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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Gents, I’m having trouble understanding how a rocket battery benefits from a TRP, or if they should at all. How does a FO ‘tweak’ the battery until it is on target? With regular arty each gun could be walked onto the TRP one round at a time, but with rockets the entire launcher has to be fired off (I could be wrong on that). Also, when tweaking regular artillery the FO can at least be assured that the rounds will land within a reasonable distance to the TRP, but with rockets an extra second of burn time or a bent fin will have the rounds landing a kilometer away. With such a large impact area how will he know that the battery is locked on to the TRP?
  2. The 'Actung minen' sign can only be seen by the defender. Only when one of the attackers units sets off a mine will the sign become visible to the attacker. Also, daisy chain mines are visible throughout the game. Perhaps those are the ones the your tankers see.
  3. Treeburst, Just curious, in the event that Stixx has to leave us how would we work Capdog or PL into the tourney? Stixx and I are almost to the halfway point in our game, so FOW is for the most part gone. I assume it's the same with Tom Norton. Do we have a couple of reserve scenarios for such a situation, or do we start over playing the same ones? Again, just curious
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt Canuck: [QBI believe the video was shot in the ruins of Hamburg, a very frightening video indeed. There were Shermans in the Russien Tank Armies though, but I'm pretty sure they were only earlier models, and not many to say the least. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Dave[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The film clip is from the American attack on Cologne. You can see the cathedral and especially the two huge spiers in the background. The action played out in the city square between a Pershing and Panther.
  5. Double blind is when both opponents play a scenario with the monitors turned off.
  6. Hey security guard, E-mail me, I have a question for you. My address is in my profile.
  7. LOL!!!! That's a classic I had no idea it was your site. I just thought it would help the discussion. BTW, nice site.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Holien: P.s. Does that Wine taste good? Can I have a small sip? I warn you about Von Lucke he seems to have a good chance at taking tha wine off you!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hilarious! Von Lucke winning against me. Ha! I'll crush him like I crushed you in......wait a minute, you won that game. Nevermind. P.S. I'll send you the password later on tonight. Did you get my AAR from Treeburst? Did you laugh your ass off?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B: Actually, yes they are. When the squad in CM shoots, everyone in the squad shoots. It's actually not unlike volleys being fired. A suppressed squad will fire less frequently, but every weapon still fires when it does. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I always understood that at longer ranges the LMG equipped German squads will have a soldier assigned to feed the belt.
  10. Why not take the opportunity to rout his forces off the map. A well placed gun, or arty strike will ruin any edge huggers day.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Holien: To people who want to play these when they are released please do so with care, in a darkened room and with a friend close at hand. Failing that a stiff .... (behave yourselves) drink.... Cheers H<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The next time I play these I'll be sipping some fine S. African wine.
  12. Important message for John Kettler's tournament foes: Invitational and Rumblings Troops, My ISP picked a bad time for an unnotified to me major server upgrade, a process which has apparently gone badly awry. It was supposed to have been complete by 5 a.m. PDT Sunday morning and kept stretching out from there. It's now 5:40 p.m. PDT Monday, and I still have no service. Am also awaiting the issuance of new local dial-up numbers. My old ones were canceled, and the phone company hasn't yet supplied the new ones. The net effect of this has been to gut my gaming weekend and stop me from doing lots of other important tasks on the Net as well. I'm sorry for the delay and inconvenience. I've been told to check again at 7 p.m. PDT. Maybe by then I'll be able to get back online. Wish me luck! Sincerely, John Kettler
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Anyway, right now we're 7-5 in favor of total blackout. Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Make that 8-5
  14. I want a mod that shows a MG team, each member individually modeled, running out of 3-D rubble, dodging French civilians, livestock and a barrage of WP rounds, thru a smoke screen that is being dissipated by a stiff breeze, silhouetted by lightning flashes and the occasional flare, only to disintegrate in a cloud of blood and guts after getting hit by a skipping shell from a tank that was covering a fascine operation.
  15. Gentlemen! After a very brutal and bloody fight my gallant German defenders have been overrun, and Holien has won a min vic with a score of 54-41. The map is a wasteland of men and machines, testimony to the kind of parties Wild Bill likes to throw. Treeburst, I'll have the AAR to you by tomorrow at the latest.
  16. Thats nothing, I once had a guy bail on me after a game that lasted 3 turns and 2 shots! Turn 1 I send a half squad sneaking thru some scattered trees, with a hunting Greyhound following 30 seconds behind. Turn two he unhides a Hummel which promptly blasts my recon team to hell. Turn three my Greyhound returns the favor and pops the Hummel. The guy immediately cuts the TCP/IP connection and is never heard from again.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: I must admit, if I were playing I would like to know scores, sides, scenarios, the whole works, just because I would enjoy following the race. With little to no info you guys won't feel much pressure because you have virtually no idea where you stand.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But that cuts both ways, as a person way down in the rankings will lose interest once he realizes he can't catch the leader. Why not try this: Post the scores for each section, but do not include the names of the participants. That way everyone can see how tight the race is, but wouldn't have a clue if they were the leader or lagging behind.
  18. Just curious, Has anyone done an accuracy test on the Pak 88s? Would 10 Pak43s against 50 Shermans 2000 meters away produce different numbers? Would they in real life?
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Holien: Kingfish finish work and get home and do that turn so we can see who controls what!!! H<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Kingfish has to first have dinner at his in-laws. Mmmmm, Gefelte fish and chopped liver (Insert puking smilie here). Later on tonight I'll burn your armor, uh, I mean return your file.
  20. A few more off the top of my head: 1) Are any of the units out of command? 2) Are any of the units out of LOS to the opposing side, or to the VL? 3) How far away are the Americans from their friendly map edge in relation to the Germans and their map edge?
  21. Hello Peter, Something to consider is the proximity of units to the VL when the game ends. IOW, are the German units closer as a group than the numerically superior Americans (who might be spread out)? Perhaps the game calculates the proximity as a value (a German unit at 10 meters away is 100 points towards control of the VL, while a unit twice as far gets only half as many points). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I've considered the possibility that the "Attacker" setting in the scenario somehow is a factor. In the QB, which is a meeting engagement, the U.S. is the attacker, and it's possible the Germans have an advantage in VL control determination. But in our PBEM, I was the defender, yet didn't get a similar deal.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But I was defending the VL in question throughout the game. I had possesion from the start. Perhaps that does play a part.
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