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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. The only thing you are missing in CMAK is the 14" spotter, which represented a naval spotter for a battleship in CMBO. For heavy Cruisers use either 7.2" or 8" spotters, light cruisers use either 6" or 155mm, Destroyers use 4.5"
  2. Has anyone heard from him these past few weeks? I know of his problems with internet connections, but am wondering if anyone has contacted him in person, or if they can. If so, please e-mail me right away. I need to speak to him. Thank you
  3. You don't, the units themselves will choose the right ammo based on the target type. BTW, welcome aboard
  4. Wasn't that thing in an episode of Wild Wild West? (the original show, not the stupid Hollywood knockoff). I think they called it the juggernaut. It would roll into a western town and basically shoot the place up. </font>
  5. As I understand it, every vehicle in CM (and Bunkers are treated as immobile vehicles) has 2 centers, one for the hull and another for the weapon. A Bunker probably has its centers so close together (could be only one) that you get both the hull down and ability to fire. Just a guess
  6. Speaking of being 'so far ahead of its time'... Sleek Chariot of Death
  7. Thanks again for everyone's help, and keep 'em coming if you have any more info. Good topo maps would be sweet. Jon, I'm almost certain Gore Force had 6pdrs as opposed to the 2pdrs. So far everything points in that direction. Mick, Thanks for the additional info. I knew about the M3 (although my source said 6x Lees not 3x Grants), but didn't know about the M10s or additional 6 pdrs. The time of day is very helpful. Is your source online? Andreas, Thanks for the link. I also found this, but neither one appears to be the same one mentioned in my second link. The lineage for the Queen's own begins in 1961, and the Royal East Kents fought as part of Brit 8th army.
  8. Think of it as a Panzershrek mounted on wheels, but with more range and accuracy. It functions much like a recoiless rifle, but with an emphasis on AT defense. Its advantage is its small size, and the shape charge which does not lose its pentrative capability over distance. The downsize is the backblast which gives its position away. In the right terrain and conditions it could wreak havoc on an armored force, especially in the one-hit / one-kill enviroment of CMBO.
  9. Thanks Jon, now if you can tell me how I can find more free time to design all these scenarios. Platamon is progressing ever so slowly, and now I'm compelled to do a Gore force / 10th Panzer Op. I have finished the Kiwi raid on the El Mreir depression, but still need to test / tweak it. Maybe if I quit my job...
  10. Me No need to e-mail me, I'll send you a pack when I get home. Any problems receiving large files through your ISP?
  11. Me No need to e-mail me, I'll send you a pack when I get home. Any problems receiving large files through your ISP?
  12. Me No need to e-mail me, I'll send you a pack when I get home. Any problems receiving large files through your ISP?
  13. Excellent stuff, thanks for that. The OOBs for Blade force is very helpful, as is the Norweigian site. Question: I'm assuming that a RHA battery consists of 8 guns, so how many guns in the AT troop? 4?
  14. You need to e-mail the custodian of past ROW AARs. He'll send you a sample pack of a half dozen or so.
  15. You need to e-mail the custodian of past ROW AARs. He'll send you a sample pack of a half dozen or so.
  16. You need to e-mail the custodian of past ROW AARs. He'll send you a sample pack of a half dozen or so.
  17. Why waste your time with a useless Molotov when you can arm your men with this
  18. LOL! The footnotes had it all along. Thanks VL.
  19. What was the visibility in the scenario? Did the covered arc extend beyond the unit's LOS? What type of unit was it? Was it buttoned up? If this pertains to a ROW scenario you can e-mail me directly
  20. Did a little more online research, and came up with this. I didn't see any mention of 'Gore Force' but there is mention of another unit, the 10th Royal Buffs. Here is an excerpt: "Returning to Thala, Dunphie requested permission to send a battalion to reinforce Stark while the remainder of his command prepared defensive positions along the road between Kasserine and Thala. As dusk fell, Dunphie’s request was approved, and he ordered the 10th Royal Buffs, a composite infantry, armored and artillery battalion to Kasserine." A good while back I remember reading B.H. Liddel Hart's 'History of the second world war' and he describes 'Gore Force' as being composed of an armored squadron, an infantry company and an artillery battery. I wonder if 'Gore force' and the 10th Royal Buff taskforce are one and the same
  21. The same day I posted I also played the scenario using the tactics I described above. I ended up with a decisive vic with turns to spare. In fact, I did not lose one unit, and only 2 were panicked enough to get the red dot. The timing issue is not a problem if you plot your units in wide flanking arcs, making sure they stay out of LOS of the village. The garrison is deployed to defend against an attack coming down the main road and to the immediate right. What I did instead was come in from behind and far right, and when I finally encountered his MLR I had the concentrated FP of 5+ platoons to deal with it.
  22. This small detachment was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Gore of 10th Rifle Brigade, and was deployed either at or just north of the Kasserine pass on Feb 19th. My question is what was its OOB during Feb 19/20, 1943? From what I can gather it was composed of 'C' squadron of the 2nd Lothians under the command of Major A.N. Beilby, with 7 Valentine and 4 Crusaders (reference this site ). I also read accounts of Brit 6 & 25 pdrs in support, but how many and from what unit? Also, was there any infantry support, and if so how much and from what unit? Thanks in advance
  23. Sometimes its considered a tactical victory even if you do not achieve the required objective. A good example is the Battle of Coral Sea. Many regard that as a tactical victory for the Japanese, who managed to sink the Lexington vs the loss of the much smaller Shoho. However, by turning back the Port Moresby invasion force the allies were credited with the much more important strategic victory.
  24. I haven't read the entire thread to see if this has been brought up before, so if it has then disregard I have a scenario with 2 reinforcement markers deployed along one edge of the map. I then edit the map, scaling it down a few notches. I expected the markers to move with the new edge, as do the units, but they don't. Instead, the markers disappear completely, even though the unit purchase screen still shows the selected units and what turn they are to arrive. I then deleted the units and repurchased them, hoping that this would trigger 2 new markers. Nope. I then scaled the map back up to its original size and beyond to see if the markers would reappear. No luck. Finally, I purchased a unit in slot #3, and a marker appeared on the map. So, designers beware. Unless I am missing something, it would appear that you lose reinforcment slots if you scale down a map and it takes the marker with it.
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