize that you have to work for Joe's Love to deserve it. Patch, how about a nice picture of Joey going happily off to work on His Very First Day? It takes a hard lawyer to make a tender statement about Joe Shaw the Justicaw. Don't ask why our Joe is so yellow, ask why the others are so white. And so on.... [ March 04, 2002, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]
  13. ANOTHER MOMENT IN U.S. HISTORY... Tomorrow, our very own Joe Shaw, aka Justicar, Blind Lemon Joe, Mr. Tinkles, Joe Blow, etc. packs up his bag and heads out on the road for HIS NEW JOB. By actually landing a job, Joe has proven Abe Lincoln's wisdom by indeed fooling some of the people all of the time. His professional goal is to fool ALL of the people ALL of the time. We know he'll do well. The really good news is that Joe Shaw's new employer has wisely assigned him to travel 500 days per year, so that he will be neither seen nor heard at the headquarters. Even better is that Joe will be traveling exclusively within that vast wasteland lying between the two coasts. Yes, the Vertiable Heartland, home to the buffalo and Panzer Leader. Joe went shopping at Wal-Mart to put together the perfect wardrobe for his new career. Mustard-color sportcoats and double-knit slacks can't be found just anywhere. Like his family, who just want the paychecks to arrive regularly in the mail, we will all hope to see and hear less from Joe. Sure, he threatens to log in from airports and get a laptop, but we all know he is a nob who can't find his lapbottom with both hands, much less his laptop. I think our moment of freedom from the Tyranny of the Justicariate has arrived at last. So then, Gentle Jackals, let's all send Justicar off with a hearty sing-a-long to the tune of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home": When Joey goes flying off to work, Hooray, Hooray; We'll give him the boot in the obvious place, Hooray, Hooray; The Kniggets will laugh, and the Pillocks will shout; The gas will go down when the pilot goes out: And we'll all breathe air when Joey goes flying off JoeBob, here's hoping that you run into some SSN that you recently abused doing security checks at Salt Lake airport on your very first trip. The thorough strip search will be invigorating. Don't forget to wash your behind and wear clean undies. [ March 03, 2002, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]
  14. IMPORTANT NEWS: RETURN YOUR COPY OF CM TO BTS I was perusing the thread on CM being sold in stores in Euroland, and I clicked on the Amazon.UK link to see what they say. I was elated to see among the requirements for the CM the following: "Minimum age 11". Thus, the whole lot of you will need to return your CM copies to BTS and ask for a refund. I'm sure your CM copies will be happy to return to the place of their invention to escape the ritual abuse they have received in your hands. bauhaus, you will need to wash off the extra sticky stuff before sending your copy if you hope for a refund. [ March 02, 2002, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]
  15. The Amazon sales page says "minium age 11" for CM. Will BTS now be collecting copies and sending back refunds to everyone here who fails to meet that standard? Elvis says he has more than one copy to send back. His Mom is going to very unhappy when she sees that he went out and bought CM when he said he was going to the drugstore to get condoms.
  16. I actually thought his Blitzkrieg book was better than the Ardennes book. I'm still collecting pennies to buy D-Day Then and Now... now THAT is pricey </font>
  17. First, hit the DELETE key before posting to spare us this embarrassing display of your "opinions". Second, if you have not the fortitude and decency to DELETE your nonsense before posting, then hit the ENTER key after every two sentences to provide us with some breathing room and eyespace. If you can't count to TWO or don't know what a sentence is, then SOD OFF. [ February 28, 2002, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]
  18. And here we have ONE vote for: Beats the ****e out of me. Thanks for voting Patch As to the scurrilous suggestions about sexual choices in Utah, I would remind the group that Utah "boasts" a 40 something female self-proclaimed virgin occupying the OFFICIAL State position of Pornography Czar. In THIS state, deviant behavior is defined as doing it in the kitchen, never mind that ... other ... stuff. Joe</font>
  19. You mean all this time we've been in the presence of Blind Lemon Joe, the famous bluesman who sang "I've got those ole timey, rotten down, safe-sex Justicar blues."? Wow, I've got all his albums, but I never realized he played CM and hung out here. I guess I should have gotten a clue when I saw that Elvis plays CM too (well, sort of tries to play anyway). Has anybody seen Jim Morrison or John Lennon here?
  20. Yahoo email seems to require a zip game file, or all I get is gibberish in a txt file. You don't need to drive 290 miles. Long distance is a cheap way to walk him through it on the phone while you both sit at your computers. This worked well for me when I got help setting up Roger Wilco and going to HyperLobby in IL-2.
  21. Filthy Taliban (Ray Ban's cousin) A-Rub bastiche steals a perfectly good name and don't pay me a dime. But it ain't me, as shown by the quote below: "The report also describes Bout as a former air forceofficer who holds at least five passports. Investigators said Bout was known as the "Lone Wolf" because he operates by himself. They describe him as short, stocky and usually sporting a bushy mustache." Is that Seanachai or what? I mean, he works no identifiable job, and the physical description fits him to a T. And who would guess he running an Arab gun delivery service from Canada, the nation that made flour paste exciting? BTW, I think his "mustache" is a certain lady's infamous Missing Merkin. Seanachai has not the genes to produce facial hair himself. The "Lone Wolf" is what he affectionately (perhaps TOO affectionately) calls his middle leg. You know, his leg with the wooden stump from an "accident" that required amputation. Fortunately, he won't miss it since it was lonely to begin with. [ February 26, 2002, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]
  22. I had a fat law professor 30 years ago named Gary Barr. He smoked cigarettes endlessly, and placed them filter-end down on the classroom railing when they were down to his nails. He was opinionated and offensive in most ways, but people sucked up to him to get through his course with good grades. I squeezed through barely. Are you the same guy? I hope not. But you never know with the internet. Why not got back to Sgt. Steiner and forego this Gary Barr thing? Or if it's your real name, maybe you should change it to avoid the other Gary Barr out there. Or maybe he dropped dead from smoking. No intention to offend. But I snapped when I saw the name.
  23. Tom, Remember, only the good die young and then get reborn younger. BTW, do your Bulge files for rails, roads, fences, bridges, etc. replace the ones I already have for summer and autumn? I like my summer files, but I do want to use your winter files. Thanks for you hard work.
  24. Nice sig Elvis ...... Slightly profound but true.... You're a fan of Oscar Wilde?</font>
  25. Ye god, Mace, where is the manly juice in this "thread"? There's more testosterone in neutered sheep. Why don't you just put out yer doilies to decorate? Poofer.
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