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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. For the first round you see will action in: Poland Crete Ardennes Normandy Berlin For the finals: France Caucusus Tunisia
  2. You see people, diplomacy does work. Maybe that’s what we should do. Scrap the existing scenarios and create all new ones, each based on a challenge that can only be mastered using diplomacy and the offering of an olive branch. No guns, no tanks, just dialogue and debate. Understanding. Compassion. Nah
  3. This must be a sign of a successful tourney, i've already pissed someone off :confused: JC, I ask that you please reconsider, as you have an opportunity to be part of a very challenging and entertaining tournament. Take a moment, think it over. I still have you on the list. Come back on board, no harm, no foul.
  4. JC_Hare, The reason you had not been contacted, and your name was not in our database, was because the online sheet finally did go up and everyone was required to signup there (Please note the second paragraph in the quote). Also, please refer to page 5 of this thread, 3 post down (mine), and third paragraph. I see you are now signed up as a reserve. As I have mentioned earlier, the chances of a reserve being called on to play are very good. IIRC, we had the same number of reserves for ROW IV, and ended up going thru all of those and well into a second group before the tourney was completed. One guy even managed to go straight from reserve list into the finals. My apologies if I caused any confusion with my above quote.
  5. Any news on the John Kettler front?
  6. Jeff, If it were to make you feel better I can ask them to hate you. You know, like old times.
  7. I know that this may be too early too ask this question. But what is the deadline to announce if comm check has not been made. I sent out an email to initiate the first comm check to group 7. JohnO </font>
  8. Now would be a good time to a comm check with your opponents. Work out any details, prefs, toss out a couple of good insults, etc. Make sure you are patched up to the latest versions of both CMBB and CMAK. First files going out this weekend.
  9. Nevermind what the form says, as I am going to re-assign everyone once I get enough reserves to create a 12th section. You may end up in a section after all.
  10. Sandy, I do not see a player by the username of 'sandy' already signed up. If you go by a different nick then let me know, otherwise go here
  11. 72 players divided into 3 groups, each consisting of 4 6-man sections. Those 72 play 5 scenarios in the regular season. The one who scores highest in his section then becomes a finalist. 12 finalists are chosen, 1 from each section. Those 12 are again placed into sections, only this time it consists of 3 groups of 4 men each. They play 3 finals scenarios. The one who scored the highest in his group is then crowned the winner, so there will be 3 winners.
  12. You are already, but don't thank me, thank Cpl Carrot's program. When it came time to divide the players into random 6-man sections, you and WN ended up in the same section. OK, I need 2 things ASAP 1) Someone who will loan John Kettler a CM capable Mac for the duration of ROW V. I know there have been several posts pertaining to this, but I need something concrete to go on 2) At least 4 more people to signup. I have enough players right now to create 11 sections, with 11 reserves. I can do 12 sections with what I have, but that leaves me only 5, and past experience has shown that we go thru reserves faster than the German army in Russia.
  13. Arrrgghhh I was just about to send you my spare Cray-II, but since you can only use Macs....
  14. Say you were part of a 12-man squad, and were ordered to defend a small hill. Suddenly you were attacked by a thousand Transvestite Flamenco dancers armed with hand grenades hidden underneath their skirts. You would feel relatively secure knowing those 11 other men were there to help you defend that hill, right? Ok, now think of the same situation, but with only 6 men there to help you.
  15. How much bigger were the original Cruisers? They mamaged to get 6 guys in those, and 2 hull MGs.
  16. Good Question. The tourney goes into full lockdown mode the moment the first files go out. I will announce it here as a reminder. What this means is that no one will be allowed to discuss anything about the scenarios or game results with anyone else, even those outside of the tournament. Keep this one thought in mind at all times - if you leak info, even accidently, it may give another player an advantage which they normally wouldn't have, and it may end up costing you a chance at the finals because they ended up scoring higher. If you have a specific question you can e-mail me directly. I monitor my e-mail from work, so I can get you an answer usually within a couple of hours.
  17. John Kettler lives in California. Anyone in the area with a CM capable rig that they can loan out for a couple of months? Keep in mind that I plan on launching this tourney in a week or two, so whatever we do, do it fast.
  18. Actually, I'm not putting anyone anywhere. Cpl Carrot has added a neat organizer feature that randomly places the players into 6-man sections. I will tweak it a little to ensure we have good balance in each section, but for the most part what the program spits out is what you get. BTW, we are at 70 players. I need 72 + at least 10 reserves. Otherwise, we are looking at a 54 player (3 groups of 3 6-man sections) tourney with the remaining in reserves.
  19. According to my roster sheet I show 7: Tabpub Vadr a1steaks Mick OZ mPisi Combined arms The Capt 6 with 3 ROWs under their belt 7 with 2 16 with 1 the remaining 30 have never experienced what its like to play with all you cut throats. I may have to put them in 'easy' sections so as to give them at least a decent chance at making it to the finals. Perhaps the sections with Walpurgis Nacht and Kanonier Reichmann...
  20. Good Lord, if those who actualy played me saw this quote they would snag it up as sig material right away! LOL!!!!! To be honest, I'll be the first to admit that you can't stop the HS horde every time, and especially if your opponent insists on a certain parameters that virtually guarantees it will succeed. That being said, there are methods which will limit the advantage one gets from using the HD horde. The multiple MG42s in Glider's last example certainly wouldn't stop 2 companies worth of HS, but would shred any cohesion that force had going in. Now your opponent has captured the objective, but his force is in tatters (splattered all over manhattan). Now is the time to drop some heavy arty on his head, followed up by a strong counterattack with your fresh, and more resilient, full squads. They can either stay and die, or retreat - across several hundred meters of open ground covered by multiple MG42s. Have a nice day.
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